By request of my IPS friends

Aug 30, 2009 14:39

(not dial-up friendly)

This pond is aprox 20 feet long, 10 feet wide, 2 feet deep at the center.
It holds a little over 3000 gallons. The pump for the waterfall can turn
over the entire pond every hour, but I think I would suck up all the waterlilies!
I have it turned down to 1/2 speed.

It took a little over 4 months for the plants and water to find their balance and
then the pond turned clear. The length of black ABS pipe is to keep the water
hyacinths out of the skimmer box and to cut down on the waves from the waterfall:
the lilies don't like turbulant water on their lily pads.

Some of my toys. (Not that kind, you zanies!) Notice the lion and tiger have hearts for noses? Completely fuckdorable!

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