SavCon movie script

Nov 27, 2011 12:49

scene: Two options, either a table in a cafe type place, or if you can find them a red pickup or a grey/silver car.

Optimus and Jazz: *sitting at the table, or on the bumper of the vehicle*

Optimus: *frowning and intent as she looks at the screen of a laptop and listens to it with headphones*

Jazz: *fidgeting. Either stacking creamers or giving dire warnings of retribution should birds flying overhead not behave. Is grinning even as he plays* *then stops and pokes Optimus in the side as he tries to see the screen* So, is it the 'Cons?

Optimus: *absently* We still haven't found any sign of them on this world, Jazz.

Jazz: Well, somethin' ain't right about that gas tank explosion. It wasn't big enough. That much fuel would'a put the whole block in orbit.

Optimus: Yes, but it could have been human activity. They've got criminals too. *hits a few keys, frowning and absently blowing at some hair that's fallen over her face beneath her trucker cap*

Prowl: *enters the scene, frowning. Either sits across from the other two at the table, or stands in front of them as they sit on the bumper* We have our proof, Optimus.

Jazz: *big grin as he looks up at his friend's arrival, and then his brows go up at her words*

Optimus: *looks up quickly* What did you find?

Prowl: Frenzy's footprints tracked through a paint spill.

End scene one

scene: A corridor. Soundwave's holoform (with boombox alt mode on shoulder) and Frenzy in bot mode are walking down it. Frenzy is happily bopping around to music and shaking a can of spray paint.

Frenzy: *stops and makes as though to paint the wall*

Soundwave: *shakes his head*

Frenzy: *softly* Awww... *then grins and starts enjoying his music again as he follows his boss* *pauses after several more steps, and aims the can again*

Soundwave: *stops, turns back, and shakes his head*

Frenzy: *big sigh and pretends he's going to paint himself in the head*

Soundwave: *silent laughter and then turns to continue down the corridor*

Frenzy: *happy and dancing again as he shakes his spray can* Megatron's really gonna like all that gas. It's gonna make some gooood energon.

Soundwave: *nod nod. Looks down at his recorder and smiles, but then faces forward and frowns*

scene: camera switch to focus on Starscream's holoform

Starscream: *scowling* You're late.

scene: camera back to focus on Soundwave and Frenzy

Soundwave: *long, pregnant moment of silence. And then turns and nods to Frenzy*

Frenzy: YES! *sprays paint toward Starscream*

scene: camera to black


end scene two

scene: Few minutes after the last scene. Megatron's holoform is sitting at his desk, which could just be a table. Or, if you can find one, give him a nice armchair to sit in. Megatron is Mr. suave suit. Soundwave's holoform is also sitting at the table, or standing in front of the chair, listening to the news on his boombox alt mode. Starscream is standing at Megatron's shoulder, a hat on his head and a very disgruntled expression on his face. In the background Frenzy is playing with a largish action figure... feeding it a paper Starscream cut out.

Megatron: *hands folded in front of him, thoughtful look into space* Soundwave has succeeded in doing in one night what you failed to do for two months.

Starscream: *snippy* Well maybe if you hadn't PULLED OFF MY WINGS I might actually be able to do my duties.

Megatron: *serene* If you hadn't tried bombing the base with me inside it I would not have revoked your flight privileges.

Frenzy: Hey, Screamer, lookit this! *holds up headless paper cutout*

Starscream: Don't bother me, you disgusting immature scrapheap.

Megatron: *small, very evil smirk* You should be kinder to your fellow Decepticons, Starscream.

Starscream: Since when? *gives Soundwave the stink eye and is ignored*

Megatron: Since Soundwave and Frenzy are currently in possession of your wings.

Starscream: *WILT* Yes... Megatron.

Frenzy: *boogies in the background, then settles down to play with his action figure*

Soundwave: *looks up from the boombox and nods*

Megatron: *glances toward him* How many?

Soundwave: *holds up four fingers*

Megatron: Ah, that will be Optimus Prime's own team. Delightful.

Starscream: Optimus Prime! *low muttering ala TFA Scream* I have got to get my wings back. They must be here somewhere...

Megatron: Shut up, Starscream. Is the oil shipment you were tracking still coming to the warehouse, Soundwave?

Soundwave: *thumbs up*

Megatron: Excellent. Starscream, I want you to go and track the movements of the Autobots. Frenzy will keep an eye on you.

Starscream: ...

