Nexus. Black Dog and 'Frag It'. 'Do not awaken love....'

Jan 04, 2010 17:00

Rhinox: *sitting at one of the tables on the bar in the Black Dog, his elbow on the table as he stares into the depths of his fifth cube of bitter red*

Boxcutter: *swaggers into the bar, barreling his way through bots bigger and smaller than himself. One corner of his eye arches as he spies Rhinox drinking all by himself... brooding... and he decides to remedy this* Rhinox! *climbs up on the bar to stomp over and plop himself down next to the green mech, pulling his helmet off and plunking it down as he does* Whadd're ya doin' here alone? Dat brat Ransack chase off afta' some femme an' leave ya here by yerself?

Rhinox: *doesn't look up from his drink* *quietly* I think he's playing a computer game. And the femme that's currently keeping him halfway in line is coding another.

Boxcutter: *grunts and orders a cube of Blitz* So if he ain't dumped ya, why th' dark, broodin' look, ehn?

Rhinox: *shrugs one shoulder* Just thinking.

Boxcutter: 'Bout what?

Rhinox: A lot of things. *just one*

Boxcutter: *smacks Rhinox upside the head*

Rhinox: *stops his hand just before it closes on the old mech's throat, blinks, then puts it back on the table* What was that for?

Boxcutter: *tilts his head back, letting out a low whistle. He'd never seen Rhinox react like that before. Not that it bothered him* Yer sulkin'. Sulkin' ain't don' no one no good.

Rhinox: *frowns at him* No. Sulking is when I clean Rattrap's quarters despite his best efforts to the contrary.

Boxcutter: *if he had two eyes, he'd be making a O_o face right now* S'at even safe?

Rhinox: I'm still here. *frowns a bit, something troubled showing in his optics before he suppresses it*

Boxcutter: Hrm. *won't even go near Rat's room, if he can help it* Well, whateva' it is yer doin', it ain' changin' nothin', so stop it.

Rhinox: I told you. I was thinking. I need to do that at least once in awhile now.

Boxcutter: *points to the Bitter Red* Last time I checked, mid-grade ain't good fer thinkin'.

Rhinox: *actually cracks a smirk* Have you ever had bitter red?

Boxcutter: *arches a corner of his eye* I take it y'ain't watched th' way Ransack drinks.

Rhinox: Only if I'm in danger of having to carry him home.

Boxcutter: *grunts* I don' touch mid-grade. Ain't strong enough.

Rhinox: *takes a long pull at his cube, feeling the slow kick as it settles heavily in his tank* *smiles and sets the cube down without saying anything*

Boxcutter: *grins as his drink finally arrives, the white cube fizzling and sparking away. At the same time, the drink seemed to have the consistency of sludge* I only drink ultra-grade.

Rhinox: *eyes it* Sirianth Comet?

Boxcutter: I like ta call it Blitz. Makes Chromia look like a walk inna park. Give Ransack a mouthful a' dis, an' he'll pass right out, th' wuss.

Rhinox: He passes out from Nemesis' Chromias, and you have to sign a disclaimer to get them.

Boxcutter: *snerks* If only he'd jus' dump dat femme-y shell a' his. Slaggin' thing gets smalla' wit' ev'ry mod he gets.

large mech further down the bar: *face down after a shot of Cybertron Sunset*

Rhinox: *scans him and turns back to his own drink, the absent look back in his optics*

Boxcutter: *points and laughs. Laughs hard*

somebody else: How many was that?

Nemesis: *getting her two drones to carry the drunk out* One.

Boxcutter: *falls off his chair, he's laughing so hard*

old red and white Ratchet at that table: *muttering about idiots that can't hold their fuel*

young female Optimus at same table: *face. palm.*

Rhinox: *think and drink*

Boxcutter: *eventually calms down and picks himself up off the floor, still cackling to himself* Oy vey... Anyway... Thinkin' inna bar, huh?

Rhinox: *absently* Yup.

Boxcutter: *nods and takes a sip of his drink. His eye twitches as he sets the cube back down* Mos' bots go ta bars ta escape dere t'oughts, yanno.

