Various Places. Black Dog, Nexus forest, and Blue's Cantina. Taking a Load Off. (Part 2)

Apr 21, 2011 00:40

Directly after Part 1.

Rachel: *sardonically* I wasn't really having a good day before the Nexus kidnapped me. Again.

Logan: *sympathy* Rum milkshake?

Rachel: *eyebrow quirk* Such a thing exists?

Logan: Yup. *grin*

Rachel: *smiles* Lead the way.

Logan: *pats Josh on the back, and then turns and does so*

Chuck: *trots along beside her with his pointy little tail in the air*

Rachel: *to Josh* Join us when you're done with the... electron thing? *then follows*

Logan: *walks beside the younger woman as they head toward the more richly furnished parts of the house. Glances at her sideways a few times*

Rachel: *walks with them, careful not to step on Chuck* *the glances put her on the defensive, but she tries to ignore them*

Logan: *turns her attention to Chuck, but she's silently testing Rachel's scent and trying to discern the red haired woman's intent toward her son* It's all in the ice cream ya use.

Rachel: *sudden subject change throws her for a loop* Ice cream? *there is some anticipation to seeing a friend again, and the high that it brings, but Rachel is no more aware of this than her own pulse*

Logan: Yeah. In the milkshake. *lifts an eyebrow a she looks up at Rachel*

Rachel: Oh! Right. *smiles* You can't just use any old ice cream. And if I guess right, the Nexus has amazing ice cream too.

Logan: *wrinkles her nose* Wouldn' know. Pru makes ours.

Rachel: Who? *has already forgotten most of the people she met last time*

Logan: *snort* Red haired chick that cooks like it oughtta be illegal?

Rachel: Oh, your butler! ...Ah... is that what you call them? When they're women? *is rubbing the back of her neck again*

Logan: Yup. *gentle boot for Chuck as he trots in front of her*

Chuck: Pichu! Grrrr! *continues trotting*

Rachel: *snerk* Maybe he wouldn't shock you so much if you didn't do that...

Logan: Don't give 'im ideas. *passes the room that Rachel slept in the last time she visited*

Rachel: *glances at the room as they pass* This place is huge...

Logan: *wrinkles one side of her nose a bit* Yeah. Needs ta lose a little weight.

hall guidance lights: *flicker as though affronted*

Rachel: *uncertain glance at the light fixtures* Why do you need this much space?

Logan: *shrugs* Never said we did. But it ain't like we kin exactly cut it down.

Rachel: I guess. Was it here when you got it?

Logan: This's the way it grew. *enters the dining room, which is as big and comfortably cluttered as ever*

Rachel: Grew?

Logan: Yup.

Rachel: ....A building? Grew?

Logan: *nods* Yup.

Rachel: *looks thoroughly confused now* How...?

Logan: Somethin' about nanobots... I don't slaggin' know. The kid did it.

Rachel: *sees the place in a new light now* So... the clothes...?

Logan: Place made 'em.

Rachel: *is dismayed by this fact*

Logan: What? *frowns up at her quizzically*

Rachel: Nanobots are... um... *and she wore them auuuugh*

Logan: *lifts a brow*

Rachel: *resorting to 5-year-old words since she's not the best at explaining things either* Scary! And gross!

Logan: ...Josh made these.

Rachel: *gives her a look like why would that matter and oh gosh haven't you heard the horror stories and auuuugh*

Logan: *shakes her head* Grow up, kid. *through the door and ignoring Prudence's protests as she sticks her head in the freezer*

Rachel: :| *lingers in the doorway, not wanting to get in the way..... then thinks maybe the doorway isn't the best place to be and stands along the wall*

Logan: Stools by the island. *dig dig dig, grumble growl*

Rachel: *fidgets, stays right there*

Logan: *stops digging and looks at her* What is yer problem?

Rachel: *involuntary glance at the stool*

Logan: What?

Rachel: I'm fine with standing.

Logan: *shuts the freezer* What is your problem, kid?

Rachel: *ok, now this is annoying* What? I just said, "I'm fine with standing." Why is that a problem?

Logan: You've ben smellin' all scared ever since I toldja how this place got built.

Rachel: *small twitch* It wasn't built, it grew. And that doesn't weird you out at all?

