Nexus. The Black Dog and the 'Frag It'. Drinks and food.

Jan 08, 2010 01:06

reSpazz: *silently looking around, her head tilting as she studies the undersides of bigger bots*

Boxcutter: *tugs reSpazz along, looking like he's being more rough with her than he really is. Once they get to the bar he picks her up and tosses her onto the counter, then climbs up himself, grunting and grumbling*

reSpazz: *wriggle, then remembers how to make her body work and crawls over to the nearest table. Once she gets there she sits under the far chair and resumes her bot watching*

Boxcutter: *makes his way over to the table and pats her head. After plunking down in his chair, he orders a Chromia and takes his helmet off, setting it on the floor next to reSpazz*

Nemesis: *gives him the disclaimer*

reSpazz: *puts the helmet on and vanishes from the world!*

Boxcutter: *gives Nemesis a Look* I don' need no Primus fragged disclaimer, jus' gimme my slaggin' drink!

Nemesis: Rules're rules, old man.

Boxcutter: *slams his fist down on the table* Rules! I'm th' mech who invented Blitz, an' not th' watar'd down slag y'serve here!

Nemesis: *just looks at him*

reSpazz: Just sign the slaggin' thing, Boss.

Boxcutter: Don' talk back ta me, young lady! An' don' swear. S'not becomin'. *huffs and signs it*

reSpazz: *sees if she can maybe somehow fold up and fit fully into his helmet*

Nemesis: *takes the datapad, and then goes and mixes a Chromia that would eat through steel* *huge bangs and pops accompany the mixing, and a few mechs move away from the bar*

Pink: *doesn't even notice. She's busy chirping away at a G1 Wheeljack about cheap, high quality spare parts*

Blackout: *elbow on the bar, chin on fist. Looks asleep*

chibiScorponok: *swimming in her drink*

Boxcutter: *listens to the minor explosions and nods to himself in approval. A drink wasn't a drink until it could eat through your fuel tank, so far as he was concerned.*

Nemesis: *sets the cube on his table, where it promptly and violently blows up in his face*

Boxcutter: *coughs and waves off the smoke, chuckling darkly* You did dat on purpose.

Nemesis: Any Chromia'll do that if you handle her wrong. *shrug* Ask Ironhide.

Boxcutter: Back in my day, we called dat flirtin'. *scoffs and takes a swig of what's left of the drink*

Chromia: *burns like acid, kicks like a nuke, and then blows up again on the way down*

Boxcutter: *makes a face, then licks his lips and sets the cube down on the table with a smirk*

Pink: *standing on the table in front of him, her butterfly wand in one hand as she smiles at him* Do you want to buy any spare parts or metal?

Boxcutter: *optic flickers a few times, then he snorts* Pink.

Pink: *giggle* Yup!

Boxcutter: *rests his elbow on the table and leans on it, looking her over* Starcaller told me 'bout'chu.

Pink: *headtilty* He told me about you, too.

Boxcutter: *smirks* Only good things, right?

Pink: He said you build things. That's why I was wondering if you'd like to buy building stuff.

Boxcutter: Close enough. Where'd dese parts come from?

Pink: *shows a holo* Most of 'em come from this mark II Deathstar.

Boxcutter: *strokes his chin, taking another drink of his Chromia and grunting quietly* Small parts, ship parts, bot parts?

Pink: Yup! ^_^

Boxcutter: How much're y'sellin' fer?

Pink: *names a very low price*

Boxcutter: *lets out a low whistle, tilting his head to the side* Y'mus' got a lotta dem, den, ta be sellin' fer dat price.

Pink: *massively blows up a section of her holo to show a very tiny speck* That's an Imperator class warship.

Boxcutter: *optic goes wide* Primus, whadd y'do? Blow up Unicron's long lost twin bruddah?

Pink: We went hunting. *giggle*

Boxcutter: I'll say! Shoot! *slams his hand on the table* I'll take 'em!

Chromia: *BOOM*

Pink: *giggles* How many of what? *takes out a little datapad and calls up the list... the very long list* We have lots of drones, too. Some even still work!