Megatron: *and then looks at the lackey for the first time* Why are you wearing that ridiculous hat?

Starscream: *so much scowl* Because someone decided that I needed blue hair!

Megatron: *very long look*

Starscream: *notices and fidgets* ...What?

Frenzy: If you don't like it, why dontcha just rezz out 'n get ridda it?

Starscream: ... *face palm and muttering*

Megatron: *rolls his eyes and leans back* Get out of my sight and do as you're told.

Starscream: *so much sulk now* Yes, Megatron. *turns to leave* *startled exclamation as he suddenly acquires a recorder on his back* *as he walks away from Megatron and Soundwave* Megatron said to keep an eye on me, not ride on me.

Frenzy: I'm leavin' on a jet plane.

Starscream: *groan* And what are you doing running around in your root mode anyway?

Frenzy: *chuckles* Don't you know anythin', Screamer? Humans dig cute little robots.

Starscream: Cute... *faces forward in time to nearly walk into a door post* Ahhhh! *rights his course and steps through*

End scene three

Act Two

scene: Megatron's lair again. If possible use some way to indicate that it's late/early, like around three in the morning. Megatron is watching Starscream with a bored and unimpressed look. Starscream is standing by/in front of him and not looking very happy.

Megatron: Cease nattering and tell me if you've located them.

Starscream: *deeeep breath* Yes. We found Optimus, Jazz, and Prowl. And then my precious honor guard decided to heat two cans of spray paint and throw them off an overpass at them!

Megatron: *looks intrigued as he turns to Frenzy, who is using his holoform now* And what does that do?

Frenzy: *big grin* Shrapnel bombs. They got away, though. But I saw which way they went.

Megatron: *thoughtful rubbing of chin* Shrapnel bombs, eh? They failed to work?

Frenzy: Jazz dodges real fast, an'... yeah. The other one didn' work. *such a disappointed expression on that face*

Starscream: *speaks up grudgingly* Jazz was damaged. Soundwave would be able to easily follow the trail he left.

Megatron: Reeaally... *turns to Frenzy* Make it so.

Frenzy: *snaps to attention, his grin blooming* Yessir, mon Capitan! *turns and runs out*

Starscream: *bitterly* You'd shoot me for talking like that. And if I had my alt mode I could have tracked the Autobots myself!

Megatron: Yes. But you are not cute. And promising youngsters like Frenzy need encouragement. Now get out of my sight.

Starscream: *pauses, blinks, and then realizes how Megatron's response ended* But...

Megatron: *calm glance*

Starscream: *quails and goes, muttering and growling*

end scene four

scene: A curb. All bots in holoform mode. Optimus is sitting with a hand over her chest as she stares at the spray paint can she's holding. Prowl is frowning and studying Optimus' laptop, which is open on her lap as she sits beside the Prime. Jazz is pacing beside them, and limping because his root mode leg hurts.

Jazz: *grumbling and saying rude things about Frenzy's explosive propensities*

Prowl: Teletraan isn't picking anything up, so they're cloaked. But the local spy satellite doesn't show anyone that looks particularly interested in us at the moment.

Optimus: *eyes widen further for a moment, and then she turns her head to look at the screen* We shouldn't hack the human information feeds.

Prowl: Cosmos isn't, though he can't seem to explain what he is doing without technobabble. *lifts her head slightly as a ping sounds, then presses a key* And Bumblebee says 'hi' from Zamojin.

Jazz: Prowl, I knew you read other peoples' mail. I knew it. *slightly wan grin*

Prowl: *ignores him as she shuts the computer down and then hands it back to Optimus*

Optimus: *tired sigh* Let's get back to base and get some rest.

Jazz: *groans and hunkers down, rubbing his leg* 'N a little repair work.

Optimus: *sticks the paint can into her laptop bag as she stands, then puts a hand on her friend's shoulder* Yes. That too.

end scene five

scene: Autobots in holoform mode. Ratchet and Optimus are sitting at a table. There is a doorway behind them.

Optimus: *looking at her laptop* It's annoying that we can't track them.

Ratchet: *sorting screws into two different pill bottles or film canisters* They'll turn up. I'm just glad Frenzy didn't cook that second paint can enough. He could have crippled you.

Jazz: *runs past the doorway, obviously feeling better, to judge from his speed*

Optimus: *rubs her arms and scowls absently* Yeah...

Ratchet: *looks up from his sorting* Nightmares?