Logan: It's a livin' thing. At least it ain't organic and it don't needta eat.

Rachel: And you don't feel weird at all living in a house that knows when you pee in it?! *scoffs and shakes her head*

Logan: Knows when... *facepalm* I don't think it gives a dang about junk like that. The only sensors in the johns're the telephone speakers.

Rachel: Well what about when you undress? Or want to bring some guy home?

Logan: It's alive, it ain't human enough to... wait, what? Euch.

Prudence: *isn't smirking at her boss's reaction, and you never saw it*

Rachel: *eyebrow quirk at the yuck reaction* Or some girl, whatever.

Logan: *stink eye* All it cares about is if ya ask it fer somethin'.

Rachel: *scowl* So you still don't think it's cruel at all to just live in something alive?

Logan: That's what it was born for. We get back after some trip and it starts doin' stuff before we even ask.

robot: *peeks through the door, his small round face slightly anxious*

Logan: *blinks at him* Oh yeah. He sees what's goin' on. *growls softly* We ain't goin' nowhere, quit bein' stupid.

robot: *sighs and rolls off*

Rachel: So you're saying it couldn't ever be more than what it was born for?

Logan: No. But so far it seems alright with elaboratin' on the theme.

Rachel: And what does that mean?

Logan: *points after the robot* He's about as willin' ta stop bein' a butler as Pru is.

Prudence: *Look at the thought*

Rachel: Have you given it the chance?

Logan: *gives the 'did you just ask that' look*

Rachel: *challenging 'oh yes I did' glare back*

Logan: *and then jumps and says a rude word as the freezer pops open helpfully and smacks her on the butt*

Chuck: *falls off the counter laughing*

Rachel: *grumbles and begins pacing and rubbing her wrists, which have become quite hot*

robot: *scoots over silently and offers her a flower*

Rachel: *glares at it*

robot: *quietly* I like taking care of people. It's fun. *looks at the flower* I grew this... I don't suppose it will help you feel better?

Rachel: *glare softens but she hesitates, not knowing what to say* Not really but... thanks. *takes it*

robot: I heard what you were saying to Miss Logan. I'm sorry for listening in.

Logan: *look at that, she's normal! Eating chocolate after a stress! Sure, it's chocolate coated bacon... but still*

Rachel: No, it's... We were talking about you so it's hard not to listen.

robot: *tilts his head* It is?

Rachel: *forced smile* Normally, yes. *sighs as she thinks this is exactly the reason she never wanted to come here again*

robot: *scratches his head, then shakes it* I guess I'm weird.

Rachel: *snerk* So's everyone else.

robot: ... *think think think* Then why are you so unhappy about my serving people?

Rachel: *frowns* It's demeaning.

robot: I don't feel demeaned.

Logan: *growls at Prudence*

Rachel: *glances across the room* *softly* Good for you.

robot: And I'm the one serving. *looks at her expression and thinks some more*

Logan: *listening and pretending she isn't*

Rachel: *wonders what the growl was for* I come from a place where not everybody thinks everybody is better than a servant. *pointedly* So does your mistress.

robot: So that means that you want to keep anyone from serving anyone else, even if it makes them happy?

Rachel: *sighs, turning back to the robot* No, it's just... Nobody should make you do anything you don't want to.

robot: I want to do this. It makes me happy. And it makes Prudence happy to serve too. And Miss Logan likes to do it too.

Logan: *vanished into the pantry*

Rachel: *eyebrow raise at this, would like to see Logan's expression right now* *turns back to the robot and replies softly, so only it can hear (hopefully)* I just get wound up sometimes. *rubs her wrists*

robot: *think think think!* ... *think more* Um. You're not clockwork.

Rachel: *soft smile* It's a metaphor. What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry.

robot: Ohhhh. *optics brighten in what can only be a smile*

Rachel: *sighs again as she feels herself sink back into the emotional ditch. Goes finally to sit at the counter, though at the end farthest from the others*

Logan: *comes back out with a box in her hands. Sets it on the counter and frowns into it, then folds the top down and tapes it securely*

Rachel: *leans on the counter pretending not to watch her*

Logan: *writes on the box, then digs around in a drawer till she finds stamps. Puts several onto the box and then knocks on them with her marker*

box: *vanishes*

Logan: *turns back toward the pantry*

Rachel: *definitely confused at that, but chalks it up as something else she probably doesn't want to know about. Decides to not-watch Prudence instead*

Prudence: *is busy making puff pastry, and frowning*

Logan: *out of the pantry and out of the room. Comes back with a beautiful stuffed animal and returns to the pantry*

Rachel: *wonders idly who's grumpier, Prudence or Logan?*

Logan: *out with another box, which also gets addressed, stamped, and vanished*

Rachel: *gives in* Who're those for?