Rhinox: *shrug* I'm not most bots. *tears his attention away from his thoughts with difficulty and focuses on the older mech again*

Boxcutter: *leans on his elbow and rests his chin in a servo* Wanna talk?

Rhinox: *frowns* I'm not sure it would help.

Boxcutter: Y'sound like Ransack.

Rhinox: No. I can't whine that much.

Boxcutter: *snorts* He out-whines mos' th' femmes I know. Dough mosta dem're Preds. Were Preds. *waves his hand dismissively* Politics've been gettin' complicated back on Cybertron.

Rhinox: Cheetor and Optimus've been keeping me up to date. *optics suddenly toward the door as a flash of pale green shows, but it's just a filmy scarf in the hand of a happy blue Autobot femme*

Boxcutter: So yanno dere've been talks 'bout arrestin' any bot who doesn' get th' technorganic upgrade?

Rhinox: *snorts without taking his optics from the door* Yes. And I know what Cheetor's said to the ones who're pushing for it, too.

Boxcutter: How long d'ya think he cin tell 'em no? Dey got a valid point. Nip any chances a' yet anotha' civil war right inna bud.

Rhinox: They're blowing exhaust out their intakes. *optics darken and return to his drink* *quietly* It's not martial law and conformity that will make us all one.

Boxcutter: *claps Rhinox on the back* Dat's a good mech. Talks like dat jus' mirror th' beginnin' a' th' Great Wars, anyway.

Rhinox: Cheetor, Optimus, and Botanica will never back down. Those... vehicons... don't stand a chance.

Boxcutter: *grunts* Keep in mind, somma us're jus' resistant ta change.

Rhinox: *distracted by green again, and then having a long drink to cover it*

Boxcutter: *gives Rhinox a Look* Boy, th' last time I saw someone so distracted, he had a femme on his processor.

Rhinox: *dirty look* *bingo!*

Boxcutter: *smirk* T'ought so. *takes a victory swig of his drink, his whole body giving a twitch as it goes down*

Rhinox: You mean like you still get when you're overcharged and someone mentions Valkyrie?

Boxcutter: *feigns innocence* I got no idear what'cher talkin' bout dere, Rhinox. Me 'n Val parted on fair 'nuff terms.

Rhinox: *amused snort, though there are still dark shadows in his optics*

Boxcutter: So what's th' problem? Y'ain't neva' had issues wit' femmes before. An' I cin tell she ain't askin' fer more'n yer willin' ta give.

Rhinox: *looks back down at the drink, knowing that nothing he says to Boxcutter will reach Rattrap unless it needs to* She doesn't want any kind of relationship, she's less than ten stellar cycles old, ...and she's not my race.

Boxcutter: *tsks and reaches over, placing a comforting hand on Rhinox's shoulder* Worst kinna femme troubles, dose. I feel fer ya.

Rhinox: *with quiet anger at himself* I knew all that. But I've still.... *forehead to fist and a scowl*

Boxcutter: *lets out a quiet bark of a laugh* Aw Pit, Rhinox. Y'cain't help dat sorta t'ing. When it hits ya... *shakes his head, a wistful smile tugging at his lips*

Rhinox: I've got to help it. Because if I don't.... *he's afraid she'll step away, close him off. And he couldn't take that*

Boxcutter: *gives Rhinox a wry smile* Would ya ratha' live bottlin' up feelins' fereva'?

Rhinox: *grim* I don't think I can live without her right now.

Boxcutter: *cringes and takes a sip of his drink* An' dat's why me 'n Val din't woik out. An' why I ain't touched a femme since.

Rhinox: *face in hands as he curses himself quietly and fervently*

Boxcutter: So y'ain't gonna deal wit' it. *snorts* Coward.

Rhinox: There's nothing to deal with. It can't happen.

Boxcutter: Y'eva' think dat she might be sittin' dere, feelin' th' same way as you, feelin' too 'fraid ta speak up cuz she thinks yer betta' off alone?

Rhinox: I know she's not. Like I said. She doesn't want that kind of relationship.

Boxcutter: So yer gonna self-destruct while th' rest a' th' world goes on?

