It's amazing how easy it is to make purchases these days. The internet has changed the way people
buy and sell items-- although not without the risks. Nevertheless, in facing the difficulties and the possible risks that online purchasing and retail poses, it seems that web developers and consumers have taken more precautions to ensure safety and also make
buying and selling (almost anything) online a much more rewarding experience.
It doesn't take long to find specific items online. In fact, it seems that to measure the success and reliability of a certain brand or service, there has to be a corresponding online website. One can purchase airline tickets, signature items and even order food for delivery. It's of no surprise that it's come to the point that anyone who is business-minded enough can also create their own brand and place it on sale with just a few clicks of the mouse. All one really needs is a catchy website name, a unique service or product to offer and the patience to find the marketplace that can cater to these interests and needs.
One good example where I've seen this marketplace develop is
DeviantArt, which I had joined almost a decade ago simply because of the amazing and talented artists who would post their works on the site. Since then, however, it's become commonplace that this website also makes it possible for the same artists to sell their artworks (given that they are original works), and other products to interested buyers (particularly their fans). Another website which I have come across recently (and signed up for) is Though, this site caters more to those who are more intent on selling their artworks and also crafts to specific clientele.
As long as there is a reliable service that can guarantee the safe exchange of money between the two parties, the business can be managed and maintained with little stress. Inasmuch as my little experience of being part of the online market has taught me,
Paypal is a must for those who want to expand their online market and ensure their customers that their transactions can be safely done (of course, for a small fee).
There are also other services online which can make transactions easier, but as far as I know, these cash-only-based transactions would require more trust from customers that the seller would deliver. With transactional risks aside, however, counter-measures have also been set in place to at least lessen the possibility of buyers losing money to fraudulent sellers. And with this kind of progress, it wouldn't be surprising if in the near future it becomes completely normal to do the groceries from home.