RCV. Various Earth/Nexus Locations. Subversive Tendencies.

Aug 08, 2011 00:45

'Come test my craftsmanship.''>

Jazz: *trying to think of how to sneak away from base without his mate knowing. Wants to go check on Maria and bring her some things for the grey kitty* *in the meantime he's fussing around his quarters, making room for Recon's stuff alongside his own*

Recon: *meanwhile she is outside the base on guard duty, thinking about slipping away for her own ends. She's remembered exactly who was responsible for her mate's suffering and intends to do something about it*

Jazz: *sneaky peek at Recon feelings, accidentally slipping his intent to go to LA in the process* *is sitting for a moment on his big inner tube lounger as he does so*

Recon: *looking out over the desert at snakes and rabbits when she feels a nudge* *smirks and opens a channel* //Ratchet told you not to leave se base.// *even as she thinks it would be the perfect opportunity...*

Jazz: *flash of meep! Followed by the distinct sense of a cheery chuckle* //I'd use my PINpoint. But I really oughtta make sure Maria's got what she needs for that kitty. It's my fault she's got the little critter.//

Recon: *is amused by his meep* //She's probably already bought vat she needs. It's been at least two veeks...// *but maybe he should check on her... but maybe...* *lets out a sigh off-comm as she can't decide what to do*

Jazz: *ahah!* //Well, I could check on Hayden while I was at it, too.// *takes out the kitty stuff he had Epps grab for him earlier that morning and considers it thoughtfully*

Recon: //Hmm...// *feels distinctly better about that. She's having more and more trouble dodging her young friend's texts and voicemails* //Perhaps you should.// *and having 2 teens to check on would keep him gone longer*

Jazz: *wondering clearly what she's up to, but not asking in case it's a surprise that could be spoiled* *still, there's one thing he feels he must ask about* //You ben avoidin' him, Conny?//

Recon: *sheepish about him being able to read her so well, but is surprised by his question* //Vhat? No, of course not! I just sink you are more important.// *mental nuzzle*

Jazz: *soft purr over both commlink and bond* //You don't gotta ignore Hayden fer me, Conny.// *pleased feeling then* //I got my place all cleaned up so you can move in whenever you wanna.//

Recon: *sheepish laugh as she lets slip over the bond that she cleaned her quarters earlier this morning* .... *but they were mostly spotless anyway since she lives with Hayden all the time*

Jazz: *love bomb and databursts her an image of his main room, complete with posters on the wall, large screen TV, massive speaker system, and his tire*

Recon: *snickers* //I sought you said sere vas room for my sings...//

Jazz: *surprise. Points out all the empty floor space and vacancies on the shelves* *in the process showing her just how many DVDs and CDs this mech owns*

Recon: *chuckles, thinking she'll have to show him all her internet pirate links before changing the subject* //You really shouldn't be using your PINpoint for little sings but... I know how stubborn you are. I vould rather you do that than drive all sat vay.//

Jazz: *who needs the pirate ones?* *chuckle* //Yeah, I don't think I got the energy for the full drive, 'n Ratch'd weld me down in the repair bay if I tried it. This'll work better.//

Recon: *no room for DVDs on the road, silly. Pirate ones are portable* //Haf energy enough for a short trip? Hayden keeps saying he needs to go to se grocery store.// *idlly wonders if the boy could live a month without her*

Jazz: *shows her a glimpse of the massive download collection he carries around always in his processor, all dutifully paid for where necessary. Though some are really obscure but funny shows from other countries, which aren't available on disk, and so were acquired for free* //Hey, I said I'd go see the guy.// *amused* //And 'Hide just said he'll do your shift if you get 'im some cinnabuns.//

Recon: *small whistle at his collection* //Cinnabuns, huh? Alright, I vas heading that vay anyvay.// *would rather use a bit of truth than have to come up with a lie* //Shall I get you somesing?// *gives an impression of her mischievous smirk*

Jazz: *mentally contemplates how much of his pizza is still left, and the promise Optimus gave him of more* //...Think I'm good.//

Recon: *decides to surprise him anyway* //... You be safe, ok?//

Jazz: //Hey, I...// *am going to leave the rest of that unsaid* //...'ll kick Hayden's aft for ya.//