Rhinox: *rubs his face, trying to formulate a reply from a processor that's suddenly all a jumble*

Boxcutter: *snorts and shakes his head* You 'n Ransack. Whaddem I gonna do wit'chu brats? *sips his drink*

Rhinox: Rattrap's never depended on a femme for anything.

Boxcutter: Nope, he hasn't.

Rhinox: *very quietly, the words dragged out reluctantly* She makes me feel safe from myself. Whenever I need help driving back the darkness she's there. But.... *always the buts....* *grabs his drink and drains it*

Boxcutter: But what? She don' want a relationship?

Rhinox: And she's too young, and... she's technically not even alive.

Boxcutter: Too young? She's ten stellar cycles, Rhinox, not fresh outta th' box. Dough I seen some dames outta th' box who could knock yer socks off, an' some mechs hundreds a' years old who act like dey're two. Age is irrelevant.

Rhinox: Less than ten stellar cycles. She's not even six. *still, he concedes that point with a scowl*

Boxcutter: *waves a hand dismissively* If she's mature 'nuff ta deal wit'cher angst, she's mature 'nuff ta deal wit' a relationship.

Rhinox: Whatever. Her maturity or lack of it don't matter. *hand up for another drink*

Boxcutter: *seriously considering spiking Rhinox's drink with something harder, then taking him home and unleashing him on his femme*

Rhinox: *very knowing warning Look* That's not happening, old man.

Boxcutter: *feigns innocence* I have no idear what'cher talkin' 'bout, boy.

headSpazz: *quietly, in Boxcutter's mind* -I thought so.- *sigh*

Rhinox: Yeah, right. *gets his drink and drinks*

Boxcutter: *shakes his head* Yer gonna give yerself a glitch, kid. Don' say I din't warn ya.

Rhinox: I can beat this. I'll go back to seeing her as my friend, and then everything will be fine. *drink*

Boxcutter: Right. *finishes his drink and slams the drained cube on the table* Well, good luck wit' dat.

headSpazz: -I can't love anybody. I'm just a virus. You can't love someone without a spark.-

Rhinox: *scowl for Boxcutter*

Boxcutter: Dat's nonsense, girl! *slams his fist onto the table* Love ain't a tangible t'ing dat cin be dictated by logic an' mathematical equations! It is what it is, an' sayin' y'cain't love jus' cuz y'ain't got a spark is scrapmetal! *pauses, looking around* ...Th' fraggin' Pit, I ain't had dat much...

Rhinox: *staring at Boxcutter, an 'oh slag' expression on his face*

Boxcutter: *glares at Rhinox* What?

Rhinox: *nearly whispering* She's in your head.

Boxcutter: Impossible. Ain't even met 'er before.

Rhinox: Yes you have. That little pale green scrap that Rattrap calls 'Lump'.

Boxcutter: *stops to think* Oh yeah.... But I ain't seen 'er since, so no way I woulda been thinkin' bout her.

Rhinox: *quiet and scared* Boxcutter, she's a virus. You don't have to think about her for her to be in your head talking to you.

Boxcutter: *opens his mouth to refute that, then stops* Y'were carryin' 'er?

Rhinox: The whole crew's got her.

headSpazz: *quietly* -No. I've been here since we had that argument on the Axalon.-

Boxcutter: *SCOWLS* Ransack always did tell me I oughtta update my malware scanners. *makes a mental note to do that when he gets home*

Rhinox: She's not malware! She's just along for the ride. *defensive, protective... yup*

Boxcutter: Look, I dunno a t'ing 'bout'cher problems, Rhinox, but pers'n'lly, any program in my head dat I din't specifically download myself is malware.

headSpazz: -Go plug into a terminal somewhere and I'll be gone. Bet you changed your mind about what you were saying about love now, huh?-

Boxcutter: Nope. Jus' don' personally like t'ings in my head dat don' belong. *gets up and stomps his way to a terminal* If he wants ta love ya, all th' more power t'im. Jus' ain' my cube 'a energon.

headSpazz: *sounds scared and confused* -Just.... Slag.... Let me out.-

Boxcutter: Yer jus' scared a' what it means ta be in love.

headSpazz: -I don't even know what it means!-

Boxcutter: So why're ya so 'gainst it?