Boxcutter: *ignores his exploding drink, and starts going through the list, checking off parts he wants and how many of them* Drones. I'll take any dat ain't woikin' or have glitches, an' don' toss 'em if dey're mangled beyond recognition, I'll pay double fer dose.

Pink: We don't toss those. We sell them for parts. *shows him the drones section of the list... and there are thousands of battle droids and R2 units and protocol droids and others*

Boxcutter: *glances at the list, then shrugs and selects as many of the droids as he can afford, buying up a huge section of the list*

Pink: *happy beeps as she watches*

Boxcutter: *chuckles and hands her the list back when he's done* Dere ya go, dollface. An' lemme know next time ya go huntin', I'll be needin' more.

Pink: *giggles* We've still got over half our inventory. You can just come buy more of these. *turns and flies to Blackout, beeping excitedly and waving the pad*

Blackout: *unshutters one optic and glances at it, then glances over at the old mech* How are you paying? You want it delivered?

Boxcutter: I cin wire it to ya right now, if ya want. An' delivery sounds swell.

Blackout: *nods and gives him the code to wire the credit to*

Pink: *sits on the edge of her cube and watches Scorpy swim*

Boxcutter: *offhandedly as he wires the credits to her* Thanks, doll. S'pleasure doin' bidness wit'cha.

Blackout: *perks and unshutters the other optic* I like thank yous.

Pink: *giggles and nearly joins Scorpy in the drink*

Boxcutter: *optic flickers and he turns to face her, clearly not expecting that* Err.. well... good, cheap droids're hard ta come by. Dey sell well ta th' Pits, an' even betta' t'otha' merchants 'n diplomats.

Blackout: *reaches over and picks him up, then looks him over and smirks before bringing him to her face and proceeding to scramble his circuits worse than the Chromia did*

reSpazz: ...Is she kissing him?

Pink: Yup!

Boxcutter: *goes totally still, his optic going as round and wide as it can possibly go*

Blackout: *ups the energy a bit, and then moves him away and looks at him*

Boxcutter: *grabs onto Blackout's hand, swaying lightly from side to side, his optic flickering rapidly* Well...

Blackout: *smirks, the thumb of the hand that's holding him absently rubbing against his back*

Boxcutter: Clearly, Ironhide's been kissin' th' wrong femme if th' Chromia's th' best he could come up wit'.

Blackout: *snerks and pokes him back into his chair* I don't kiss Ironhides.

Boxcutter: Thanks. Dat means I get ta top 'im fer th' mos' dangerous drink eva' invented.

Chromia: *explodes in his tank*

Boxcutter: *places a hand on his stomach and belches*

Pink: *giggle fit*

Blackout: So where do you want your stuff, and do they have fits about big black Decepticons appearing out of nowhere?

Nemesis: And you haven't finished your drink, so you can't judge, old man. *wiping bar*

Boxcutter: Decepticons? Slag, dey'd prolly hold a parade in yer honor, s'long as y'don't fly towards th' good part a' Cybertropolis. *gives Blackout the location of his shop, then gives Nemesis a Look* An' I ain't finished it cuz I ain't had a chance! But I cin tell ya, dat one kiss was more potent den dis wimpy excuse fer high-grade is.

Nemesis: *just snerks* Wait till you finish it.

Boxcutter: *slams his hand on the table* Don' talk ta me like I ain't neva' had a Chromia before! I was around when dey first came out, yanno!

Blackout: *turns her head and looks toward the door, where two huge dark femmes and two mechs of the same proportions are standing around a truly immense sandy golden bot. Nods her head and the dark ones go out, while the lighter one comes to stand beside her*

Pink: *offers Boxcutter a bite of cookie. Yes, it is pickle flavor*

Nemesis: *just snerks and keeps wiping*

Boxcutter: An' I know fer a fact dat Ransack came in here an' downed a whole one on 'is first day in dis slaggin' bar! I'm th' one who taught 'im how ta drink an' how ta survive stupid stunts like dat-! *turns and scowls at the cookie, then scarfs it down and takes a long swing of his drink*

Pink: He tried starting a fight with Ravage. *giggle fit and then 0.o as Boxcutter's drink seems to try to go atomic in his pipes*

reSpazz: *moving her position. Just in case the displaced air comes out the back way*

Blackout: *comforting click to the big bot, who is watching Boxcutter worriedly*

Boxcutter: *grips the table and lets out a loud, long, resonating belch, his armor rattling. When he finishes, he wobbles a little, then hiccups*

Pink: *laughs her little pink butt off* Do it again!