Logan: *looks up* That one was fer Camala Lane Sing.

Rachel: *gives a 'really?' look* You know I have no idea who that is.

Logan: Neither does anybody else. *shrugs* She's an Exile that just showed up a few days ago. Eighteenth century India.

Rachel: *eyebrow raise* You're sending care packages?

Logan: Nope. I don't do charity. *goes looking in the drawer for more stamps*

Rachel: *is tired, so there's not much contention in her voice this time* So what's that stuffed-animal then?

Logan: Comfort. *finds stamps, and also finds a little box of fishing lures. Brings the lures to the pantry*

Rachel: Sounds charitable to me.

Logan: It's called meetin' a need. *rustling from the pantry*

Prudence: If you give away all the dried figs I won't be able to make the spice cake tonight.

Logan: You want spice cake, Red?

Rachel: Yeah sure, whatever.

Logan: We already got leftover bread puddin'.

Rachel: I don't care. *rubbing her wrists again, wishing she could go home but she can't*

Logan: *figs in the box!*

Josh: Bread pudding?

Logan: *pause* …

Josh: *hungry boy, will take said treat out of the fridge, put it in two bowls, add fruit, and then offer one to Rachel*

Logan: *takes figs out of box*

Rachel: *manages a soft smile at his presence, but waves off the food* No thanks.

Josh: Okay. *settles down to bow his head and then eat*

Logan: *poking around to see what else could go in a box. Has a frowning look of contentment on her sharp face*

Rachel: How's your experiment going?

Josh: Well, it's more like a study right now. And... it's really interesting. *lifts brows, his dark eyes showing youthful wonder*

Rachel: *has to smile at that face* Anything I'd understand?

Josh: *starts to shake his head, but then stops* Maybe. Do you know anybody I can credit this discovery to?

Rachel: *scoffs* Not if I don't know which discovery.

Josh: Well, it's astrophysics.

Rachel: *shakes her head* I never took physics.

Josh: Okay. I'll find somebody. *perks and pulls the phone book out of its drawer* *eats as he skims rapidly through the pages* I don't know what to call all this stuff, but with the diagrams I drew they should be able to understand what I mean. I kept them in 2D, and if they use a good microscope they'll be able to catch a glimpse of part of the reaction....

Rachel: *listens to him babble on, reminding her of one of the X-kids she used to know. Wonders how they are now*

Josh: *pauses with his finger on a name. Looks at it, and then calls up a holoscreen from his wrist watch and types rapidly*

Rachel: That thing is a video-caller too?

Josh: *glances at her* It's a computer.

Rachel: I thought it was just a teleporter.

Josh: No. This one's got everything. *hits another button and suddenly looks like he's wearing different clothes* Including coverup for when I'm clumsy.

Rachel: *jumps at the clothes-change* Wow!

Josh: *startles slightly at her jump, but he's grinning as he resumes typing*

Logan: *shaking her head at him as she sends away another box*

Josh: *as he types, aware of her watching him* So did you show your friend the game?

Rachel: *a bit surprised he's talking to her; she thought he was in the middle of something* Yeah, he helped set it up. *smiles to herself as she runs a hand through her hair* We didn't have any tools though, so he had to go get some.

Josh: *slight grin as his fingers fly* That just makes it more fun though, right?

Rachel: Searching for an open hardware store at 8pm on a worknight? *soft chuckle* Yeah, it was fun.

Josh: Hmmm. Yeah, that might have harshed the mood a bit.

Logan: You ben hangin' around Lugnutz too much. *finding another empty box*

Josh: *just grins*

Rachel: *tired smile* I've already got half the squad on board for my next party though. *sighs* Whenever that'll be...

Josh: *finishes typing and looks at her, concern and a question in his dark eyes*

Rachel: *looks down at the counter, reluctant to say anything*

Josh: *radiates support as he glances at his mom* Hey, you want to go grab some ice cream?