Recon: *chuckles* //Don't kick it too hard.// *pings Ironhide and waits for him to arrive before PINpointing away*


ship: *whips overhead and nearly wings a whale*

Recon: *cautiously tests her bond with Jazz, hoping it's dimmed with distance*

Jazz: *transmits the tank twist of a PINpoint trip*

Recon: *blinkblink* Uh oh... //Yours or mine?//

Jazz: //That was me.// *very slightly urky. Will fix things with some pizza!*

Recon: *chuckles and feels relieved that she didn't cause him discomfort. But the bond will make what she has to do harder, and she unconsciously starts to block her end as she heads toward the Black Dog*

Jazz: *now transmitting worried apology!*

Recon: *ack! No, no, it's ok!* *sighs and rubs her helm* Sis is going to be harder sen I thought... //Did I mention I'm still not used to sis bond thing?// *uncomfortable chuckle*

Jazz: *just ran into a very upset Hayden* *meeps and excuses himself quickly, then locks down hard on the bond*

Recon: *surprised blink again* ... Vell, I'd be lying if I said sis vasn't terribly convenient... *clamps down on her end and continues to the Black Dog* ...But now I'm alone again...

Black Dog: *hopping when she comes in. Literally, in the case of that little pink mech in the fluffy black maid outfit. It seems someone put ice down the back of his dress. Probably the tiny femme on his shoulders*

Recon: *shakes her head, but has no time for distractions. Makes her way to the bar to flag down the bartender*

Nemesis: *looks over her shoulder from where she's filling a cube* What's yours?

Recon: An order of cinnabuns. *turns grim* But sey'll haf to vait. I'm looking for Blackout.

Nemesis: She's over at that table with Jazz. *jerks head toward the centre of the main sitting area*

Recon: *feels a stab in her spark as she turns that way*

Blackout: *frowning down at the battered little mech who's seated next to her as he talks persuasively, with many gestures*

Recon: *tries not to focus on the mech too much as she strides over and stands as tall as possible* Blackout. Ve need to talk. *knows she has no chance in the Pit of looking intimidating to the hulking 'Con, but hopes that maybe her voice will convey determination*

Blackout: *turns impassive crimson optics from the Jazz toward the red femme* ...Recon, right?

dJazz: *studies the red femme with aged but sharp brown optics from a tattooed and scarred face*

Recon: Yes. Sorry to interrupt, *not really* but can ve talk somevhere... private? *is trying to calm her inner 'Con alerts with reassurances of the Anti-Violence field*

Blackout: This place is as good as any.

Recon: *scowl* I'd prefer not to involve him. *jerks a thumb to the other Jazz, still pointedly not looking at him*

Blackout: *obstinately leans her arms on the table, looking as though she's planted in place*

dJazz: S'alright, Lady B. I better git back before them afthats at th' station screw up again. *rises to his feet*

Blackout: *pins him with a look* We're not finished with this.

dJazz: *roguery dances in those slightly faded optics* Yes, sir. Sweetspark. *vanishes just before Blackout's fist arrives in his coordinates, leaving a memory of bright laughter*

Recon: *growls* Vell. I guess sat's a trend sen? How many other Jazzes haf you abused?

Blackout: *shoots a sharp look at the Autobot, and there is a trace of confusion in it*

Recon: *confidence grows, quashing the fight-or-flight instincts after that punch* Tell me, vhich is more satisfying, punching sem or vatching sem oferload?

Blackout: *shakes head* That Jazz is a Destron. He gives as good as he gets.

Recon: *unphased, arms akimbo* And vhat about se others? Se vones who come here sad and ofercharghed and vulnerable?

Blackout: *there's that confusion again* What are you getting at, Autobot?

Recon: Oh, like you don't know! It only happened three days ago! *raising her voice now*

Blackout: *frowns and then suddenly sits bolt upright and shoots a look of pure venom toward a big ugly blue mech who is sitting in a booth by the windows, listening to a tiny black-haired woman talk as he pets a huge orange tabby cat* *growls*

Recon: Oh, so you do remember! Did you enjoy nearly oferloading him?!

