RiD verse. The Megastar. Day two of the squishy Ro-tor LOL

Feb 07, 2008 21:11

Liedherz is crouched in the sun near the Megastar, staring into space as she listens to things around her and from the computer and the 'Cons, and under the shade of her wing is hunkered a serious little redhead with a small iced smoothy in his little hands. He was upset at not being able to take his turn on watch and she didn't want him overheating.

Liedherz: *pulls something from her belt and starts to carefully unwrap it*

Ro-tor: *lowers smoothy* What's that?

Liedherz: *not looking up* Chocolate

Ro-tor: *mistrustfully* *would check with Movor, but can't* What is it?

Liedherz: *starts to show him mentally, but then remembers it won't work* Candy

Ro-tor: *blank look* What's it for?

Liedherz: Like the energon sveets. Only for humans.

Ro-tor: Oh. *blink*

Liedherz: *offers him one small square*

Ro-tor: *puts smoothy down and takes it, turning it over and frowning at it*

Liedherz: Sniff it

Ro-tor: *sniffs* *wrinkles nose as he analyses that* *meanwhile, the square begins to melt*

Liedherz: *knows nothing of chocolate's properties, and is busy rewrapping the rest to put it away*

Ro-tor: *pulls a face at the mess on his hands* How're you supposed to eat it if it melts?

Liedherz: ....... melts?

Ro-tor: Yeah, it's melting.

Liedherz: qvickly!

Ro-tor: *eats, and then tries licking off what's left*

*it's very very good chocolate*

Ro-tor: *thoughtful* Huh.

Liedherz: Ist gut?

Ro-tor: I think so. This body thinks it is... *frowning in concentration*

Liedherz: Gut. I'll give you another piece later.

Ro-tor: *cleans the rest off and looks for some water to wash his hands with* *most fastidious five-year-old ever*

Liedherz: *used to him already* *packaged wet wipe*

Ro-tor: *swipes it happily* *clean is gooood*

Liedherz: *picks up a big desert beetle and eats it*

Ro-tor: *laughs*

Liedherz: *perks an ear at him quizzically*

Ro-tor: Eating organics is gross.

Liedherz: Vhy?

Ro-tor: They're disgusting.

Liedherz: Inorganics eat inorganic stuff, organics eat organic stuff

Ro-tor: It's still gross.

Liedherz: *quietly burps behind her hand*

Ro-tor: *snickers* And what's with all the dumb noises?

Liedherz: You make them too. I've heard some even vhen you vere in your normal form

Ro-tor: *indignant* I didn't!

Liedherz: *offers him his smoothy*

Ro-tor: *takes it and slurps a bit more, thinking*

Liedherz: *earperk toward the sky* Your shift is over.

Ro-tor: Oh. How'd you know?

Liedherz: The position of the sun... und I heard Rollbar grumble vhen he had to stay out further.

Ro-tor: *lowers his smoothy, looking at it glumly* Right.

Liedherz: *absently offers him an arm. Protective she is, motherly... nope*

Ro-tor: *prods it, not sure what she means*

Liedherz: *earperk* I vant to pick you up

Ro-tor: *sigh* *reluctantly comes* This better wear off soon. ><

Liedherz: *picks him up and stands, cloaking both of them in her wings.* How much of your drink is left?

Ro-tor: *weighs it* Not much. *guesses in millilitres*

Liedherz: Drink vhat's left before ve go.

Ro-tor: *drains the rest* Done it.

Liedherz: *shadowdances over to a place above Rollbar* *'peers' down* Drop it on his head.

Ro-tor: *looks down, then up at her* Why?

Liedherz: *is pretty sure Rollbar might have some smile or something for his small teammate* For fun?

Ro-tor: *sounding oddly surprised for someone who screws with the others so much* ...OK. *twists around and sends it bouncing precisely off the edge of Rollbar's helmet*

Rollbar: *hand snaps up as he twists and looks up* What the-?

Liedherz: *moves her wing so he can see Ro-tor*

Ro-tor: *pulls a face at him*

Rollbar: Figures. *chuckles at him* At least you're not throwin' anything dangerous now.

Ro-tor: Don't remind me.

Liedherz: *offers him a pebble* *not realizing that it sparkles a lot*

Rollbar: Try that and I'll have t'kill you.

Ro-tor: *pokes it* What is that?

Liedherz: A rock?

