Recon's Verse. Autobot HQ. Acceptance.

Mar 16, 2011 00:30

Directly after Slagged Bots, Mean Girls, later in the day:
Chromia: *standing in the hall as Prowl gently herds Maria out of the debriefing room. Holds a plastic shopping bag out to the girl* Here, Bobby says this is yours.

Maria: *looking tired, jumpy, and aggravated all at once. Stares up at the bot, gingerly taking the bag* Who?

Chromia: Epps. *quirks a brow in her scarred but lovely face* And I'm supposed to bring you to Jazz so he'll stop fretting and recharge properly.

Prowl: *also cocks an optic ridge, but figures the small trip won't hurt* I will make arrangements to have her escorted back home. You will receive the details later, Chromia. *heads off to do paperwork*

Maria: *peeks into the bag and scowls, shoving it back to Chromia* You tell him he can keep his @*#% candy. It ain't gonna buy me.

Chromia: *quick and sharp look at Maria* Don't take that tone with me, child. Lieutenant Epps says that those are yours, and he's an honorable human.

Maria: *"child"?! She crosses her arms and proceeds to smolder despite lacking the proper energy* Look! Ever since that drunken %&*# barged in on me I've been kidnapped, ordered around, and forced into all kinds of @$^*! I'm sick of it! The last thing I'll do is be shut up by candy, like I'm a little kid!

Chromia: *gives the girl a look that would do any Latina credit* Don't you cuss Jazz for something he had no control over! Take your #@$#@$@ fuel and stop giving me lip!

Maria: *snatches the bag and turns away, fuming at the wall*

Ironhide: *pauses and looks at his mate* *gruff growl* What's going on?

Chromia: Slag off and mind your own business!

Ironhide: *tiny meep* Yes, dear. *gone!*

Maria: ..... *inward snerk* So, 'm I going home or not?

Chromia: *optics flash down at the girl* You're coming to see Jazz, and you're keeping a civil vox in your head.

Maria: *that term throws her for a loop* A what?

Chromia: *deep scowl as her optics flick to the side for a moment* Tongue. Speaking apparatus.

Maria: *amused at the bot's lack of fluency. Looks prepared to follow* Ok, I'll keep a "civil tongue." Now where is that tonto del culo? *the curse sounds more like a friendly jab*

Chromia: Which one? *turns to lead the way, and then pauses and eyes the girl before stooping and offering her hands* Do you want a ride?

Maria: *frowns, but it's toward the idea in general* No thanks, I'll walk.

Chromia: Suit yourself. *stands and sets out. She's not a tall bot, only a foot or so taller than Bumblebee, but she's leggy. She also travels in silence till they round a corner in time to see a smaller, bright pink femme open a small box, squeal with delight, and then throw her arms around the neck of the green mech standing in front of her* *throat clearing sound* Arcee, Springer...

couple: *meeps and GONE!*

Maria: *is tired, but determined to keep up with the taller bot. Frowns at the other bots' display as they round the corner* I thought this was a military base...

Chromia: *moving on* It's also our home. Not like there's really anywhere else for Springer to propose.

Maria: *follows* Propose? But you're robots.

Chromia: *slanted look downward* And you're a blob of mostly water and waste, what's your point?

Maria: *huffs and faces forward, crossing her arms again* I'm not remote-controlled, for one.

Chromia: *stops short and scowls downward* What the slaggin' pit is that supposed to mean?

Maria: *stops too, with a defiant upward glance* I bet there's a whole room under the Pentagon with guys in chairs and little joysticks. *pantomimes controlling a joystick, smirk growing*

Chromia: *expression darkens* Bigoted little @#$#@, aren't you?

Maria: Oh, I must've hit a robo-nerve.

Recon: *returning from patrol, also on the way to the medbay* Vhat is going on here? *scowls at the both of them*

Chromia: Slag off, Recon. *turns back to Maria* Look here, CHILD, I'm over six million years old. I was courting my mate before your stinking little mudball of a world was even inhabited, and if certain slaggers hadn't decided to try and take the mudball apart I could have died happy never coming here. So you take your precious little attitude and you cram it right up your slimy organic tail pipe.