Nemesis: *resetting a few instruments*

bots over there: *taking bets on the old mech exploding*

Nemesis: *kicks their skidplates out*

Boxcutter: *pounds his chest and lets out a few smaller belches, reciting the Cybertronian alphabet for Pink's amusement*

Pink: *highly entertained*

Chromia in his tank: *objects violently to being rattled*

Boxcutter: *almost makes it to the end, but gets cut off by another loud belch*

Blackout: Did you amp that, Nemesis?

Nemesis: No, I mixed it full strength. *wipe wipe wipe, goes to serve the guy on the other end of the bar*

Blackout: *looks at the big bot* He's fine, Mouse. You don't need to be afraid.

Mouse: *just hangs her head a little and gives Boxcutter another worried look from her dark optics*

Boxcutter: *gives Mouse a wide grin* Lissen t'th' lady, dollface. I mix up woise drinks up at home. I've yet ta have anythin' my fuel tank cain't handle.

Mouse: *childlike gesture of shyness as she tries to hide behind Blackout, who at fifty foot is shorter than she is, so it doesn't work too well*

Boxcutter: *hauls himself to his feet and swaggers over, wearing a charming, if not familiar smile. He bows before Mouse and Blackout, his movements strangely smooth and graceful* Name's Boxcutter, m'dears. I should'a asked soona', but may I have th' name a' th' lovely femme I'll be namin' my new drink afta', an' her charmin' companion?

Blackout: *slight smirk as Scorpy sticks his head out of the drink to chitter at Boxcutter* I'm Blackout. And this is Mouse.

Pink: *proudly* Blackout's our warlord!

Mouse: *is hiding. Though she's got a little shy smile*

Boxcutter: Blackout. Hmm... a perf'ctly 'propriate name fer a femme wit' a kiss so potent.

Blackout: You're just trying to get another one. *leaning her cheek on her fist again, her free hand gently chasing Scorponok as he scampers up her plating on the way to her shoulder*

Boxcutter: *optic narrows and flickers in his version of a wink* Not 'till I head home, sweetheart, so dat it's fresh in my memory banks when I start woikin' on yer drink.

Blackout: *snorts, then glances over to where Pink's dabbling in his drink with an energon stick and making it swirl and explode*

Boxcutter: *turns to follow her gaze, then arches his optic, stroking his chin thoughtfully*

Pink: *examines the end of the energon stick, which is now about a foot shorter* *giggles*

Boxcutter: I wonda' if I cin get someone ta make dem lil' drink umbrellas outta energon...

Nemesis: *snorts and offers him one*

Boxcutter: *optic flickers* Oh. Thanks. *takes the umbrella and nibbles on the end*

umbrella: *sweet but very unusual flavor*

Boxcutter: *takes the umbrella out of his mouth, looks at it, then shrugs and starts nibbling on it again* Ransack'd love dis.

Pink: Who's that? *stirring his drink with her stick again. It's going to be seriously spiked at this rate*

Boxcutter: Ehn, dis brat I raised. Lives wit' Star. *pauses* Oh yeah...goes by Rattrap now.

Pink: Oh, him. He eats dead organic things. *pulls a face*

Boxcutter: *snerks* He'll put anythin' in his mouth' at least once. Should'a seen 'im when he was jus' box-fresh. Ev'rythin' had th' potential ta be eaten, an' if I wasn' careful, he'd get inta' my parts box an' eat 'em.

Pink: *nose wrinkle* Ewwww.

Blackout: You still eat things, Pink.