Rachel: *ponders* Ok, sure.

Logan and Prudence: *both start to say something, then look at each other and snerk or chuckle*

Josh: Hey. *grin for the women*

Rachel: *eyebrow raise*

Josh: *shakes his head and gets up, then stops* I can loan you a sweatshirt or something.

Rachel: *hefts herself up after him* No, I'll be fine. *rubs her wrists absent-mindedly*

Josh: Okay. *wave to his mom and Prudence, and then turns toward the door and waits for Rachel to walk beside him*

Rachel: *follows, leaving Al Fangor's pack by the counter for later*

Josh: *as he heads for the front foyer* Mom and Prudence started to warn me not to ruin my supper. Then they remembered that's just not possible. *cheery grin*

Rachel: *chuckle* Tell you the truth, I'm not up for ice cream right now. But it's nice to get away from them for a while.

Josh: Blue's has all kinds of things. Including air hockey. *glances at her* We can go for a bike ride first. They're pretty relaxing.

Rachel: *looks dubious* In the snow?

Josh: There's not much snow around the Lost Highway.

Rachel: Oh, ok then. *attempts a smile*

Josh: *stops by a closet to pull out a brown leather jacket and a couple helmets* We should probably PINpoint over there. There isn't a real trail.

Rachel: *takes a jacket and helmet and proceeds to put them on* Ok, ready whenever you are.

Josh: *settles the brown jacket and offers her his elbow*

Rachel: *clips on her helmet strap and takes his arm carefully*

Josh: *PINpoints them to a garage standing in an area of sagebrush and mesquite that seems to go on forever. Knocks on the garage door, grinning slightly as he hears the rock music blaring out* He's home.

Rachel: *another dubious eyebrow raise* Who's home?

Josh: Lugnutz. The bike.

garage door: *lifts, disclosing a smallish transformer with what looks like yellow shades instead of optics*

Josh: Hey, Lugnutz. Feel like a ride?

Lugnutz: Why not? Hey, who's the lady?

Rachel: *the source of the music doesn't reassure her any. Oh great, another robot...*

Josh: This is my friend, Rachel. Rachel, this is Lugnutz.

Lugnutz: Yo. *slow grin*

Rachel: Hi... *half-hearted wave* *turns to Josh* Hey, let's just go to the restaurant. We don't have to ride...

Josh: *looks at her, and then looks at Lugnutz*

Lugnutz: *shrugs* Whatever man. I'm hip either way. Just got a new disk to play.

Josh: *slaps his friend on the arm* Okay, Lugnutz. I'll see you later, okay?

Lugnutz: Sure, man. *turns to go back inside*

Josh: *offers his elbow again*

Rachel: *gives a small smile to thank him for understanding and takes his arm again*

Josh: *brings them to a stone terrace overlooking a valley. Lowers his arm and looks down for a moment*

Rachel: *awed by the view, leans on the railing* Oh wow...

Josh: *slightly troubled glance toward her, and then looks down again*

Rachel: *doesn't notice him, still fixated on the beauty of the valley* What is this place?

Josh: It's called The Valley of the Queens. But I can't tell you the planet's name. It's not on any star maps.

Rachel: It's another planet?! *more impressed*

Josh: *blinks and looks at her sideways* Well, does this look like Earth?

Rachel: *heh* I guess not. I thought it was part of the Nexus.

Josh: No. The guys here don't even visit the Nexus that much. They've got their own stuff to do. *watches tiny fishing boats down below on the river*

Rachel: *smiles* It looks very peaceful. *yawns*

Josh: *very softly* Rachel... I know you don't like robots. But... that was kind of rude.

Rachel: *droops, but doesn't look up from the balcony* I'm sorry. It's just... Robots in my world aren't the friendly type, and...

Josh: *softly* You have to look past the outside, and see the person inside. Has 9\11 happened yet in your reality?

Rachel: That was a long time ago. *long pause* It's what started the anti-mutant movement...

Josh: *blinks* ... In the reality I was born in it was done by Islamic militants.

Rachel: *looks up at this, wondering how Islamists could have coordinated something so horrible, then looks down again, going over the chain of events that could've changed* That... wow.