Optimus: A few. But I dreamed about home, too. *slight frown* I haven't done that in a long time.

Prowl: *past the doorway, lightsaber in hand*

Ratchet: *back to his screws, poking around in one container as he counts* We'll get back some day, Optimus. Don't worry.

Optimus: I'm not worried about that. *pushes hair back from face and puts her cap on* Though sometimes I wonder... We've been gone for four million years... *trails off, frowning* Even Cybertron changes in that much time.

Ratchet: *looks up, brows raising*

Optimus: Though when we get there you'll finally be able to get your back repaired so you can walk again.

Jazz: *in the background* AACK! Owwww!

Ratchet: Oh, I'm not worried about that. It hasn't slowed my function down. *offers Optimus one of the containers of screws* A snack for today.

Optimus: *blinks, and then grins as she takes them* Thanks, Ratch. *rises to her feet and looks toward the door* Are you guys ready to go?

Jazz and Prowl: *appear in doorway, Prowl calm and Jazz grinning and looking a bit thumped on*

Jazz: Ready when you are, Bossbot.

Optimus: Good. *heads through door at a quick jog* Transform and roll out!

end scene six

scene: The closest you can get to one of those drop in centers for teens to hangout and goof off at. Get as fancy, or stay as plain as needed. Jazz and Prowl have just walked in, and Prowl is looking toward the adult in charge while Jazz stares at a wall off camera.

Jazz: They've been here.

Prowl: Hmm? *frowns at friend*

Jazz: *nods toward the wall, looking impressed* Screamer's wings.

Prowl: 0.0 *looks* *then turns to the person who just came to speak to them* Where did you get wings from a jet fighter?

person: *chuckles* Oh those? We have twins who come in sometimes. I don't know what their real names are, but everyone calls them Rumble and Frenzy. They brought them in a few weeks ago.

Prowl: *blinking still as Jazz grins widely* Do you know where they got them?

person: They say that their uncle had a jet, but that he got out of flying. We called around and looked into it, and as best we could see they were telling the truth. *chuckle* The kids love them, and they make great whiteboards.

Jazz: *looking far too interested in the whole idea* Yeah... they do.

Prowl: *elbows him* Could you tell me what the boys look like? *looks around* I'd like to talk to them. I have an interest in flying myself and maybe I'd be able to get to meet their uncle.

Jazz: *side glance at Prowl. Watches her talk to the person for a few minutes more, and then speaks softly after the person walks away* You whale on me for telling whoppers.

Prowl: Who says I'm not interested in flying? Besides, I hit you for what you're usually lying about.

Jazz: *frownie*

Prowl: It's usually very easy to tell who's eaten all the energon goodies, Jazz. Your eyes glow. Even in holo-mode.

Jazz: *side glance. Innocent grin*

Frenzy: *just came in the door, wearing his holo over his bot mode* Oh frag me sideways! Autobots! *turns, shoves brother out ahead of him, and takes off running*

Prowl: *nearly spins out on clean tile in her rush to follow*

Jazz: *in pursuit!*

end scene seven

scene: Whatever you can come up with for the last great battle scene. Only requirement is that you need things for people/holoforms to hide behind.

Optimus, Jazz, Prowl: *holoforms slowly entering the area, looking around, all sensors on alert*

Megatron: *from off camera/behind some of the scenery* Why, Optimus Prime, it's so good of you to drop by.

Optimus: *startles a bit and scowls as she glances toward the voice* Cut the slag, Megatron. This is a protected planet, and you're breaking Cybertronian law by being here.

Megatron: *light laugh* And that should concern me, why? I am no longer Cybertronian, but the leader of my own people and maker of my own laws.

Prowl: *shakes her head* We might listen to that if you didn't already have an unresolved criminal record. As it is, by Galactic law, you're still Cybertron's business. And we're here to bring you in.

Megatron: *light and offhand amusement* Oh, I think not, my dear Prowl. I like it here, and I intend to stay.

Frenzy and Rumble: Yeeah! Thrrrrrpt!

Megatron: *chuckles. Then, sharply* Starscream, get rid of these pests. No, you fool. The Autobots.

Starscream: *yelps, and then his holoform steps into sight, smirking* You should have stayed in bed this morning, Autobots. But as you didn't I'm afraid we're going to have to make a show of deadly force.

Frenzy: *pops up, gun in one hand, cola in the other*

Jazz: *wide eyes* SLAG!

Starscream: *facepalm* ...Not him. Soundwave, get them.