Ro-tor: It's shiny. *takes it and examines*

Liedherz: ...shiny?

Ro-tor: *sees if it's shiny from being smooth or something else*

*rock has some real gold in it*

Ro-tor: It's got metal in it. *can't be sure what kind* *tosses it down to Rollbar* Hey, we should see if the boss wants to try getting it out.

Liedherz: *ears perked as she tries to read Rollbar's impressions of it*

Rollbar: *scans it, turning it over and picking up on the weak spots, the densities and the possible fracture lines...*

Liedherz: *listening, with a tiny, polite poke so that he knows*

Rollbar: Eavesdropping again, huh?

Liedherz: Ja. *eartwitch*

Rollbar: I'll show it to him. What're you two doing?

Liedherz: I'm going to check in vith the others, und bring Ro-tor vith me.

Rollbar: Right. *nods at Ro-tor* *quietly* Can't be much longer.

Ro-tor: *silent nod*

Liedherz: *rubs his back slightly, as she's learned that it comforts him* Shall ve go? Do you vant to see Mega-Octane or Megatron first?

Ro-tor: *flinches slightly* Mega-Octane.

Liedherz: *more back rubbing, and then he's safely in her wings again as they shadowdance... onto Mega-Octane's shoulder* Ah... how did ve.... *interested ear perkings. What has he got a shadow on his shoulder for?*

Mega-Octane: *snaps his head round to look at them, frowning* Hm.

Ro-tor: *looks sheepish and settles on his shoulder* *quietly* We're outside.

Liedherz: *'looks' back at the big green mech* Bit of a vrong turn, but hello.

Mega-Octane: You don't say. *reaches up and pinches Ro-tor between finger and thumb, holding him up for inspection*

Ro-tor: *squeaks slightly*

Liedherz: *ears perked* -gently- *she knows he will be, but her instinct won't let her stay silent*

Mega-Octane: *wonders irritably where she got the idea he was careless* Hrmm...

Ro-tor: *doesn't dare squirm*

Liedherz: *slight apology* -I know you aren't, but I can't go against my programming.-

Mega-Octane: *subsides, putting the LOLed bot back on his shoulder*

Liedherz: *ears perking toward sounds in the distance* Vhat happened to that human who kept me online?

Ro-tor: Oh, we've still got him. *sniggers*

Liedherz: I haven't heard him. *her ears go down toward the smaller organic*

Ro-tor: You wouldn't. *grinning*

Mega-Octane: *looking ahead* We're holding him prisoner.

Liedherz: In the Megastar? *ears flicking a little puzzledly* *then she blinks* Oh.

Ro-tor: He doesn't make a lot of noise. *smirk*

Liedherz: If you keep him asleep for too long he von't be any good anymore.

Ro-tor: Huh?

Liedherz: *sends details of the affects of narcotics and other sleep inducing substances on the human brain to Mega-Octane*

Mega-Octane: *silent as he sifts the information*

Ro-tor: *realises he's out of the loop, and grumbles*

Liedherz: *'looks' at him quizzically, but then remembers* Too much sleep drugs destroys human brains.

Ro-tor: Oh.

Liedherz: They don't heal as I do.

Mega-Octane: No. *starts walking towards the airlock, considering using the psycho-probe to sedate the doctor instead...*

Liedherz: Just lock him in an empty room. *hands on Ro-tor to be sure he's stable through the moving*

Ro-tor: *has very good balance* *blinks up at her* I thought they hurt themselves if you did that.

Liedherz: Has he anything to hurt himself vith?

Ro-tor: He could run into the walls... *thinks about the doctor's current state and sniggers* Or go nuts.

Liedherz: The drugs vill make him nuts anyvay.

Mega-Octane: Perhaps. *heading inside*

Liedherz: *settles down to silence, just listening to the world around her and absently offering Ro-tor a small stick of honey pepperoni as his stomach growls.*

Mega-Octane: *doesn't comment on the smell as Ro-tor inspects it and nibbles cautiously*

*the honey stuff made from turkey is mild and rather tastey*

Ro-tor: *devours the rest as they head inside* *better that than run low on energy*

Liedherz: Rat

Ro-tor: *looks up*

Mega-Octane: *moves to squish it*

Liedherz: *wonders if that will bug Ro-tor while he's small and squishy*

Ro-tor: *watches keenly*

Liedherz: *He seems alright. Loses interest*
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