Josh: They were aiming for the Pentagon, too. And Superman was buried under the twin towers and couldn't stop the plane.

Rachel: *turns back to the valley, sadly* I wish we'd had Superman back then. Magneto tried to stop the towers from falling... *from her tone he can tell it didn't end well*

Josh: So he and Superman both couldn't save them. *too much sadness in those dark young eyes*

Rachel: *it's a good thing she's not looking at those eyes, or the tears in hers would actually manage to escape. She's silent for a long time, but then suddenly growls and smacks the railing* Augh, no more of that! I've had enough memories for one day! *turns and glares at him, arms akimbo*

Josh: I was just trying to say, it's not really fair to judge people just because they look kind of like some stupid machines. *puts up a hand for a tiny wyvern to land on and then blinks as the little thing chitters at him* Are they here?

wyvern: *chitter!*

Josh: *looks over his shoulder toward the windows of the cantina behind them*

Rachel: Yeah, well maybe I wouldn't judge if the Nexus didn't kidnap me on the worst @*&%ing day of my life. *glares at the lizard thing, then into the cantina*

Josh: *mildly* You didn't go back right away. *then points the wyvern bearing finger toward a massive being that's ducking to look out through the door* Him?

wyvern: *chitter! Zooms to big golden person who looks like a cross between a centaur and a giant ant*

Josh: Hi, Henry. I thought that was Annie.

Henry: *voice could come from any large, easy going man* Hey, Josh. Prudence need any tomatoes?

Josh: What colour?

Henry: Purple.

Josh: I'll tell her you have them.

Henry: *moves his mandibles* Thanks. *back into the cantina*

Rachel: Yeah, well maybe I can't, did you ever think of that? *folds arms and glares off to the side, unaffected by further craziness*

Josh: *worried frown* You can't?

Rachel: NO I can't. 'Cause he's staying at my house.

Josh: *blinks, and then looks inside again* You want some pop?

Rachel: *glare softens.... just a little* Yeah, sure.

Josh: Great. I can smell a new batch of ginger ale. *turns fully away from the railing and steps toward the door, then pauses to wait for Rachel to walk beside him*

Rachel: *follows just behind him, tries not to make eye contact with anyone*

vaguely cat-like brown waitress with sleek brown fur: *waves them toward a booth by the windows, and then resumes offloading drinks and plates from the huge tray she's balancing against her hip. The men she's serving are all rugged of feature and dark of hair. And identical*

Josh: *heads for the booth but waits for Rachel to sit first*

Rachel: *sits by the window and stares out*

Josh: *sits opposite her and also looks out... just in time to see the flash of mighty wings going past* Oh wow. *sits up to watch till the beings have dropped out of sight*

Rachel: *the sight also startles her out of her reverie. A small smile comes to her face as she watches them fly away*

Josh: Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to fly like that. With wings. *eyes still on the now empty space*

Rachel: *small eyebrow raise* You'd rather have more body parts to contend with?

Josh: *shrugs* I just wonder. *then turns back as the waitress comes over with two menus written on slates* We just want drinks, Jana.

Jana: *smiles and nods* You want some of that fresh ginger ale. *glances at Rachel and takes in her clothing and accessories* I'm not sure if you're comfortable being read, Miss. What would you like? *offers the drink menu, which is full of natural fruit flavored pop and other drinks, as well as something called not-beer*

Rachel: *that glare says she's certainly not comfortable being "read." But she's still trying to retain some modicrum of politeness* I'll just have whatever he's having.

Jana: *gentle smile* Alright.

Josh: *hand over his face as he blushes*

Rachel: *looks back out the window before she says something else stupid and offensive*

Josh: *it's easy to tell how young this guy is just by the amazing shade of red he's become and how flustered he seems*

Rachel: *his flustered starts to seep into her maternal instincts* Hey... you ok?

Josh: *nods, but doesn't look at her*

Rachel: *scowls* Really?

Josh: ...I will be. *perks as a different waitress brings the drinks and sets them down on the table* Thanks, Cassie.

dark-skinned human woman: *smiles* No problem, Josh. Just yell if you need anything else. *doesn't look at Rachel as she heads over to another table*

Rachel: *still wonders what made him turn that shade. Turns her attention to her drink*

drink: *fizzing and popping, and smelling very sharp*

Josh: *sips at his after bowing his head for a moment, and then looks over at the bar, where Jana's sitting on a stool and slumped against it wearily* *concerned frown*

Rachel: *sips as she follows his gaze* Aww @*%#, I did that, didn't I?