Maria: *arms akimbo, feet planted wide* Who says we wanted your help, vieja? Humans can take care of themselves without your cold soulless circuits meddling with our "mudball"!

Recon: STOP. *gets between the two of them* You are both acting like younglings! Chromia, *glowers at her from behind her visor* I vas being blown to the Pit in Ironhide's boot camp before you ever locked optics. And Maria, *turns down to her* you saved my friend's life, and for sat I owe you. But continue to belittle my people and so help me I vill not be responsible for vhat I do!

Chromia: Let's just dump her back at her warren and tell Jazz she wouldn't come. He doesn't need this kind of slag.

Maria: *grumbles to herself* Fine with me...

Recon: *interest piqued at the mention of the silver bot* Jazz? He asked to see her?

Chromia: *voice a growl* He's worried himself into a frazzle over her. Won't settle down and recharge, and it's making his vitals jump around so that even I can see it.

Recon: *now more worried* Sen you're coming. *gives a motherly glare to Maria and continues toward the medbay*

Maria: *sighs loudly and follows* But why is he worried about me?

Chromia: *falls into step with Recon* He fusses. It's part of who he is.

Recon: *continues in silence, trying to feel something over the bond as her worry leaks into it*

Chromia: And he fusses about the #$@##@est things, too.

Maria: *wishes the blue bot would shut up*

Recon: *opens the medbay doors and enters, looking around uneasily for Ratchet or Jazz. Can't help but flash back to 2 years ago*

Ratchet: *over in a side room, his hand on Jazz's chest as he calls the silver bot's name*

Jazz: *static sounds as he thrashes in the grasp of a flashback*

Recon: *curses under her breath and rushes to his side, trying to fill the bond with more positive memories* Jazz, I'm sorry!

Maria: *stops, sobered by the scene*

Jazz: *startles and opens dim and bleary optics to stare at the red femme* *static crackle* Conny? No... gotta stay away. Gotta keep shut... Nnnnnn...

Recon: *her mouth hangs open as her spark suddenly feels 5 tons heavier* No, I don't care anymore! Primus, you've been shutting yourself off for me?!

Jazz: *wanders* Gotta keep... Conny safe... Gotta...

Chromia: *hand over mouth, all the anger gone from her body language*

Recon: *leans down, cupping his helm in her hands* I am safe, Jazz! It's alright! *turns to Ratchet, panic beginning to show* Ratchet, do somesing!

Maria: *suddenly feels very awkward and small, wishes she could see over the huge table*

Ratchet: *moves around the table, absently picking Maria up and putting her on the movable balcony by the berth as he goes* *gruff and upset* There's nothing I can do, Recon.

Maria: *eeps and hangs onto the balcony railing, shaking a bit*

Recon: Nosing? *turns back to Jazz, vocalizer choking with static* Jazz, I'm so sorry... Please come back...

Jazz: *quiet rambling about keeping the walls up, have to keep the walls up. Got to keep Conny safe. Those dark optics aren't focused now, and his life sign monitor is grouching royally*

Recon: *is trying to get under those walls any way she can, sending messages of "I'm sorry" through comm, bond, and even databurst* *optics shuttered, is leaning her helm against his*

Chromia: *takes hand from mouth* Kiss him on the cheek. Maybe that'll shock him out of it.

Recon: *moves back a bit, taking him in and running the suggestion through her processor. Then decides on a better idea and kisses him on the mouth*

Jazz: *goes rigid with shock and then snarls a curse at Blackout and struggles*

Ratchet: *notices a change in the silver bot's processor readouts, then bunts Recon aside slightly and slaps Jazz right across the face* Snap out of it!

Recon: *jerks back in dismay, looks like she might start shaking now*

Maria: *hesitant* Hey, he was talking about a blackout before... Last night.

Jazz: *cries out and then blinks at the medic disorientedly* Ratchet? What... what happened? *turns head slightly and lifts his brows* Conny?