Blackout: *snaps that gaze back to Recon* No, I don't remember. I was drunk off my slaggin' rotor that day.

Recon: *venomous* Oh, vell sat makes perfect sense. I suppose sat makes it all better?

Blackout: ...And being a #$#@$@ will?

Recon: Some @$*% has to make sure you 'Cons don't hurt anybot else!

Blackout: ....

Scattor: *rumbles laughter and looks toward the two femmes*

Blackout: *optics go much brighter, and then she's turning and snapping at the blue mech* Give me back the memories, you slagging piece of defective scrap. *back to Recon* And you. Get that stick out of your self righteous tail pipe.

bar patrons: *startled stares to hear Blackout actually being angry*

Meanwhile, in California...

garage: *spacious and abandoned except for some of Hayden's tools and some Transformer-sized bedding. From the way Hayden had the exact coordinates memorized, this was a regular hangout for him and Recon*

Hayden: *slowly pacing, hands in pockets, intently studying the oil stains on the floor* She... wouldn't even talk to me...

Jazz: ...You're @#$@#$#@ me.

Hayden: She always overreacts like this, but-! *outburst ends as quickly as it started, and he takes a breath, smoothing his hair* Usually, after a few days, she's ok... But now...

Jazz: *sadly* Man, Hayden, I'm sorry. *sounds a little hangdog sad*

Hayden: She said she needed some time... *looks Jazz in the eyes for the first time, looking pitiful. But then he notices the bot's new scar and shakes his head, trying his best to smile* I'm sorry. You almost die and I'm here whining about my girl problems...

Jazz: *heavily, not noticing the smile attempt* This is all my fault.

Hayden: What? *comes to lay a hand on his arm* Hey, no it's not! It's not like you chose to get smashed that day!

Jazz: Oh yeah? Pretty sure I did. Jes' not as much as I wound up gettin'. *rubs his face and then stops and blinks as he catches a jag of anger from Recon. Clamps down hard on the bond!*

Hayden: What? I thought it was that 'Con's fault? *catches the facial twitch* Hey, you ok?

Jazz: Yeah... I'm fine. *blinks at the young human as he refocuses on the outside world*

Hayden: *isn't too convinced, but doesn't show it* Thanks for coming out here and all, but shouldn't you be resting?

Jazz: 'N I know I'd ben over energizin' a bit before that Nexus trip... huh? *more blinking*

Hayden: *oh crud, he was gonna talk some more!* Well... I kinda needed Recon before all this went down but now... What about that Nexus trip?

Jazz: *bit lost here, and distracted by the little zaps of mad he keeps catching over that bond* What Nex... oh yeah. I still don't remember that.

Hayden: But you said you'd been over energizing before?

Jazz: Yeah. Started on V'day. *shakes his head, frowning a bit as he remembers the tiff he and Recon had there on that hillside*

Hayden: Well that's... understandable. *small grimace* But you're over that now, right?

Jazz: *sudden wide grin as his optics brighten and his whole attitude perks up* Ohhh yeah.

Hayden: *manages a smile and play-punches Jazz's arm* See? You got nothin' to feel bad about.

Jazz: *grin fades* Except gettin' your lady slagged at your aft.

Hayden: *smile fades and his eyes trail to the ground* Hey, that wasn't... entirely your fault...

Jazz: *soft rumble of a sigh, and then realizes that he's been transmitting this on someone's frequency* Oops. Sorry, whoever that is. *hangs up*

Black Dog

Blackout: *head lifted as she looks down at Recon. Optics flash, though she makes no other reaction, as Scattor vanishes soundlessly*

Recon: *starts; had expected the 'Con to lash out at her* Vha- Vhat vas sat all about?!

Blackout: *just stares at at the smaller femme, her optics smoldering now*

Recon: *grinds dental plating, clearly frustrated* Vell if you von't explain vhat is going on I'll just continue vith my assumption sat you did it all for laughs.

Blackout: *snorts and vanishes with a swish and a slight flash*

Recon: *optics flash, then go pure white as she screams in rage and smashes an arm-blade down on the table*

voice behind and above her: *male. Nearly a match for Jazz's but deeper. Contemptuously* You're a real piece 'a work, aren't you?

