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May 16, 2004 01:59

The past few days have been great, I've been having a really, really good time. Its been relaxing and fun. Last night we all hung out at Jimmy's and watched a really bad movie. But it was fun, I've been relaxing a great deal and it feels really good. The last semester has been very very hectic and I just realized how tired and burnt out I am. And honestly this whole doing nothing business is working out for me! Today Jimmy and I went to the mall and then went out for dinner at Chill's. I ate this huge plate of food. I was so full it was disgusting!
Finally convenienced Jimmy to go see Troy with me! Ha, lots of hot naked men I heard. Got hold of Ginger, the crazy woman was home, she got me worried enough.
So we decided to go dancing tonight! and it totally sucked, The wreck room had this wierd techno night and its just not my kind of music! So we left like after 30 mins and then went with Jonathan to this really skanky gay bar called Tramp's. Old fat men in ass showing leather pants are just not my thing!
new resolution: need more straight friends, so can go out and do fun straight stuff, and not be hit on by really scary looking lesbians!
Any ways went later to Louis, there was this wedding party there, lots of really really hot guys in suits, makes me cvery very happy!
we hung out there a little bit and decided to come home! The party spirit long evaporated!
So that was an unexpectedly early return. Any ways all in all it was fun, I really really miss Jimmy a lot, He's my best friend in the whole world and it just sucks that we aren't roomates anymore. Oh well we'll be friends no matter what! It was so much fun living with him! The last year was the best roomate year!
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