Recon: *relief washes over her, but she doesn't look happy. She just wants to fall on him, but now is afraid he'll reject her*

Ratchet: *presses the button on the mobile balcony so that it'll follow him* Chromia, come with me. Recon and Jazz, you had better work this out now. *turns and stomps out of the room, Chromia and balcony following*

Maria: *small protesting noise as the balcony whirrs out of sight*

Recon: *the prying stopped with the failed kiss, but now her orange optics are glowing bright with concern and worry* Jazz...? *fighting static once again* Are you alright?

Jazz: *makes a small gesture that would be biting his lip if he were human, then shutters his optics* No. I... don't think I am.

Recon: *has to look at the floor now* I'm so sorry... If I didn't bond with every slagging bot I meet...

Jazz: *blink blink. Then puts a hand gently over hers* You didn' do this to me, Conny.

Recon: *snaps her helm up* I did! *optics flicker down again* If I didn't shut you out you vouldn't be shutting me out and you vouldn't have gotten yourself slagged... *extra claws are curling in on herself*

Jazz: *quietly* I went ta the Dog and wound up gettin' grabbed by a big $#@$@@# 'Con. *free hand goes to the new scar across his chest, which looks like a massive thumb print made by a rather non humanoid thumb*

Recon: But... you said you didn't remember... *analyzes the scar. She had assumed he'd fallen on something*

Jazz: *swallows* Don't. But I remember that flashback I just had when you kissed me.

Recon: *stiffens, all color abandoning her optics as she looks even more sorry*

Jazz: *lifts her hand to his face and kisses her fingers* Shhhhh...

Recon: *huddling herself* I didn't know..... I sought...

Jazz: *head down on his pillow* Thought what, babe?

Recon: I sought... It might get you to let me back in...

Jazz: *another light squeeze of her fingers even as he frowns slightly* I shut ya out ta keep you safe, Conny.

Recon: But sat's not right! *clamps her other hand over his* You shouldn't haf to shut yourself down for me!

Jazz: *slight grin* Not like anybody misses me.

Recon: *frowns* Sat is NOT true! Vat about Bumblebee, and Knockout? Slag, efen Prowl vould miss your parties.

Jazz: Yeah, but they ain't... in my head. *weary, and it's showing despite his efforts*

Recon: *conviction dissipates, and with it her energy. Suddenly realizes she hasn't recharged in over 24 hours, but it doesn't matter right now* I am sorry about sat.

Jazz: *quietly* I love you, lady. But I love you too much ta hurt ya. *optic shutters droop* F'that means... livin' shielded... then so be it...

Recon: *squeezes his hand and gathers her courage* Vhy make yourself miserable? Sat's se 'Con's job... *recalls a certain blue and green mech from long ago* I vould miss you...

Jazz: *bit of a frown as his tired processor tries to understand what she's saying*

Recon: *there is so much hope in those optics* You can't let it offline you before your spark efen goes out...

Jazz: *startles and looks up at her with optics now gone wide*

Recon: *intakes catch as she "holds her breath"*

Jazz: But...

Recon: *small encouraging smile, hands trembling* I know. But ve shouldn't live our lives miserable, so vhy try to fight it?

Jazz: *and now he looks scared, and he is. He knows how tender Recon is about people, and now he's afraid to butt into her life lest it cause her more pain*

Recon: *for a split-second his fear brings back her fear of rejection. But the rarity of that emotion only solidifies her confidence. She strokes his cheek* Jazz, you vorry too much. You couldn't hurt me if you tried.

Jazz: *again with the lip biting* But I already did... On the hill on heart day.

Recon: No. *face set in sad resolution* I hurt myself. ... I hurt us both...

Jazz: *brows draw together, optics seeking as he hesitates just a bit more*

Recon: *optics shine with hope once more* But I don't vant to hurt you again! I can shield if you vant me to...

Jazz: *deep, shuddering intake, and then he stops blocking the emotional part of the bond*

Recon: *sharp intake as everything comes rushing back and she can FEEL him for the first time in what feels like forever. Relief and happiness wash over her, and she collapses sobbing onto his chest* Sank Primus! Sank Primus you came back... It felt like... It felt like you were offline...