Josh: *blushing again as he tries hard to figure out what to say*

Rachel: *growls and hunkers over her drink* It's not enough that my day's crappy, I have to crappify everyone else's too. I hate this.

Josh: Well... there really wasn't any way that you could know she's a receiving empath. And you are having a lousy day.

Rachel: "Receiving"...? Oh %^&#. I gotta get outta here. *stands, fishing a dollar out of her armband*

Josh: Sit down. *frown*

Rachel: No. I'm not gonna muck anyone else up. *slaps down the money and takes one last big swig of her drink*

Josh: Rachel, just sit down, shut up, and relax. *stern kid is stern* Now.

Rachel: *does calm down, but that glare quietly simmers at him* Or what, you'll hold me down?

Josh: *blushes and looks out the window* Probably cry.

Rachel: *well, she wasn't expecting that... Completely disarmed, she can only look at him for a few moments before walking out the door. Unable to get off the terrace, she finds a deserted spot and huddles down by some tall flowers*

Josh: *picks up his bottle of ginger ale and follows slowly, obedient to her body language. Once he's out on the terrace he stands near her and gazes off across the expanse of the valley toward where a family of Valley Fairies is having a bath in the hollow of the statue over on other side's arms*

Rachel: *hugging her knees, looks about to cry* You don't deserve to cry in front of all those people...

Josh: *softly, without looking at her* I've... done worse. And these guys are cool.

Rachel: *shakes head, wiping her eyes* No, you still don't deserve it. #%^$, every time you see me I'm @*%&ed up.

Josh: *gently* It happens. That's probably why we keep meeting you.

Rachel: *thinks about this for a second. And now she's sobbing openly*

Josh: *sets the bottle in a planter and comes over to kneel and put an arm around her shoulders, his eyes dark with sympathy*

Rachel: *clings to him, sobbing* Why does this keep happening? I was doing so well... !

Josh: *quietly, as he hugs her gently* I don't know.

Rachel: *continues to ramble* I had a good life. A normal life. Chad was talking to me again, then he showed up!

Josh: Who showed up?

Rachel: *between hiccuping and sniffles* David. He... We were on a team together... and he... *blushes*

Josh: ... *brows lift slightly as he looks down at her*

Rachel: I think he liked me. But I couldn't... *furiously wipes eyes and nose* Not again...

Josh: Did he do something? *slightly protective little brother frown*

Rachel: *small scoff* No. *stops* Except maybe come back. $&#^, he wants me to help fight his brother again. I couldn't fight him the first time.

Josh: Who's his brother?

Rachel: *shakes head* I don't remember his name. He wanted to start another mutant country... or something.

Josh: *lips thin* Look, it's not your job. You don't have to do it if you don't want to.

Rachel: *long groan* But I told him he could sleep on my couch! I'm so stupid!

Josh: *starts to say something, but then droops slightly and gets a slight frown as he obviously thinks things over*

Rachel: *starts sniffling again and buries her face in his shoulder*

Josh: *quietly* I was going to say you could just crash at our place till he went away, but that won't work.

Rachel: *shakes head, not looking up* I have a job. And if anyone sees me with him...

Josh: You could have still gone to work from our place. ...Maybe someone should go and talk to him.

Rachel: *suddenly looks up* No! He'll hate me if I get some messenger to talk to him.

Josh: *sigh* Yeah, thought so. *then perks* There are rooms here. And you can get from here to your reality without anybody finding out.

Rachel: *thinks quietly* But what'll it look like if I just leave...?

Josh: *quietly* Like you're not ready to deal with him, but you're giving him what help you can afford to.

Rachel: *stares down, wrists heating up from longing for an answer to all this*

Josh: It would be better than stressing yourself out like this. And the rooms here are small, but they're comfortable. And the breakfasts rock.

Rachel: *that gets a small smile, right before a very undainty sniffle*

Josh: *pulls a tissue out of his pocket and offers it*

Rachel: *takes it* .... *and proceeds to wipe off his shirt, face red with embarrassment*

Josh: *pat pat* I have dogs... this is nothing.