Pink: *sideways look* Wire's good.

Boxcutter: He said dat too. 'Specially 'bout coppa'.

Pink: *bounces* It's the best!

Chromia: *starting to eat through the cube*

Boxcutter: *snickers, then looks at his cube and strokes his chin. He really should finish it...*

Pink: *looks toward the sizzling sound, then zips into the air and waves her wand and her energon stick

Boxcutter: *debates, then grabs the cube and chugs down the rest of the drink*

Chromia: *amped by Pink's stick, the burn of its going down is drowned out by the discordant jangling of circuits. And then it meets the fuel already in his tank with a violent hiss. There is a moment's pause and then.....

Mouse: *squeals and puts her hands over her audios at that explosion*

Nemesis: Yeah. Don't put green minerals in Chromia. It's not fun. *walks over to serve another drink*

Boxcutter: *lying flat out on his back as the smoke clears, amazingly still in one piece. The top half of his armor has blown off, however, revealing a powerfully sculpted white torsoplate covered with silver etchings. He groans and reaches up to rub his head, his optic flickering weakly* Now dat was a bang... *forces himself to sit up, one hand pressed to his fuel tank*

reSpazz: *comes over and hunkers by one side of him as Pink weebles around cheerfully with his chestplate* Your optic's kinda spinny, Boss.

Blackout: *don't mind that fit of the snorting giggles, anybody. She's really just comforting Mouse, not clinging to her minion as her mirth overcomes her.*

Boxcutter: 'M'okay. *flickers his optic a few times, trying to get it to stablize and focus, then pushes himself slowly to his feet. He staggers once he's standing, almost falling back to the floor again*

Pink: *scoots over and offers his chestplate*

reSpazz: *doubtful look as she stands* That doesn't look like okay.

Boxcutter: *takes his chestplate back and struggles to get it back on, wobbling back and forth* Nonsense! S'only one Chromia! 'M perf'ctly fine!

reSpazz: Uh... that's upside down.

Pink: *giggles*

Boxcutter: Is not! *swats at her with it, then turns it around and tries again*

Blackout: Pink, take Mouse home. *leans her elbows on the bar to watch Boxcutter*

Pink: Awwww. *does so*

reSpazz: You're leaning pretty bad, Boss....

Boxcutter: *rights himself, then makes a rude gesture in her direction* Don' tell me what 'm doin', I know what 'm doin'!

Blackout: *watches him look around blankly*

Nemesis: Want your bill?

Boxcutter: Bill? What bill? I already paid th' pretty lady. *makes a wise, sweeping gesture towards Blackout*

Nemesis: *snorts* She didn't mix your drink, old man.

Boxcutter: Oh... dat bill! Right, right. How much do I owe ya?

Nemesis: *tells him. It's surprisingly low for the quality of the drink*

Boxcutter: *pulls out a handful of credit chips and starts counting them. He has to try a couple times, because he keeps loosing count*

reSpazz: Want me to do it, Boss? *thinks he's leaning again. Turns and gives a nearby Sunstreaker a dirty look for blowing on him*

Boxcutter: *starts leaning the other way when he's blown on, his optic flickering* Nono, I got it... *waves her off, his hand dangerously close to her head, then goes back to counting and losing track*

Sunstreaker: *blows again, and then yelps as Nemesis flips her with the bar towel*

Boxcutter: *scowls, growls, than thrusts the credits down to reSpazz* Fine, if yer so smart, you do it!

reSpazz: *takes the chips and counts out the right amount, then gives that right amount back to the old mech so that he can pay for his drink. Has included the tip*

Boxcutter: *blinks at the credits* What, dat's all dat's left? I t'ought I had more credit wit' me den dat!

reSpazz: No, Boss. That's what you owe the 'tender. The rest's right here.

Boxcutter: Well, why din'cha give it ta 'er yerself! *swats at her, then turns and gives Nemesis the credits*

reSpazz: *mutter* It's called respect, you old dork.

Nemesis: *takes credits* Have a nice day.