Jazz: *gasping with the force of her feelings. Can feel himself teetering on the brink of unconsciousness and feel his processor sinking toward incoherence, but he tries to move over on the berth, which is big enough for a bot of Optimus' size. Wants Recon there beside him, but he's too far into stasis to be able to tell her*

Recon: *will probably feel bad for inundating him with emotions tomorrow, but is just so glad! With the bond reinstated she picks up on his desire and gently moves him over* Shhh. *climbs up onto the berth, hugging him and sobbing static at intervals*

Jazz: *cuddle, love. Sleep*

Recon: *looses herself in his love and reflects it back as she cries herself to sleep*

Ratchet: *standing in front of the observation window with a hand on a sobbing Chromia's shoulder, he looks down at Maria* Can you wait a little longer to talk to him?

Maria: *not quite sure what to think of all this. She stands looking on soberly* Yeah, I think so.

Ratchet: Mia, do you still have that pizza Sam stored in your quarters?

Chromia: *wiping her optics* *gruffly* Make sure she likes pizza first, numbbolts.

Maria: *snerk* Long as it isn't sardine.

Chromia: *looks down at her* Meat lover's.

Maria: Guess that works. I'd eat a horse right now. *scowl* The cafeteria food they gave me was... questionable.

Chromia: ...Who gave you? I thought nobody ate that slop.

Ratchet: *rumbles and heads over to his desk, not bothering to go back into Jazz's room since he knows he'll be alright now*

Maria: *closed eyes, dismissive wave* The guy grilling me for hours about you guys.

Chromia: Oh. Portman. *snort* I know how to order chicken, too. *turns and heads out of the med ward*

Maria: Hey! *scampers down the stairs and after the blue bot* Pizza's fine, really.

Chromia: *looks down* Alright. I think you have to cut that brand up to fit it into the little heating machine, though. We've got the tools for the job.

Maria: *another dismissive wave* That's fine.

Chromia: *protective stance over the human girl as a red mech runs past screaming at the top of his vocalizer and a yellow one follows with blood in his optic* You sure you don't want a ride?

Maria: *stands stiff and wide-eyed as the two metal mountains barge past* M-maybe I do...

Chromia: *side steps, and then hunkers down and offers both hands* Don't worry, I carry around a little human, so you'll be safe unless you jump.

Maria: *makes sure her purse and bag of Toblerone are secure before climbing on gingerly* A little human?

Chromia: *actually smiling as she cups her hands to her chest and rises* Yup. She's just getting good at talking. *chuckle* And she's picking up the fun words first, just like a Cybertronian youngling would.

Maria: *small chuckle, even as she DEATH GRIPS the big metal fingers* And whose kid is this?

Chromia: Major Lennox's little girl. *nods to a quiet looking dark green guy in passing*

green guy: *friendly grin for Maria as he nods to her too*

Maria: *uneasy smile for the green guy* Lennox, I think I heard that name before...

Chromia: Don't worry about Hound. And Major Lennox is the head of the humans around here. *quiet chuckle* Sergeant Epps has younglings too, but they're harder to borrow.

Maria: Oh, right. *quirks an eyebrow at the use of "borrow"*

Chromia: *turns off the main hall into a little side passage, and then carefully shifts her hands so that Maria is sitting on just one so that she can use the other to open the door* Dang finangled door anyway...

Ironhide: *looks up from where he's sitting in a massive construction of concrete blocks that looks for all the world like an easy chair. Has a cube in one hand and what looks like a giant cinnamon bun in the other. Also looks guilty*

Chromia: ... Are you eating Bumblebee's treats again?

Ironhide: *hangdog but defiant* I was hungry!

TV: *making happy sports noises*

Maria: *carefully keeps her balance as Chromia opens the door. The scene inside makes her double-take*

Chromia: *hunkers down and gently sets Maria on the floor by where a squishy chair, a fridge, and a microwave sit under a Transformer size table, then goes over and takes away the bun* There's no telling when Jazz will be able to get more of these for us. I don't want to run out.