Rachel: *scowls, face reddening further, and keeps wiping stubbornly* This place doesn't mess with you like the Nexus does, does it?

Josh: No. The only way you wind up somewhere weird is if you don't tell the outside halls or lift tubes where you're heading. But you're not going out into the halls anyway. And the only way you come here is by thinking you want to.

Rachel: *looks dubious now* Anytime you think it? That sounds dangerous.

Josh: Only when you clearly think or say that you want to. The portals have never failed.

Rachel: Oh. *comforted by this* Good. *frowns at the now thoroughly wadded-up tissue*

Josh: *offers another one* There are X positive people here, though. And people from other worlds, like Jana.

Rachel: *takes it, using it to wipe her own drying tears this time, and smiles to herself* I just don't wanna screw anyone else over with my problems.

Josh: Jana just felt your rejection really hard. She'll probably keep her distance now, and keep her son and nephew back so they don't bug you.

Rachel: *feels even worse when the son and nephew are mentioned*

Josh: Hey, quit it.

Rachel: *hides her face via more wiping* Sorry...

Josh: *looks up, his gaze sharpening as he looks through the window* Okay. I'm asking Cassie to bring somebody out here to give you a hug. Just don't blast him with no and it'll be okay.

Rachel: *looks up, apology and alarm competing for possession of her face* Wha...? No, you don't need to. Really.

Josh: *slight smile* He'll like it. He's just a baby.

Cassie: *coming out, a thick furry blanket curled in her arms* You sure she'll be okay around him? He's pretty different than anything from Earth.

blanket: *is purring softly, just like a cat*

Rachel: *brows knitted, feeling apprehensive. Why are they talking about her like she's not there?*

Josh: You can talk to her, Cassie. *looks down at Rachel*

Cassie: *doesn't seem sure, but offers the blanket, which squeaks softly and moves slightly* He's kind of the chief hugger on this side of the Valley. *slight, cautious smile*

Rachel: *small smirk, reaches out for the bundle carefully*

Josh: His name's N'rian. *grinning now*

N'rian: *more soft, quizzical squeaks, and wraps a corner around Rachel's hand. Prrrrrrr!*

Rachel: *curious, peeks under the folds* ...! There's nothing here!

Cassie: No... he is the blanket.

N'rian: *squeaks quizzically at the surprise in the lady's voice and feelings*

Rachel: O.o ...... *starts to laugh*

N'rian: *happy little squeaks as he moves over into her arms, still making that happy cat purr. He is warm, and softly weighty, seeming made just for comfort*

Rachel: *continues laughing, a warm happy sound, until the corners of her eyes are wet with tears and she's steadying herself on Josh's arm with her open hand. The little bundle isn't forgotten in her arms, in fact she's steadying herself so as not to squish it with doubling over*

Josh: *supports her, grinning gently* Careful, he wants to wrap around you. He won't hurt you, though.

Cassie: *watching, but then decides to trust Josh and goes back inside*

Rachel: *laughing subsides, but she's still giggling in spurts, grinning* This is so ridiculous!

Josh: What? Living blankets?

Rachel: *nods* Blankets that purr. And alien bars. And Superman clones in crazy future bunkers. *now trying to catch her breath*

Josh: It's an eco house!

N'rian: *squeak, cuddle, love love purrr*

Rachel: *oh, you naive little boy. She giggles all the more*

Josh: *wrinkles nose, although his good humor is very apparent*

Rachel: *lets the blanket wrap around her until this batch of laughter dies, then smiles at him* I think it's just what I needed.

Josh: Good.

N'rian: *purrr. Love love love. Squeak*

Rachel: *finally, blessedly, relaxed. She sits there, basking in the love and the friendship* ... *and giggles again every time the blanket squeaks*

Josh: *grins as the squeaks get more frequent* He likes that.

Rachel: *snickers and hugs it close*

N'rian: *squeak squeak! Purrrrrsnuggle*

Josh: *will sit by her till she's ready to move, and then show her to the tiny but inviting room above the cantina with its closet size bathroom and it's bright soft coverlet before leaving her to rest in N'rian's agreeable company*

((Written by ssjmihoshi and random_xtras.))

sarastuff, rachel

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