Blackout: *gently poking Scorpy as she watches Boxcutter*

Scorpy: *telling her all about it! Is an authority!*

Boxcutter: *grunts and staggers towards the edge of the bar, and as he tries to climb off, falls toward the floor*

Blackout: *puts out a hand and catches him before he hits* *smirk* Need a ride?

Boxcutter: *lands with an oof!* Wheredd'yu come from?

Blackout: *lifts him up and looks at him more closely, then scoops up reSpazz and turns toward the door*

reSpazz: Hey!

Boxcutter: Hey's right! Where's m'helmet? I ain't leavin' widdout my affects!

Blackout: *dumps reSpazz next to him, then catches the tossed helmet without looking. Adds it to the handful*

Boxcutter: *makes a pleased sound and stuffs his helmet onto his head*

reSpazz: *looks at his audio sticking out the space where his face is supposed to go* 0_o

Blackout: *walks out, transforms, flies up and sits on the Klingon Warbird that's floating up above the bar, then transforms again and knocks loudly on the hull with her free fist*

Rattrap: *opens the airlock, organic, his shirt missing and hair disheveled* Th' frag is it, Blackout? *spies Boxcutter out of the corner of his eye and double takes* What th' fraggin' Pit? What'd'ya do ta 'im?

Blackout: *gives him a reSpazz*

reSpazz: Hey!

Rattrap: Hay is fer horses. *looks at the tiny Spazz with an amused smirk* What've we got here?

reSpazz: Slag you, Rat. Just slag you. *turns and looks toward Blackout and Boxcutter, her optic array showing her concern*

Rattrap: *laughs and puts her down, then turns back to the pair outside*

Blackout: *pokes Boxcutter with a finger*

Boxcutter: *hiccups, his helmet spinning around comically, then starts leaning again* 'Allo dere, poppet.

Blackout: You're cratered. *smirk*

Boxcutter: No, 'm Boxcutter. Cratered was my second cousin.

Blackout: *deep alto chuckle* Think you've got enough of a charge going there?

Boxcutter: *leans towards Blackout and gives her a smarmy grin* I got enuff'a charge fer you, gorgeous.

Rattrap: *laughs and facepalms, leaning against the doorframe to keep himself upright*

Blackout: *pick Boxcutter up and kisses him right offline, then smirks and offers him to Rattrap*

reSpazz: ...Dude, she wouldn't even look at you and she just kissed your dad stupid.

Rattrap: *steps aside so that Blackout can place him inside the ship, then grins and shrugs* I learned ev'rything I know from 'im. Figgers he'd be able t'get th' girls I can't.

Blackout: *snort* All he got was a couple kisses. Any Autobot can get that. *mighty leap into the air, where she transforms and then flies off toward the west*

reSpazz: *sits on Boxcutter and pokes him in the optic*

Boxcutter: *snorts and swats at her hand, optic still dark*

Rattrap: *taps his finger to his lips, watching Blackout fly away* I wonda' what he'd get if she knew he useta be a 'Con.

reSpazz: She knows. She probably read his spark signature when she first noticed him. *looks up* You're squishy.

Rattrap: 'Wish's 'uman ta make 'er preggerness easier. *sticks his tongue out at reSpazz* I jus' finally got away from 'er.

reSpazz: What do you mean, 'easier'? She's indestructible. *peeks under Boxcutter's chestplate*

Rattrap: *arches an eyebrow, wondering just what Spazz thinks she's doing* S'got somethin' ta do wit' her mood swings, 'r somethin' like dat. It was Rhinox's idea, an' I trust his judgment. Also, yer married.

reSpazz: *studies the design under there, then looks up* I'm not married. The other Spazz is.

Rattrap: Right. So yer gonna use dat excuse ta look unnerneath Boxcutter's hood?

reSpazz: Thrrrpt. This isn't his hood. There's another plate underneath here. I saw it when his drink blew this one off in the bar.

Rattrap: *facepalms* Yes, I know. It's a euphemism. Course I shouln't be surprised. Th' otha' you likes 'em big an' built too.

reSpazz: *gives him a funny look* Dork. Boxcutter's my dad.

