well heres my night
- went to marys at 6 watched comedy stuff for a while
- emily coems over, more hillarious comedy ensues
- erica gets her butt to marys and we listen to ebonics 101 *slap that money*
- go to hollywood rent 2 movies *american wedding , dazed adn confused*
- see eddie calvin dez chris adn two other people and say hi to them
- go to spuds
- i leave spuds
- walk past group of hot men
- i leave spuds walk to CVS in town, get food
- walk past some peopel on otehr side of the street, they stare at me......
- keep walking
- get iced coffee from dunkin doughnuts
- finnish coffee
- walk to micky d's get ben
- walk back ben puts on belt and walk pass car with either andre/marco in it, andrew lay *hottie* and sum otehr guy*
- get to marys
- watch dazed and confsued / cuddle on couch thing with ben adn almost fall asleep
- start to watchfamily guy
- get into ticklingishy war with ben
- dad calls
- give ben ride home
- update this
- go to bed
... time to catch some zzz'sss