Recon: *ducks into a defensive pose, turning her helm just enough to follow the voice* *hisses* Come test my craftsmanship.

tall black mech: *looks down at her with familiar brown optics set in a face very similar to the one that she woke up facing this morning* Not happnin'.

massive sandy gold femme: *softly* Ist neutral ground.

Recon: *can't look at the mech's face, so turns her anger to the femme* I know sat! Vhy do you sink I hit se table?!

femme: *cringes back, her russet optics widening*

mech: *quietly* Y'know, I always heard Autobots were the good guys. That different in your reality? Though you seem ta like humans alright. *slight frown*

femme: *looks at him uncertainly* Face ist red, Dreadnought. Ist gut guy.

Recon: *low engine growl, very close to just porting away* Vhere se Pit did she go?!

Dreadnought: Away. *scowls* You're that femme that hangs out with that other Jazz, right? What's your problem?

Recon: *grits theeth* My problem is sat she nearly offlined my Jazz and sinks she can just run avay from me!! *PINpoints home to go blast some uninhabited desert*

desert: *soon looks like war broke out*

bobcat: *sitting on top of forty foot cactus and looking very floof*

Recon: *probably from a large robot skating past at 400mph*

Back with Jazz

Jazz: *elbows on knees and rueful face toward Hayden*

Hayden: *eyebrow raised, small frown* What was that?

Jazz: Somebody jes' got a real long voicemail.

Hayden: 8| Who?

Jazz: *sorting through numbers* ...Not sure. I'm still a little scrambled.

Hayden: *sighs and stares at the wall, ruffling his hair* I've heard of drunk dialing, but dang...

Jazz: *faceplates heat, but then he startles as something appears with a swish and a slight flash. Sudden battle stance as he shoves Hayden behind him!*

Hayden: o.o! *peeking out to see what it is*

Jazz: *angry growl* Whaddyou want, Decepticon?

Blackout: *scowls* You to stop calling me that. I'm no Fallen lackey.

Hayden: O.O *biiiiiig robot! Fumbling for his phone, about to push Recon's speedial*

Blackout: *looks down at the little human* Don't do that. I'm only here to talk.

Jazz: Easy, Hayden. I still got my 'get the Pit gone' button, too.

Hayden: *scowls and keeps hiding behind Jazz* So what'ddaya want?

Blackout: Not to you. *tosses something small toward the human after first showing it to Jazz*

Hayden: *catches the thing, which seems to be a wrapped ice cream bar on a stick* *more scowly scowl* "Go and play outside, Timmy, parents need to talk." Screw that.

Blackout: I never said that. Just shut up.

Jazz: Quit tellin' him ta shut up and start talkin'.

Blackout: *looks at the Autobot with a frown* ...I kissed you?

Jazz: *blink* So I'm told.

Hayden: *waits for her to-* O.O

Blackout: *scowls at Jazz's chest* Did you tell me you were bonded?

Jazz: *wince* I... wasn't really yet.

Blackout: Did you tell me you were claimed?

Jazz: ...Whut?

Blackout: *facepalm* You don't slaggin' remember either.

Jazz: You don't remember?

Blackout: *low and disgusted growl* I was drunk out of my processor.

Jazz: ... *snerk*

Hayden: So.... you were both drunk? *starting to understand now*

Blackout: I don't think he was till after I got him. I seem to remember him moping or... shut up.

Jazz: Don't tell him to shut up. Keep talkin'.

Hayden: Yeah, keep going. *now asking instead of demanding*

Blackout: *frowning as she looks at Jazz* You were moping around. So I... :\

Jazz: *brow quirk* You gotta sweet spot fer Jazzes, dontcha?

Blackout: *growls at him*

Jazz: I seen Dreadnought.

Hayden: Who?

Jazz: That kid that showed up that day I kissed Conny.

Hayden: *momentary wheel-turning* OH! ......... *sidelong look at Jazz, grin widening*

Blackout: That wouldn't be why I kissed you. *arms folded across chest*

Jazz: *snerk*

Hayden: *a torrent of soft giggling before he collects himself* No, you wanted to make him feel better.