headSpazz: -I. Don't. Know. What. It. Means.-

Boxcutter: Still ain't seein' th' problem. So it's somthin' new. Somethin' scary. Big deal. Y'ain't gonna die if things go sour.

headSpazz: *muttering* -I want to run. But I can't. He and Rat need me. And Star needs me. What'm I supposed to do?-

Boxcutter: *wants to go find a wall to pound his head against now* Mech up an' DEAL WIT' IT. What's so bad 'bout bein' needed dat makes ya wanna run?

headSpazz: -...Being needed? Nothing. But... slaggit. Main Spazz can't even hack being touched that much yet.-

Boxcutter: *rubs his forehead, muttering obscenities under his breath* Kids dese days...

headSpazz: -Oh and you think you could do better if you had to totally switch operating systems?-

Boxcutter: Sweetheart, I was around durin' th' "great Maximal upgrade." S'bout th' time Ransack made his home in my shop, now dat I think 'bout it. So I had ta put up wit' a brat like 'im while I was gettin' used ta a shell a tenth of th' size I was made in.

headSpazz: -I'm not talking about the box you're in. Switching shells was nothing, even though it was freaky to be able to move around. I'm talking about suddenly not feeling things when you touch them; not feeling the energy when you kiss somebody or charge too much.-

Boxcutter: You dunno what th' upgrade entailed, do ya kid?

headSpazz: -Just let me out. I have to go warn myself.-

Boxcutter: Whoa whoa whoa! Warn yerself? 'Bout what?

headSpazz: -How Rhinox feels. She probably suspects it, but she needs to know.-

Boxcutter: *turns on his heel, marching straight back to the table*

headSpazz: *yelp* -Hey, what are you doing?!?-

Boxcutter: Meddling.

headSpazz: -What do you mean???-

Boxcutter: I cin wait ta purge ya till I get home. *smirks, plunking himself back down at the bar/table*

headSpazz: *quietly* -So you're just going to kill me. And.... Man... you're a jerk.-

Boxcutter: Not gunna kill ya. I got a doll I cin download ya ta. Mebbe I'll give ya back ta Rhinox on 'is creation day.

headSpazz: -He's already got two of me. That I know of.-

Rhinox: *face in hands, shoulders slumped*

Boxcutter: *grunts* He'll have a harem 'a ya by th' end a' th' year at dis rate. Stop sulkin', boy.

headSpazz: -That's not sulking. When he sulks he cleans Rat's room.-

Boxcutter: Yeah, dat's what he said.

Rhinox: *too far down in the depths of despair to hear him*

Boxcutter: *roughly prods Rhinox*

Rhinox: *again with the aborted attack, though this time it's accompanied by a spooked look*

Boxcutter: *bats Rhinox's hand away, then picks up his helmet and stuffs it on* Look, kid... I don' care what'cha call dis, but it ain't doin' ya no good. Yer jus' diggin' yerself deeper, an' I ain't dealin' wit' it. S'like I always told Ransack, I'll put up wit' dis nonsense fer a cycle, den y'gotta figger out yer own path.

headSpazz: *finally gets a good look at Rhinox* -Oh slag. That's flashback, Boxcutter. Will you bring him home?-

Boxcutter: An' let'chu jump out ta warn yerself? Slag, I think not. *pings Rattrap instead, who, after many protests, 'points in with a scowl*

Rattrap: I was in a RAID, thank y'very much, Vecta' Prime!

Boxcutter: *simply smacks him and points to Rhinox*

Rattrap: *makes a rude gesture at Boxcutter, then places a hand on Rhinox's shoulder* Hey, big buddy... y'okay?

Rhinox: *starts slightly and frowns at him. Gives a short nod, but then puts his face in his hands again and shakes his head.*

headSpazz: *fussing quietly in the back of Boxcutter's head*

Boxcutter: *is ignoring her now, kthx. He's had a lot of practice, especially since he raised Rattrap*

Rattrap: *softens a little, and wraps his arm around Rhinox's shoulders, squeezing him comfortingly* Wanna go home?

Rhinox: *clears his vocalizer* *quietly, his voice rough and shaky* Yeah... that's a good idea.