Rattrap: *says nothing to that; he just closes the airlock door and nudges Boxcutter with one foot*

Boxcutter: *groans and shifts*

Rattrap: C'mon, Vecta' Prime, geddup. I cain't carry ya, an' I'd get yelled at fer leavin' ya dere.

speakerSpazz: Where do you want him?

Rattrap: *looks up and blinks, surprised* Oh yeah... y'cin jus' zap 'em ta bed, cain't ya? Onna th' empty rooms's fine. Don' care if it's onna mine, or a random one.

speakerSpazz: Which do you think he'd rather have?

Rattrap: Onna mine. A strange room afta' he's been drinkin' might not go ova' well inna mornin'.

speakerSpazz: *teleports the old mech to one of Rattrap's spare bedrooms and onto the berth*

reSpazz: *looks around, seeming a little lost and uncertain. This isn't her place*

Rattrap: *holds out his hand to reSpazz and gives her a charming smile* C'mon, Lump, wanna meet my newest kid?

reSpazz: *winces a bit at the nickname and feels like she'd cry if she knew how in this body yet* I should get back and make sure Blackout's minions deliver the right stuff to the right place.

Rattrap: *blinks and kneels down, putting himself at eye level with her* Hey, what's wrong, Spazz? You feelin' okay?

reSpazz: *quietly* You know how twins sometimes happen? When a spark splits?

Rattrap: You been gone from th' main Spazz too long, ain'cha?

reSpazz: I've got my own body now. I'm a different person, though I can still talk to her. I wasn't joking when I said Boxcutter's my dad. He's my creator.

Rattrap: Think havin' a new name t'go wit' th' new body would help? *smiles and rubs her shoulder* Maybe when he wakes up, you could ask Boxcutter t'name ya, an' make it official.

reSpazz: *brow perks* Do you think he would?

Rattrap: If you ask nicely enough, I bet he would.

reSpazz: *is smiling, though her face hasn't got much to move on it* I can do that. *winces and claps her hands to her audios as a low blast of static goes through the ship's speakers, then falls to one knee. No, she's not used to these sensors yet*

Rattrap: *scoops her up, holding her on his hip like he does with Dinobaby* Y'okay, sweetie?

reSpazz: *leans against him tiredly* I'm still getting used to all this. Boxcutter's got the sensors turned down, but.... *rubs her head*

Hrafni: *appears in the door, something large and multi-legged in one hand* Vader, look. Vill you eat this?

Rattrap: *rubs reSpazz's back with one hand, then turns to Hrafni. He eyes the bug cautiously, then shrugs* If you cin figger out how ta cook it, I'll try it.

Hrafni: Alvright! *dives into a shadow and is gone*

reSpazz: *quietly, her face still against him* Ewwww....

Rattrap: What, if it's cooked, what's wrong wit' it? *pouts*

reSpazz: *just pat pats his arm*

Rattrap: *starts walking towards the rec room, shrugging his shoulders* Besides, Hrafni eats 'em raw, an' dat's all kinds'a disgustingly fascinatin' ta watch. Star hates it, it's hilarious.

reSpazz: Hrafni? *looks up at him* That's that little kid?

Rattrap: Yep, dat's her. Mysteriously showed up on th' ship a couple days ago an' adopted me.

reSpazz: So that's your newest kid. I didn't see her. She's got a young voice.

Rattrap: She's 'bout thirty-two, I think she said, from a species called Scattenfeed. *totally unaware he said that absolutely wrong* Rhinox says dey're indestructible.

reSpazz: So... not a kid? And organic?

Rattrap: I have NO idea. Magic, I think.

speakerSpazz: Nope. Genetic engineering. And she is a kid. She's about like a normal human eight year old, only a lot stronger, faster, and tougher.

Rattrap: Right. What she said.

reSpazz: 0_o You're letting an eight year old use the stove?

Rattrap: She cin cook jus' fine! She's been doin' it since she got here, an' I din't even know 'bout it!

speakerSpazz: Don't worry about it, kid. She's fireproof. Once she hits teenage she'll be able to produce her own.