Blackout: *looks away with a guilty attitude at that* I was drunk.

Jazz: *blinks and then cracks up softly himself* Oh man...

Hayden: *teenage haughtiness as he quotes sagely* "Alcohol, like money, only amplifies who we are."

Blackout: Shut up. And eat that before it melts.

Jazz: *laughing harder now*

Hayden: *playful annoyance* I ain't shuttin' up and I ain't eatin' your candy. This whole thing was just a misunderstanding.

Blackout: *growl* I didn't carry that sticky piece of slag around just for you to waste it, brat.

Jazz: *slaps his leg and rattles his plating with his suppressed cackling*

Hayden: No, you thought it'd make me like you more. When coming here and talking was enough to do that.

Blackout: I could care less if you like me. *that sounds truthful enough* *then scowls at Jazz* Do you want me to get that dent fixed?

Hayden: *smirks, doubting that's true*

Jazz: *sudden end to laughter* *uneasily* Huh?

Blackout: I said, do you want me to get that dent fixed?

Jazz: Uh...

Blackout: *fishes a small, glowing point of light out of a storage compartment on her arm* Do you want it fixed or not?

Hayden: *watching intently*

Jazz: *expression clears slightly* Zat a wish?

Blackout: Beaten out of the glitch that got me drunk that night.

Jazz: *grin!*

Hayden: *also grin*

Jazz: *reaches up and takes the dot* I wish all my systems 'n structures were the way they're supposedta be. *watches as he's enveloped in cobalt blue twinkles*

Hayden: *moves back and watches in wonder*

Jazz: *big sigh as the sparkles fade, then looks at where Blackout had been* *snerk*

Hayden: *gazes at his shiny new plating, then follows his eyes*

Jazz: *looks down at Hayden* I seen her boyfriend at the Black Dog. *snerk* Old, dented, banged up version 'a me that wears a purple badge shaped like this one.

Hayden: *smirk* I figured as much, except for the old and dented part. ...... On second thought, that makes perfect sense too.

Jazz: Yeah. *hunkers down curiously* Now show me what she gave ya...

The desert

landscape: *full of scorchmarks and hacked up bits of stone. Skidmarks lead to more patches of rubble in the distance*

Recon: *leaning face-first onto a cliff wall, beating her fist against it weakly and mumbling about the dishonorable qualities of Decepticons between whining vents and creaking joints*

voice: *deep and familiar, but with an edge of age to it* You finished killin' off the local bug population?

Recon: *almost doesn't turn, but the familiarity beckons too much* Vhat do you vant?

dJazz: Ta know what died up your tailpipe.

Recon: *a pained expression flashes over her face before she growls and paces away* VHY do you feel se need to INVADE my universe?! I don't need your help!

dJazz: *quietly* You invaded Blackout's space, lady. 'N you're the same piece 'a work that made Pink cry, ain't you?

Recon: *turns to glare at him* Sat is neutral territory. I had a legitimate problem. *doesn't mention his second point, but now, remembering back, her regret would show*

dJazz: And you scared Mouse. Now there ain't alot I understand about Autobots, but most people at the Dog tell me they're good 'n kind. *hands on hips* So what is your problem, lady?

Recon: *beyond frustrated* For se FIFTH time today, she nearly OFFLINED my SPARKMATE! You want me to CONGRATULATE her for sat? Gif her a sank-you card?!

dJazz: *frown* What day was that?

Recon: Three days ago. And she doesn't even remember! *begins pacing*

dJazz: *slightly guilty glance, but then frowns and straightens* And that gives you the right ta yell at kids?

Recon: *whirls* Vould you rather I did sat to se kid?! *points to rubble behind him*

dJazz: You're a real piece of work. *shakes his head, then spreads his hands out* Here.

Recon: *optic ridge raise behind her band* Vhat?

dJazz: You want targets? Or you only shoot stuff that can't fight back?

