Fuck, fuck, fuck

Nov 29, 2004 02:07

What the fuck is wrong with people in Norman, Everyone here is a total jack ass and out to get me!
I hate Cingular they are overcharging me on my cell phone again!!!! I'm gonna go to the store and throw a huge fit tomorrow, make them wish that they had never ever ever ever fucked with me in the first place, I don't have the money to pull ot of my ass so screw the corperate fuckers for being greddy shady bastards! They can all kiss my ass.
Some horrible person at Walmart stole my stuff from the bag ring today cause I forgot to pick it up, I hope they burn in the scorching fires of hell for all eternity.
People have no taste in art and movies what so fucking ever. What the hell is wrong with these dumbass pieces of shit, I can't believe they took out "Finding Neverland" from the theater in Norman.
Can no one apperaciete good movies any more, what the hell is wrong with the world. Everyone seems to have lost their taste for the finner things in the montony of their everyday mundane pathetic lives. I refuse to be one of them!
Now I have to go to the City to see the goddamn movie and that makes me livid!!!
I've waited forever for this film to come out and it was here in the theater for less than a week, that is outrageous, I hate this town and I hate this state and I hate people who steal my stuff!
I also hate people who are peristently nag me about my moods and call me cranky and then have the balls to ask me if I'm PMSing I will be pissy when ever I want to and when ever I feel like it and no one can take that away from me.
I hate it when I can't get my work done cause the TV is too loud.
I hate it when my Ginger and Natlie don't take out the trash and make a cute little pile of more trash around the trash can.
I hate picking up after them and I hate spending all my free time cleaning up all their messes cause they are too fucking lazy. I'm not your mother and I refuse to be.
They wonder why I get pissed, I look like the bad guy, cause I do all the cleaning and yelling.
Well I hate cleaning and I hate yelling, and I refuse to be the maid anymore.
So everyone can just kiss my ass cause I hate just about everyone and everything.
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