Nexus. 'Frag It'. Daytime interlude

Jan 13, 2010 21:10

Rhinox: *has ripped Rattrap's room to bits and is busy hammering something into place there*

Nightwish: *playing one of Rattrap's fighting games on a datapad as she lays on the couch in the living room*

Hrafni and Dinobaby: *made a ball out of a box of elastic bands they found. Are currently playing with said ball in the big storage closet. Something just shattered....*

Rattrap: *throws open the door of the storage closet* Whudderyou brats destroying now?

ball: *hits him in face*

Rattrap: *staggers back, clutching his nose, cursing a blue steak*

Dinobaby: *laughs and points*

Hrafni: *ears back and eyes full of surprised and sympathetic tears*

Rattrap: *grabs the ball and stomps off, still cursing*

Nightwish: *snorts without looking up from the game*

Rhinox: *construction sounds of doom*

Hrafni: *not sure if she should apologize or go lay low*

Dinobaby: *crawly after Rattrap*

Rattrap: *scowls down at Dinobaby* Whut?

Dinobaby: You took ball. *crawly crawly*

Rattrap: You hit me in th' face wit' it.

Dinobaby: *scowl* Ball bounced off shelf. And wall. And ceiling. And Hrafni throw it!

Rattrap: An' what'd you break wit' it?

Dinobaby: No know. Was up on shelf. Vermin say no look on shelf.

Rattrap: *sighs and picks up the chibi* Should'a jus' been playin' in th' VR room.

Dinobaby: *reaches for ball* Like ball. More fun than holos.

Rattrap: *holds the ball out of his reach* I meant wit' th' ball. Don' gotta turn on a holo, an' y'cain't break nothin' in dere.

Dinobaby: *not gonna wibble! Not gonna... darn wibble* Is too big. Ball not bounce good.

Rattrap: Den have th' computer make a smaller room!

Dinobaby: *more wibble* 'Wish gets to play at home.

Rattrap: Wish don't break things.

Dinobaby: *gives Rattrap a look that says he can't believe the older Maximal just said that*

Rattrap: ......What? Is she breakin' things dat I dunno 'bout?

Dinobaby: 'Wish break wall with Vermin. Break bottle with Vermin's head. Break.... *it's a long list*

Rattrap: .....So dat's where all my money's been goin', besides feedin' yer endless gullet.

Dinobaby: ...Thrrrpt. *squirm, wants ball and wants down*

Rattrap: If I give ya yer ball back, will y'take all th' food y'got stored in subspace an' put it back where it belongs?

Dinobaby: *wibble* My food!

Rattrap: Oh yeah? An' who said it's yer food, huh?

Dinobaby: *think, think, think. Wibble* My food.

Rattrap: *love of money war with the wibble. The wibble wins again* Primus frag it, take yer slaggin' ball an' get outta here. *scowls and sets the chibi down, then hands him his ball*

Dinobaby: *happy squeal and sticks it in his mouth, then crawls back to Hrafni just as fast as his little butt can wriggle*

Rattrap: Yer lucky yer cute! *shakes his fist at Dinobaby's wiggling butt, then sighs and rubs his face*

Hrafni: *carries him past a moment later* I picked up all the glass, Vader.

Rhinox: *heaves floor tile out of the bedroom*

Rattrap: Thanks, sweetheart. *pats her head, then eyes Rhinox skeptically* Need some help dere, Big Green?

Rhinox: *turns to go back inside* I'm good. You'll see the surprise when it's done.

Hrafni: *slight ear twitch and then hauls brother out to play in the holodeck*

Rattrap: *wanders down the halls, eventually ending up in the bridge. He climbs into His Chair and curls into a ball, his optics closed* Primus, please don' let my patience run out. Dese kids deserve more'n a deadbeat like me.


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