Recon: *growls and pokes his chest to accent her words* I only vant one target. Se vone who deserves it. *turns around again to fume*

dJazz: *kicks her squarely on the skid plate*

Recon: !! *blade is unsheathed by the time she whirls around* Are you glitched?!

dJazz: *calmly and coldly tells her exactly what he thinks of her. It's not complementary and includes the fact that if she's an Autobot he's glad they never showed up in his reality*

Recon: *the rage quickly drains from her face as she looks into his, but the anger remains* Vhat? I sought Jazzes vere more open-minded! Autobots can't haf anger problems? *is a bit surprised that she blurted that out, but quickly sets her face again*

dJazz: *eyes her narrowly* You do know admittin' it ain't a go ahead and do it card?

Recon: *scowls* Sat's vhy I only hit se vones sat deserve it. *small glance to the ruined landscape* Othervise I do sis...

dJazz: What happened to the thing about protecting life?

Recon: *twitches* Sere's no life out here. I made sure of sat.

dJazz: Bugs? Plants? Those little organic nano thingies?

Recon: *frowns, turning to the sunset* Vell... sometimes you haf to prioritize.

dJazz: *slowly shakes his head* You need therapy.

Recon: I manage. You sink I'm like sis all se time?

dJazz: *looking down with a scowl* *mutter* Prioritize...

Recon: *anger is fading slowly* And don't go judging bots you haven't said but two words to.

dJazz: *shoots her a Look* It's my job ta judge bots I ain't said two words to. Get 'er, Mouse.

strong arms: *appear suddenly and scoop Recon up, then pin her arms to her sides*

Recon: Vhat?! Hey! *starts struggling and sends out a distress ping*

Mouse: Shhh. Ve vill hilf you.

dJazz: *PINpoints himself and both femmes to a certain part of the Nexus, then leads Mouse over to where a big reptilian person with a gentle expression is sitting behind a window* One for level one. I pay. She ain't likely ta leave anythin'.

person: *smiles at Recon sympathetically as he nods* Private, then?

dJazz: Yeah. Nobody needs ta see this temper.

person: Five hundred credits.

dJazz: *transmits, and then directs Mouse to carry Recon into a large and echoing place that sounds with squeals and hisses, and the distant sound of battles to the death. They enter one certain door that contains a pit and a few seats*

Mouse: *drops Recon into the pit* Kill rats!

Recon: *eventually stops struggling since this mountain of a bot seems perfectly capable of holding her as long as she wants. The noises thoroughly disturb her, and she looks around uneasily after being dumped off* Vhere se Pit is sis?! Vhat do you mean rats?

dJazz: *leans his arms on the side of the pit* It's a special fightin' arena. Our hosts eat fresh meat, but they ain't killers. So they let the killers and glitches 'a the Nexus fix their meals for them.

Mouse: Mousie not killer or glitch. Mousie hunter.

dJazz: *apologetic look* Right, kid. Them too.

Recon: *looks annoyed by dJazz's last statement but smiles as Mouse interjects* You mean you vhant me to kill... organics? *looks disgusted at the thought*

dJazz: You were just doin' it. *lifts his browplates slightly*

Recon: Vhat? No! I vas hitting se rocks! *why would you think I kill organics? Gross!*

dJazz: You want me ta go back 'n find 'em all 'n show ya? *optics narrow slightly*

Mouse: *points* Rat.

Recon: *turns*

rat: *massive armoured mutant womprat snarls at her from the cage set into the far end of the pit*

Recon: 8| *cringes, not wanting to think about the fluids and grossness she'd have to clean out of her crevices later*

dJazz: That ain't what I bought, Mouse. *nods toward the sudden swarm of Norway rats that floods the pit* That's what I bought.

Recon: *optics widen at the approaching swarm as she backs up against the wall. She's making no attempt to hide her distress now, as one phrase passes through vocalizer, comm, and bond* Jazz, you're insane!

Jazz: *suddenly flips over the side of the pit and lands between his lady and the rats. Opens up with a flamethrower and drives the squeaking horde back!*

Mouse: *applauds* Ooooo.

dJazz: *now holding a Hayden, and going o.O? at him*

Hayden: *now in somebot else's hand and going O.o at him*

Recon: *screams and lunges for Jazz's flamethrower, shoving it toward the ceiling* NO!