Jazz: Phew! *then winces slightly as a blast of very loud music hits him and his friends*

Optimus and Prowl: *bailing for cover as Jazz pushes them toward it*

Prowl: Ugh, the noise!

Jazz: *grim* Yeah, that girl wouldn' know music if it bit 'er on the aft.

Prowl: *despite being in pain from the sheer volume of sound coming at her she facepalms*

Jazz: *checks on Optimus and finds her sticking stuff in her ears. Big grin, and then he pulls out a funny looking gun* Looks like I gotta show old Sounders what real music sounds like.

Prowl: *onto her feet* While you're doing that, I'll go find the twins. *turns and scoots away off camera*

Jazz: What, you don't like my music? *laughs, and then winces as Soundwave gets louder* Sheesh, man. You never did have any taste. *aims gun, and lets of a massive blast of sound that leaves the Decepticon spymaster staggering backward*

Soundwave: *rallies and blasts back, hands behind head!*

Jazz: *cranks it up a notch and knocks Soundwave flat of his back* YES! Hah! Who's the music man, huh?

scene: Cut to Prowl holoform, turning her head from side to side as she frowns and listens.

little voice: *from of camera* Quick, pass me the mints.

Prowl: *turns head and frowns toward the voice*

scene: *cut to the sky/ceiling*


Prowl: Ahhhh, you little...!

scene: *back to the twins*

Rumble and Frenzy: *cackling* RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! *do so!*

Prowl: *incoherent sound of fury at having gotten cola and Mentos to the face, pursues twins with bared lightsaber!*

scene: Optimus and Megatron holoforms facing one another, arms folded across chests. Optimus is serious and Megatron is smirking.

Optimus: It ends here, Megatron. This chase has gone long enough.

Megatron: *shrug* I suppose I'm going to miss you, but I'll finally be able to settle down and focus on my empire.

Optimus: *growl* That's not what I meant, and you know it.

Megatron: *suave smirk* Oh. You mean you're trying to arrest me again? How quaint. *sound of a big gun from off camera, followed by a Starscream yelp*

scene: *cut to Megatron's root mode, scowling downward*

Megatron: *root mode steps forward and aims freaking big gun O doom* I don't think so, Optimus. You've gotten in my way long enough.

scene: *cut to Optimus now in root mode. She's a big and brawny gal, and no, she hasn't got boobs*

Optimus: *own gun is at the ready* Very well. One shall stand and one shall fall.

Megatron: Such heroic nonsense. *charges*

scene: You guys are TF nerds. You know how to make this look good! Try and add a few scenes of holoJazz startled by the force of the mayhem and of holoProwl looking up from boxing Frenzy's audios to watch the ferocious battle.

battle: *ferocious! As it nears the end Optimus is puffing, but has the upper hand. Megatron is staggering*

scene: *cut to scenery to the side*

Starscream: *holoform pops up from behind that scenery* Megatron! DUCK!

scene: *back to the battle*

Megatron: *faceplant!*

Optimus: *whirls toward the voice!*

scene: *back to the scenery*

Rumble: *goes long with the paint bomb!*

scene: *battle again*

Optimus: Ack! My optics! *staggers backward and falls to her skidplate, rubbing at her face*

Megatron: *gets the heck out of Dodge*

scene: The twins, one shaking his booty at the Autobots, and the other cackling as he books it past his brother.

Rumble: So long, suckers!

end scene eight

Act Three

scene: A curb. Three rueful and slightly beat up looking holoforms are sitting in a row. Jazz has the laptop and is frowning tiredly as he reads something on the screen.

Jazz: *quietly* The cats we saw ain't all that's here. Somebody tried to swipe this oil shipment while we were rumblin' with Meggy and co.

Optimus: *looks over, her expression dull as she absently rubs at one eye* It wasn't successful?

Jazz: *slight grin* Nope. Cosmos 'n Ratchet let the right locals know.

Optimus: *quiet sigh as she slumps against him slightly with exhaustion* Good...

Jazz: Oh, 'n there's this note in your mail I can't open. You gettin' love letters?

Prowl: *pokes him!*

Optimus: *quickly pokes his other side in self defense, does not want Jazz in lap!*


Optimus: *takes her laptop as Prowl slaps Jazz in the head* *quietly, oblivious to the minor mayhem at her side as she gazes at the screen of the computer* This isn't the end, Megatron. I will protect this world.


movie script

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