Rattrap: *shoots Boxcutter a dirty look over his shoulder as if the old mech was somehow responsible for his best friend's current state, then 'points them both back home*

Frag It. Rhinox's family's quarters.

Starcaller: *peeks over the edge of his hammock, eyes wide*

Rattrap: Dere we go.. easy now.. *leads Rhinox to his berth, one hand on his back supportively*

Rhinox: *looks at it and then stops and looks around a little wildly* Where's Spazz?

Starcaller: Rat smashed the console when Boxcutter called. She's fixing it.

Rhinox: *relief makes his knees buckle, and he grabs the side of the berth to catch himself*

Rattrap: Whoa! Easy dere, big guy!

Starcaller: Dad! *jumps out of his hammock, hovering just an inch above the ground* What's wrong with him?

Rattrap: *rubs Rhinox's back, shaking his head* Too much mid-grade, I think.

Spazz: *comes in then, grumbling* I dunno where the slag Rat.... *stops and goes wide-eyed* What happened?

Rhinox: *concentrating on trying to get back up*

Rattrap: *helps Rhinox up, only to shove him onto the berth* He's been drinkin'. Boxcutter found 'im at th' Dog.

Spazz: ...Drinking? *comes over and helps him get Rhinox onto the berth* Rhinox? Can you hear me?

Rhinox: *flinches as he rolls onto his back, then rubs his face with one hand*

Rattrap: Maaan, s'been a long time since I seen 'im dis bad...

Spazz: *climbing up beside the big mech, her expression full of affection and concern* Hey... Rhinox. C'mon, dude, you're gonna hurt yourself or something. What's got you so messed up? *sits on his chest and puts gentle hands on his face* Big Green?

Rhinox: *now hiding face with hand.* *sob*

Rattrap: *steps back to give them their space, frowning to himself*

Starcaller: *peers over Rat's shoulder, chewing on his lip worriedly* Rattrap, what's wrong? What's going on?

Rattrap: Dunno, kid. Last time I saw him dis woiked up was ova' a femme he really, really liked.... *glances at Spazz* Pit, I knew it.

Spazz: *softly, as she puts her arms around her friend* Shhhh. I'm here. It's okay. Star, do you see his blanket?

Starcaller: Yes, I've got it! *zips over to the blanket and holds it out to her*

Rattrap: *makes his exit quietly and discreetly, feeling a bit panicked. Seeing his friend this way reminded him exactly why he kept his distance with femmes*

Spazz: *wrapping herself up and then trying to get Rhinox to cuddle, but he only cries harder* Slagging PIT, what was he drinking?

Starcaller: Rattrap said mid-grade! I dunno what that means! *wibbles, wringing his hands and fidgeting uncomfortably*

Spazz: Run get him back, Star? And then go sit with 'Wish and Dinobot for a little while, okay?

Starcaller: But-!

Spazz: Please?

Starcaller: *wibbles but zooms out into the hall. Moments later, he's back dragging a kicking and screaming Rat*

Spazz: *sits up and stares at Rattrap* Holy.... Nonono. Let him go, let him go. What the slag's going on here??? *comming Boxcutter now*

Rattrap: *books it out of the room, whipping out his wheels for added speed*

Boxcutter: *just getting out a small, puppet-like red and white shell for his personal headSpazz* What th' fraggin' Pit?! //I'm here, whaddya want?//

Spazz: //Rhinox is glitching, and Rat just pulled a screaming freakout. What the @@#$@#@ slagging pit did you do to them?//

Boxcutter: //Me?! Why th' fraggin' Pit're ya blamin' me?! I ain't done nothin' but go ta th' bar fer a drink, an' next thing I know, Rhinox is havin' 'n angst fit ta put Ransack ta shame! Dough, sounds like he's outdone 'imself again.//

Spazz: //...Rhinox doesn't angst without me or Rat!//

Boxcutter: //Oh fer th' luvva-!// *snarls and throws the nearest object, which happens to be a pistol, at the wall* //He was angstin' 'bout you, ya dumb broad! He loves you, an' yer too slaggin' caught up in yer "Oh, I'mma virus, I can't love anyone" scrapmetal ta realize you feel th' same way!//

Spazz: //....//

Boxcutter: //*grunts* Slag, dat felt good.//

Spazz: //What are you talking about?//

Boxcutter: *grunts and goes back to setting up the doll, hooking it up to a console* //If y'din't catch it th' first time, femme, I ain't sayin' it 'gain.//

Spazz: //Oh wait. Ohhhhh. Rhinox you big dumb... Spazz out.// *snuggles and sighs* Slag anyway. I don't give a flying rat's aft if you love me that way. It's not the end of the freaking world, alright? Now shut up and cuddle and go to sleep. *lifts her head and looks around, then sighs and holds out a hand toward Starcaller* C'mere, Star. I know what's wrong now. And it'll be okay.