Ironhide: *deep sigh and sad puppy look*

Maria: *solid ground, yay!* *looks around the room* There's a lot of people-sized stuff here...

Chromia: *putting the bun in a cupboard and gently elbowing Ironhide as he follows her and tries to put his arms around her from behind* Well, Sam and Major Lennox can't use the stuff we do. 'Hide, so help me...

Maria: *hides under the table and wonders wryly if there's Hayden-sized things in Recon's room* ..... *decides to check out the fridge*

fridge: *holds one of those truly MASSIVE frozen pizzas that barely fits in the freezer*

Maria: *whistles in appreciation and looks for drinkage as well*

lower part of fridge: *six pack of assorted Jones' sodapop*

Chromia: Mmmmmm.

Maria: *is distracted from the soda* Um... *not sure she wants to look out*

Ironhide: *happy rumbling*

Maria: *tiptoes out from under the table* I can leave you two alone...

Chromia: *leans back and puts a hand on Ironhide's face as she looks down at the girl* Don't you ever greet your guy at the end of the day?

Maria: *frowns as she thinks back to high school* ...I don't live with my guy.

Chromia: *squints one eye shut in a bit of a wince as Ironhide turns to go back to the chair and the TV* Right. Where did he go, anyway?

Maria: *turns back to the fridge to prepare dinner* They wouldn't let 'im stay and he had a test.

Chromia: *very pointed observation about Portman's IQ level*

Maria: *quiet snerk* I didn't wanna see 'im anyway. *unwraps the pizza and rummage through the drawers for a cutter*

Chromia: What're you looking for? *glances over as a deep burp comes from the direction of the chair* 'Hide...

Ironhide: *absently, intent on his left cannon and the game* 'Scuse me.

Maria: Some kinda... aha! *pulls out a knife* This'll do. *gets to cutting the frozen mass of a pizza*

Chromia: *gets the big slab of oak that serves as a Sam-proof cutting board and holds it at Maria counter level* Want me to thaw it for you a little?

Maria: Thanks. *puts the cutting board under the pizza* I won't eat the whole thing, I don't wanna use it all. *frozen pizza cuts with a CRUNCH CRUNCH*

Chromia: Somebody will eat it as 'cold pizza' if you don't eat it now. *chuckle*

Maria: Yeah, but it won't keep forever. *glances up and notices a picture behind her on the wall.

Chromia: You bet it won't. *follows the girl's gaze and also looks at the picture, which shows a large black mech very similar to Ironhide, but who isn't Ironhide because that mech is standing beside him and grinning widely at the picture taker*

Maria: *sets the knife down* Who's that?

Chromia: *small smile as she turns back to the girl* *softly* That was Starforge.

Maria: *softly, uncertainly* "Was"?

Chromia: Yeah. He died the day Tyger Pax fell. *sigh* Was too young yet to know how to run.

Maria: *doesn't know what a Tiger Packs is, but gets her meaning all the same* I'm sorry.

Chromia: *shakes her head* It was a long time ago, and he's where this stupid slagging war can't hurt him anymore.

Maria: *absently puts the pizza onto a plate and into the microwave* I didn't know you guys had a war.

Chromia: *delicately tears off a paper towel and offers it to her* Yeah. That's why we came here. To keep the other side from trashing the place.

Maria: *takes the towel, recalling what Chromia said earlier* You're... not from here?

Chromia: *headshake* We're Cybertronian.

Maria: So... you're aliens?

Chromia: *there's that side glance of thinking, then a shrug* I suppose so. This is it for us, now.

Maria: What do you mean?

Chromia: I mean there's nothing to go back to. I guess 'immigrant' would be a closer word than 'alien'.

Maria: *surprise* Your planet was destroyed?

Chromia: It's there, but it's been stripped clean and burned out. *glances toward her mate* Ironhide, don't point that at the TV.