Jazz: *calmly* Easy, Conny. I ain't hurtin' them. Can you get out? *love and reassurance over the bond*

Recon: *smiles at him, love and relief washing over her, though she's still scared out of her wits. As she looks between the wall and the horde* It looks high...

Jazz: Way out's right behind ya, Babe. *chases rats*

Recon: *bolts as soon as she sees the door, climbs the stairs two at a time, and- And then she sees Hayden. In an instant she snatches him up, crouching in the corner to cradle him gently and mumble incoherent apologies*

Jazz: *appears in a PINflash and hunkers next to his lady, the lights glinting off his shiny, unmarked chest*

Recon: *sparkmate goes unnoticed in her relief, as her processor is currently stuck in a loop of disturbing images. Specifically chopped up rats and Haydens* *continues apologizing incoherently*

Hayden: Hey, what's wrong? Are you ok? *touches her face comfortingly, now concerned himself*

Jazz: Conny, talk ta me. What's wrong?

Recon: *now speaking a little louder so dJazz and Mouse can hear* I could never do sat! Vhy would you do sat?! *altering between wanting to hug Hayden close and not wanting to squish him*

Hayden: *hugging her as best he can* Hey, I'm ok. It's ok...

dJazz: *just watching as Mouse hangs over the side of the pit and talks to the rats*

Recon: *gropes for Jazz, wanting reassurance that the images in her head will never come to pass*

Jazz: *cuddles her close, his joints moving more smoothly than they have for centuries* Shhh, Babe. I gotcha. That ain't happenin'.

Recon: *moves gently against him, listening to the hum of his spark* Nefer. I vould nefer hurt you...

Hayden: I know.

Jazz: *snuzzle mate, lovebomb mate over bond. Rumblypurr and cuddle* Shhhh, Conny. It's alright.

Recon: *returns the lovebomb, gradually returning to her senses but preferring to stay and cuddle*

Hayden: *softly stroking Recon's arm*

dJazz: Should I go get my aft kicked now?

Mouse: *pulls self partly back over pit wall and looks at him with a thoughtful frown, then nods her head and resumes communing with the rats*

dJazz: *chuckles and turns toward the door* Careful where you set 'em loose.

Mouse: Mousie alvays careful.

Jazz: *thinks of a massive bot scream sundae covered in strawbaby cream and glitter*

Recon: *engine gives a small rumble of agreement as she sends the image back, but also covered in blue paint*

Jazz: *soft groan* Hmmm, now you're talkin'!

Hayden: Huh? She didn't say anything.

Jazz: *optics twinkling* She don't needta say anythin', man. *snuzzles Recon again*

Recon: *small purr and a hug*

Hayden: *smiles and moves to get up* Maybe I should go. Don't wanna be... in the way. Or anything.

Jazz: *looks at him* ...What happened ta that creamsicle?

Hayden: *laughs* I dropped it when you grabbed me.

Jazz: *wince* Sorry, man. I'll getcha another. Bet they got that Star Wars stuff here.

Mouse: *is now in the pit with the rats* *shows clearly over the top of the pit walls as she stands and looks down*

Hayden: *small laugh* No, that's ok. You guys should be alone.

Recon: *opens up a little for him, but doesn't want him to go. Also doesn't want to be here if Mouse starts killing rats*

Jazz: *glances over as Mouse laughs softly and starts scolding a rat for climbing her leg, then looks back to Hayden* *bit of a grin* Conny don't wanna let ya go, man.

Hayden: *sympathetic look at Recon; to tell the truth he doesn't want to leave either, but doesn't want to be in the way*

Recon: *small embarrassed mandible twitch*

Jazz: *stands and then moves to lift Recon to her feet* C'mon. Let's have family dinner. *no creaking, and not a sign of his old weld scars from that encounter with Megatron*

Hayden: *small laugh* Are we a family now?

Recon: *rises, immediately noticing his pristine chestplate* Jazz, vhat happened to you?

Jazz: Ain't we? *blinks and looks at Recon, then down at himself* Oh. Blackout gave me a wish.

Recon: *optics widen at the name* Blackout did sis?

Jazz: Well, the wish did. *critical frown as he tilts his head and considers his shiny finish*

Recon: But... she vouldn't efen tell me vhat happened...