Starcaller: *hesitates, then zips right over from where he'd been hiding in the corner and dives onto the berth, snuggling right up against Rhinox's side* Do you promise, Momma?

Spazz: *arms around Rhinox's neck as she closes her eyes and hugs him with all her might* Yeah. Yeah, I promise. Your dumb dad's just.... Well. He thought I'd run off if he admitted he loved me. But I already knew.

Starcaller: *swallows and nods, closing his eyes as he snuggles* Good. I'm glad. Stupid Poppa...

Spazz: *quietly* I didn't want it to happen. But I'm not leaving him. Or you. Not while I'm alive and kicking and can remember you.

Starcaller: Why wouldn't you want to be loved?

Spazz: It's not that I don't want to be loved. I just can't do a lot of things... that a normal Transformer can do. And... well you know how I react if I'm in contact with someone for too long.

Starcaller: Just because you love someone, doesn't mean you have to touch them all the time, does it? *frowns, lifting his head to pout at her* I mean... Humans can't do any of the things we do, and they get along just fine, don't they?

Spazz: No, it doesn't. *reaches over to gently wipe a tear off his face* And I love you guys. I just don't love your dad... um... romantically. I'm not sure I can love that way. At least not yet.

Starcaller: Why not?

Spazz: I'm still getting used to some big changes in how I'm made. *wipes away the other tear and then pulls her blanket up around her and sighs as Rhinox finally puts an arm around her* You're a $@#$#%$@#, Big Green.

Rhinox: *shaky sigh, and then fades into recharge*

Spazz: Dork.

Starcaller: *chews on his lip* I guess... I just don't see what the difference is.

Spazz: Hmmmm?

Starcaller: Between romantic love, and lovelove.

Spazz: Oh. Romantic love is when you kiss each other stupid all the time and want to get bonded. Love is taking care of the person you love.

Starcaller: Pink and I kiss a lot, but she says she can't be my girlfriend. Is that a different kind of love?

Spazz: *blinks* You do?

Starcaller: *blushes and nods* Whenever we see each other, even in games. She usually kisses my cheeks, but.. I like to sneak real kisses. *ducks his head, face heating up*

Spazz: *laughing softly* You little....

Starcaller: She started it!

Spazz: Well, how do you feel about her?

Starcaller: Oh, I wish she would stop saying that Minicons can't date bulks! *frownypout* It's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Why can't we date? I mean, isn't dating just watching movies and hanging out and kissing?

Spazz: *will NOT laugh this time. No. No matter how cute Starcaller is* Pretty much.

Starcaller: And we do that stuff anyway! So why not call her my girlfriend? I sort of like it. *shrugs*

Spazz: That told me how you feel about being around her. But it didn't tell me how you feel about her.

Starcaller: I don't know. I like being around her, and I want to be with her as much as I can. And being around her means taking care of her and making her happy, so... isn't that enough?

Spazz: *does her version of a grin* *quietly* Yeah, I think so.

Starcaller: That's what I thought. It's a lot of fuss and bother over something simple, isn't it?

Spazz: Well... you might have to ask Hormah about it. I don't know too much myself yet.

Starcaller: Maybe next time I go to visit, I will. I'm glad everything worked out.

Spazz: *sighs, and then goes >_o as Rhinox nuzzles her helm in his sleep* *snerk* You better get some recharge now.

Starcaller: Yes Momma. *rests his head on Rhinox's shoulder and closes his eyes*

Spazz: *pulls the afghan up over her head and then lays and protects her best guys as they sleep*

((Co-written with pawnshopartist and slaggin_preds))


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