Rattrap: See? What'd-wait. All dat means is dat she cain't set 'erself on fire, not th' rest a' th' ship.

speakerSpazz: *cheerfully* Yup!

Rattrap: *facepalm*

reSpazz: *looks toward the sound of a young voice singing a simple little song as it comes from the door across the hall from the one that Rattrap's bringing her to*

Dinobaby: *has alllll the rec room couch and chair cushions* >:|

Rattrap: Heya brat. Makin' a fort? *sits down on the floor by Dinobaby, setting reSpazz down in his lap*

Dinobaby: *pokes head out of the part he's already got set up* Fort? No! Starship. Small Cheetor, man the engines!

reSpazz: *leans back against Rattrap and chuckles slightly*

Rattrap: *wonders if he should feel proud or not* Oh, do you have a really big captain's chair in yer starship?

Dinobaby: *shows Rattrap his expensive double walled cooking pot*

Rattrap: *thumbs up* Fancy! Whaddabout weapons? Got some photon torpedos?

Dinobaby: *produces Yorick, who seems to have been eating green energon gummi, to go by the globs stuck on him*

reSpazz: *snerk*

Rattrap: What, yer sword? C'mon, Dinobot! Y'don' bring a sword ta a gun fight!

Dinobaby: *growls* Rhinox took guns away and put back in your toybox.

Rattrap: ....Y'weren't manhandlin' Sheila, were ya?

Dinobaby: >:\ NOT manhandle!

Rattrap: *lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes, pressing one hand to his heart* Oh thank Primus... She's 'n antique! I'd hafta break ya if you damaged her.

Dinobaby: Rhinox took away anyway. Took Betty too.

Rattrap: *jaw drops* You managed t'haul Betty out here? She's almos' as big as I am!

speakerSpazz: He got her part way down the hall, anyway.

Dinobaby: >:|

reSpazz: *silently laughing*

Rattrap: *manages to stare at Dinobaby with a mix of anger and adoration* Primus, kid...

Dinobaby: *scowls back and then dives back into the cushions with Yorick*

Rattrap: *gives reSpazz a happy little snuggle* Okay, so maybe him eatin' so much ain't dat bad...

reSpazz: *tips her head back against his chest to look up at him* What do you mean?

Rattrap: He's been eatin' all our food lately. Like seriously, you leave 'im alone in th' kitchen, an' five minutes later th' fridge is empty. But if it's makin' 'im dat strong... *shrugs*

reSpazz: *cocks her head as she hears something from inside the cushion 'ship'* Are you sure he's not storing some in his subspace for later?

Rattrap: Oh, I know he is. But how much could he possibly hold dere, an' he's gotta eat it sometime, don' he?

reSpazz: Yeah, I guess so. *sniff sniff*

Rattrap: *sniffs too, thinking that dinner was done, then realizes the new smell smells nothing like bugs or veggies or soy sauce. He wibbles* My chewies!

reSpazz: Chewies?

Rattrap: S'like... uh.. 'umans call it jerky? It's dried out meatbits dat're really, really chewy and spiced up. I got a bunch a' different kinds fer when I wanna snack, yanno?

Dinobaby: Not jerky, stupid Vermin! Is crispy skin! *throws out the package, which is still over half full* Spazz order from Oppymus.

Rattrap: ...Oh, my otha' chewies. *grabs the package and stuffs it into a pocket* Well, dey both went missing, an' dey both smell like meat!

Dinobaby: *contented crunching sounds* *then* Vermin squishy now, so I keep hotwings.

Rattrap: Whaaaat? Dat ain't fair! *whines and pouts, wibbling at the fort. The only thing more precious than his guns was... food*

Dinobaby: *rrrotten little chuckle*

Hrafni: *calling happily* Vader? Oom Rhinox? Moeder? It is ready!

Rattrap: *stands up, grumbling and shaking his fist* I will get my hotwings back from you, brat! One way or anotha'.... *turns and shouts into the hall* An' 'Wish ain'cher mutha'!