Hayden: She came to talk to us, turns out it was just a big misunderstanding.

Recon: *GLARE*

Hayden: *meep!*

Jazz: Hey, don't bite 'im for tellin' the truth, Conny. *nuzzles her after the gentle rebuke* She don't know what happened.

Recon: *annoyed sigh* How could she not know? I'd vant to find out! Vith force if necessary!

Jazz: Conny, she got LOLed 'n was drunk off'a her slaggin' aft. *more quietly* I remember, now.

Recon: *reassuring love bomb* Vhat happened?

Jazz: *still quiet* She... *slight smirk* She ain't the bad aft she lets on. She saw I was mopin', 'n she's gotta soft spot for Jazzes. Only she was too cratered ta gauge the charge right.

Recon: *frowns* She should control herself, or make sure it doesn't happen again. *strokes Jazz's helm* Vhat if she really offlines somebot next time?

Hayden: Hey, I think she'll be ok. She blasted that wish outta the guy who LOLed 'er. *grin*

Jazz: *gentle snuggle and a guilty expression* *very very quietly* Only reason that hurt me... is 'cause I wanted ta be hurt. *guilty guilty and sad and impatient with how he'd been*

Recon: *looks even guiltier* And I sink sat vas my fault... *actually, considering this relationship's track record, she's probably caused more problems than him at this point*

Jazz: *pulls her close and shares the feeling of a kiss* *softly* It's over now, okay? *love*

Recon: *softly* I hope so. *lovebomb*

Mouse: *big hand offers Hayden the rat with the white star on its forehead* Fluffy!

Jazz: Whoa! *laughs*

rat: *whisker wiggle. What's all this now?*

Recon: o.o;

Hayden: *laughs at the cute, but doesn't touch for fear of germs*

Jazz: You don't gotta be afraid 'a that guy, Hayden. These guys raise their critters ta eat.

Hayden: *will scratch rat head*

Mouse: Rat ist for organic boy. *shy duck of her big head, and then turns and tiptoes back on her massive feet to examine the rest of her furry treasure. Softly, from that great distance upward* Mousie bring rest of rats to Aria, for pet store.

Jazz: *chuckles, and then very gently pokes the rat with a finger* You need a big mouse, Hayden?

Hayden: *laughs as well* I've already got that little droid guy. Besides... *sighs* Can't have pets in the dorms.

Jazz: *thoughtful expression, and then gently scoops the rat up to examine it. There is an interested and acquisitive look to his optics* Hey, Conny...

Recon: *uh oh, he's getting an idea. Shoots a scoldy but amused look back* Jazz...?

Jazz: I gotta big glass box this guy could live in. *lifts those dark optics from rat to wife, the look in them slightly pleading now*

Recon: *rolls optics, but is too tired to argue with him right now* As long as you take care of it.

Jazz: *big grin and a kiss for her cheek* Thanks, Babe!

Recon: *smile and nuzzle* Let's get out of here. I need to get home.

Hayden: *calls to the big lady* Thanks for the pet!

Mouse: *shy peek at Hayden, and a smile that is unmistakably that of a child* Velcomen. Guten Tag.

Jazz: *moving to sweep Recon off her feet* After bot scream?

Recon: *making sure Hayden is secure in her arms while he grabs the rat from Jazz* Can ve get it to go?

Jazz: *nuzzles her helm* You wanna wait till another day?

Recon: *shutters optics and nuzzles back* I'm done vith excitement for today. *suddenly remembers something* And don't ve haf pizza and Fizzy left?

Jazz: *surprised* You mean we ain't finished that all yet?

Recon: *rumbly laugh* No, Optimus dropped another box off at my quarters sis morning.

Jazz: *laughs out loud, which causes the rat to sit up and whisker wiggle* Where should we set you down, Hayden?

Hayden: *is amused by the whole situation but feeling way too old for this* Somewhere 'round my dorm. I got class tomorrow.

Jazz: *gives him a look of sympathy* Okay. Jazz Express, ready fer lift off. Hold onta yer fuel lines! *PINpoints away home*

((Written by ssjmihoshi and random_xtras.))


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