Ironhide: *rumble*

microwave: *beeps!*

Maria: *gingerly takes out the pizza, remembering her grandparents' stories of coming here from Mexico and suddenly feeling closer to these robots*

Chromia: *ducks her head to look in the little human size cupboard under the microwave* Do you need a glass for your drink?

Maria: *startled out of her reverie* Huh? Oh, no. *holds up the soda bottle* Comes in its own glass.

Chromia: *bit of a grin* That's what Sam says too. But Bobby says his lady will kill him if he drinks soft drinks out of the bottle.

Maria: *snerk* Sounds like my mom. *wanders to one of the squishy chairs and sits*

Chromia: Maybe it's a human mother thing. *gets up and goes over to nab her mate's cube and have a drink as she looks at the TV* *snerk* They're all piled up again.

Ironhide: *grunts, is looking down his cannon*

Maria: I hope I ain't ever that way when I have kids.

Chromia: *looks back at her and chuckles* Well, like I say. Sam drinks from the bottle. But then he also argues with a dog.

Maria: *eyebrow raise* Some company you keep...

Chromia: *shrugs* Bumblebee likes him. *optics go to the door as it opens to disclose that young bot*

Bumblebee: *plays some snippet off an old alien flick and grins* "Greetings!" *glances at Maria* Prowl sent me to take you home!

Chromia: *turns to look at the young mech, her brow plates rising*

Bumblebee: *fidgets* I mean, hi 'Mia, how was your day?

Maria: *eyebrow raise at the exchange*

Chromia: *soft chuckle and goes to get that bun that Ironhide ganked out of the cupboard and offer it to Bumblebee* Kind of hectic. But I don't think Maria's ready to go back yet.

Bumblebee: *you read his processor! Happy whine as he takes the bun*

Maria: Won't Jazz still want to see me?

Chromia: Yeah, he will. *hunkers down again to be closer to Maria's level* *and then pings Prowl*

Bumblebee: *sees the missing bun chunk, lets off a distressed whine*

Maria: He did it. *points to Ironhide*

Ironhide: *suddenly very interested in the TV*

Prowl: //Yes, Chromia?//

Chromia: //Maria can't go back yet. She still needs to see Jazz.//

Prowl: //I thought you two already took care of that?//

Chromia: //Nope. He needed to settle some business with Recon first. And then he needed recharge.//

Prowl: *small sigh* //Very well, I'll have Portman set her up with quarters for the night. And she should contact her caretakers.//

Bumblebee: *whine complain* These are expensive!

Chromia: *aloud and over comms* There's plenty of space right here. She doesn't need to get dragged around to anymore new places. Shhh, Bee. He only got one bite.

Bumblebee: *pouts and tears off a piece to pop under his mouthplate*

Prowl: //Very well. If she does not prefer to be alone I will entrust her to you for the remainder of her stay.//

Chromia: //Just a minute.// *looks over* Maria, do you want to stay here tonight, if it's alright with your mom?

Maria: *quirks an eyebrow* Mom's gonna be worried sick about me. But it's not like I can get back to LA tonight...

Chromia: Do you think it would help if I talked to her? Sam seems to think I sound like a reassuring mother figure.

Maria: *looks uncertain* I dunno, it's gonna take a very good lie to get her to stop freaking out.

Chromia: Lie? I'll just tell her you're staying to make sure a sick friend is alright, and that you'll be getting a ride home as soon as you can.

Maria: *thinks for a second* No, be my supervisor. There was a crisis at the hospital and I needed to stay overtime.

Chromia: *bit of a frown* But that's not true.

Maria: But my mom knows all my friends. She'd be calling their moms sending them goodwill wishes. The hospital sounds better.

Chromia: *troubled look to Bumblebee as she tries to think of a solution*

Bumblebee: *shrugs* Sam lies to his mom all the time.

Maria: Trust me, she'd freak out less.

Chromia: *quietly* I'm not a Decepticon.

Bumblebee: *blink*

Maria: *starting to feel bad now* Hey, little white lies don't make you evil...

Chromia: *quietly, looking down with steady optics* Truth is truth, Maria. It's bad enough we have to pretend to be what we aren't when we go out.