Hrafni: *startled silence from the kitchen*

Dinobaby: Thrrrpt!

Rattrap: *sticks his tongue out at Dinobaby, then stalks across the hall to the kitchen*

Hrafni: *confused and apologetic look from where she's perched on the corner of the table, which has plates on it and the big pan of stir fry in the middle. Noodles sit in a heap nearby*

Rattrap: *gives her a small scowl, but ruffles her ears and hugs her anyway* Sorry t'yell like dat, but me'n 'Wish ain't 'n item. Ain't gonna be, neitha', an' I don' care what any one else's been sayin'. It ain't up ta dem.

Hrafni: Yes, Vader. *snuggles a bit, then twitches an ear at Rhinox as he wanders in*

Rattrap: *gives her one last little squeeze, then lets go and turns to the food* Dis all looks delicious dough! *starts poking through the stir fry* Where's dat big creepy crawlie y'had earlier, I wanna try it.

Hrafni: The pieces of meat, Vader. I cut it all up.

reSpazz: *peeks in, and then goes to find Boxcutter*

Dinobaby: *crawls in and sits on Rhinox's foot as he busily starts unpacking his subspace*

Rattrap: All dat from one bug? *picks out a piece of meat and pops it into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully* Ehn... not bad.

Hrafni: He vas this big. *holds her hands two foot apart*

Rattrap: ...Oh. Yeah, dat's a big bug. Did'ya find him on th' ship? *goes back to picking through the stir fry for more meaty bits*

Rhinox: *raps his knuckles for digging through the food*

Hrafni: Ja, he vas in vone of the boxes. *ears flick uncertainly at the knuckle rap*

Rattrap: Owww! *pouts and rubs his knuckles, glaring at Rhinox*

Rhinox: Other people want some of that too. And if you want meat have some of what's laying all over my feet.

Rattrap: Dat's been on th' floor an' it ain't cooked. Dough... *slaps his LOLemitter, turning himself back into a 'bot* Problem solved! Now gimme back my hotwings, brat! *pounces on Dinobaby's pile of food, digging for his wings*

Rhinox: Most of the organic stuff's still in its stasis wrappings. *takes his heaped plate and turns to go back to his office*

Rattrap: Yeah well, I still want my hotwings! *razzes Rhinox as he walks past, then perks up* Oooh, dere dey are! *snatches up the hotwings before Dinobaby can stop him and leaps to his feet* Oh sweet, delicious hotwings, how I love you. *smooches the package*

Hrafni: *watching like o.0, only it's her ears instead of her eyes that are showing the expression*

Rhinox: *pauses, turns back, and takes the package of wings from Rattrap*

Rattrap: Hey! You already smacked me, ya gotta take my food too? *lunges towards Rhinox, making grabby hands at the hotwings*

Rhinox: *tilts head slightly at Hrafni* //Stir fry first. She worked hard on making that for you.//

Rattrap: *scowlpouts* //I was gonna stash 'em away, bolthead. Someplace th' brat couln't get at 'em 'gain.//

Rhinox: //Sure you were.// *gives them back, then grins at Hrafni and leaves the room*

Rattrap: I was! *hugs the wings to his chest and sticks his tongue out at Rhinox* Stupid, slaggin' Rhinox. *grumblegrumble, tucks the wings away in subspace, then grabs a plate and fills it with stir-fry and noodles* Always ruinin' my slaggin' fun.

Hrafni: *big eyes of sympathy as she offers the bottle of hot sauce that she made from the recipe on a clipping she found. That recipe said add hot pepper 'to taste'. Schattenfeen love hot things, and don't lose skin to them....*

Rattrap: Thanks sweetheart. *takes the hot sauce and smothers his stir-fry with it, then hops up onto the counter to wolf it down. He pauses after a bit, slowly chewing on a mouth, then swallows* An' sweetheart? Next batch, go easy on th' peppa'. Don' botha' me much like dis, but uh... my organic mode wouln't take too well to it.

((Co-written with pawnshopartist and slaggin_preds ))


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