Maria: I'm sorry. You don't have to do anything. I'll talk to her.

Prowl: //Chromia?//

Chromia: //Sorry, Prowl. She wants to stay.//

Prowl: //Alright, have Bumblebee take her home in the morning. Prowl out.//

Chromia: //Yessir. Chromia out.// Prowl says you're supposed to take Maria home in the morning, Bee.

Bumblebee: *clicks in the affirmative and munches another piece of bun*

Maria: *frowns as she checks her phone* I got no service in here.

Chromia: Here. *remote connects with the phone* Tell me the number you want.

Maria: Oh! Um... *pulls up her mom's number and shows her the screen*

Bumblebee: *laughs at one of the endzone dances on TV*

Chromia: *makes the connection* There you go. *then glances over and grins as Ironhide asks Bumblebee if he wants to go and train after this game is over*

Maria: *puts the phone to her ear and walks to the other side of the room so as not to disturb the others* Hey Mom...

Bumblebee: *he'd love to*

Ironhide: What is it?

Bumblebee: Sideswipe got a new game, I told him I'd check it out later. *noms bun*

Ironhide: Was this before or after he got blue paint on Sunstreaker and Prowl had to pry Sunstreaker off his throat?

Chromia: *brow up. She'd wondered why it had taken Prowl so long to finish dealing with Maria*

Bumblebee: *wince* Before. *intakes sigh and he wonders when the two will be out of the medbay/brig*

Ironhide: *rumbles gruff sympathy* The game will still be there.

Bumblebee: *but his excuse won't* 'Swipe'd kill me for going in his quarters.

Ironhide: *brows lift* I meant for when he's free to play it with you again.

Bumblebee: Oh, right. *noms and looks over at Maria*

Maria: *speaking quickly in Spanish* [This is the first chance I've gotten to call, Mama! Yes, they needed all of us.]

Ironhide: *glances that way too, and then turns back to Bumblebee* I can play a game with you. Optimus always leaves his hoop ball in the gym.

Bumblebee: *perks and deedles at the idea*

Ironhide: *pleased at the prospect of spending time with this, one of the last two of his students. Leans back in his chair and rumbles, then frowns at the TV as he tries to figure out what the person in the animal costume is doing now*

Maria: *treads back over* I think she took that well.

Chromia: *looks down from gazing thoughtfully at the picture on the wall to smile at the human girl* You need something to recharge in?

Maria: What I need is a hot bath. *proceeds to scarf the rest of the pizza*

Bumblebee: *taps his toe along with the marching band*

Chromia: Oh that's no problem. *goes to a cupboard and grabs a great big beach towel* I'll bring you to the washrack.

Maria: *makes sure her stuff is under the table out of the way, puts the plate in the sink* "Washrack"?

Chromia: *sideways glance, then turns to Bumblebee* Bee, what's the human washrack?

Bumblebee: *thinks, then shrugs, making an "I don't know" noise*

Maria: Showers? *smirk* You guys have the wierdest names for stuff.

Chromia: They make sense to us. *gets some other things out of the cupboards and then hands them and the towel to Maria. The other things are a huge souvenir T-shirt from Las Vegas, and a pair of blue silk panties the same color as Chromia*

Maria: *takes the things, O.o at the panties* Where the heck did you get these?!

Chromia: Bobby keeps buying them and hanging them on Ironhide's radio receiver.

Maria: *snicker at the idea, but then realizes she'd be taking something else from Epps* Ah, no thanks. *hands them back*

Chromia: It's not like I need them. *knocks on her own butt with one fist*

Maria: *smirks* Yeah, but... Oh, you wouldn't understand.

Chromia: *looks at the underwear* They're clean.

Maria: *tired glare says take the d*** underwear*

Ironhide: *irritably* Mia, stop waving those #@$#@@ things around. There's a social taboo about doing that.

Bumblebee: *snicker*

Chromia: *throws them at her mate*

Bumblebee: ..... *snaps a picture*

Maria: *facepalm, snicker*

Ironhide: >\

((Written by ssjmihoshi and random_xtras.))


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