Nexus. The 'Frag it'. Big (little) Surprise!

Dec 30, 2009 16:27

Nightwish: *laying on her back on her berth, arms and wings around Rattrap and Dinobaby*

Dinobaby: *sprawwwl, hold Small Cheetor's arm. Sleeep*

Rattrap: *is awake, surprisingly enough. He tickles the chibi's tummy and hands as he sleeps, smiling to himself*

Dinobaby: *supremely indifferent as he snoozes*

Nightwish: *slight movement without waking yet. Yes, she's actually asleep.*

Rattrap: *snerks* Not even a twitch... bet th' fossil would'a taken my head off by now... *chuckles and shakes his head, then slips off Nightwish* Hmm.. I think it's time fer a midnight snack! *rubs his hands together with a grin, then starts towards the kitchen*

*and he gets hit with a flying Dinobaby as Nightwish suddenly bolts off the berth and hits the door running*

Rattrap: *yelps and falls flat on his face as the chibi smacks the back of his head* 'ey, what gives?!

Dinobaby: *clinging to Rattrap's head, small hands over his friend's eyes* 0_o Earthquake.

Rattrap: Oy, kid! Get'cher grubby mitts outta my eyes!

Dinobaby: *looks around dazedly without moving his hands* Where Nightwish and Small Cheetor?

Rattrap: *growls and pries Dinobaby's hands off his face* Yer dolly's still prolly on th' bed. Nightwish... I dunno. Think she's th' one who ran me ova'.

Dinobaby: *small face scrunches up with concern* Her sick again?

Rattrap: ...What? Sick? How cin she be sick? I ain't got no viruses...

Dinobaby: *realizes he just blabbed something due to being half asleep and confused and looks grouchy about it*

Rattrap: *scowls, pulling the chibi off the back of his head so he can glare at him eye to eye* Dinobot... what're you hidin' from me?

Dinobot: *quietly, his big optics troubled* Nightwish broken.

Rattrap: An' why hasn't she tol' me any a' dis?

Dinobot: *hesitates, and then says part of the reason* I said no. Didn't want Vermin to be scared.

Rattrap: An' you thought dat maybe, jus' maybe, dat I wouln't'a found out? *narrows his eyes further, gripping the nape of Dinobaby's neck with one hand* Y'din't think dat maybe, jus' maybe, she'd get woise, an' maybe DIE if someone din't look at 'er? Fer Primus's sake, brat, has she talked ta Rhinox 'bout dis?

Dinobot: *squirms and growls* Rhinox knows! He saw her puke when she was squishie!

Rattrap: *shakes him roughly* An' why din't he say somethin' ta me?!

Dinobot: You saw her puke then! *snarly flail*

Nightwish: ...Rat, what're you doing to the runt?

Rattrap: I neva'-! *drops Dinobaby and spins on his heel, glaring dangerously at Nightwish* Why din't you TELL me somethin' was wrong, femme?

Nightwish: *swallows as she looks down at him, and there's something in her optics that Rattrap will have never seen before. She's afraid*

Rattrap: *groans and facepalms, all the anger draining out of him* Crimeney, th' pair a' ya...! How'm I s'pposed ta be th' leada' a' dis ship if ev'ryone's keepin' secrets from me?

Dinobaby: Sorry. *woebegone chibi is woebegone*

Nightwish: *just whirls and bolts again*

Rattrap: *sighs and picks Dinobaby back up, then walks towards Rhinox's room* I swear, I'm gonna kill somebody 'bout dis.

Rhinox: *sound asleep on his berth, hugging a blanket-wrapped Spazz like a teddy bear*

Spazz: *peeks* //Yo, Rat. 'Sup?//

Rattrap: *drops Dinobaby by the door, then stomps up to Rhinox. He climbs onto the big bot, leans over him, then yells* WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME MY GIRLFRIEND IS SICK?!

Rhinox: *0 to 60 in 2.0.* *Hand on Rattrap's throat as he glowers. Then blinks and frowns as he lets go* What?

Rattrap: *glowers right back* Nightwish jus' ran me ova' in her rush ta... well... *frowns as he starts to fidget* She's sick an' it sounds like ev'ry one knew but me!

Rhinox: *frown deepens, and he glances at Spazz, who is laying hidden in her blanket* ...I didn't.

Rattrap: Th' brat said you saw her "puke!"

Rhinox: When she was human and concussed, yes. But her systems would have repaired all that damage by now, and she hasn't been showing any symptoms for weeks.

Rattrap: Well, she's doin' it 'gain, 'parrantly. An' it's got her freaked, whateva' it is.

Rhinox: *frownnn and slip off his berth* Where is she?

Rattrap: *scrambles to his feet and shrugs* I dunno. She took off runnin' an' I came here. Bathroom, maybe?

Rhinox: *gets his kit* Good thing we didn't uninstall those things. *goes*

Rattrap: You kiddin' me? *takes off after Rhinox* Afta' all th' woik we did ta get 'em installed? Huh, you betta' b'lieve we're leavin' 'em in!

Rhinox: *goes into the room and winces at the sounds coming from one of the stalls*

Rattrap: ....Dat is disgustin'. What's th' most disgustin' thing I've eva' heard? I'm changin' my mind! Dis is jus'... ewwwww.

Rhinox: *gives him a Look* Wait outside.

Rattrap: I ain't waitin' outside! S'my girl makin' dem noises!

Rhinox: *stops short just outside the open door of the stall, his mouth falling open with shock*

Rattrap: I don' like dat face. Rhinox, why're y'makin' dat face? *rushes over, tugging on Rhinox's arm. He stops short when he catches sight of Nightwish, his eyes going O_o*

Rhinox: *quietly, as he facepalms* She's got two spark signatures. And one's weak and undeveloped.

Rattrap: .....What?

Rhinox: *goes over to the distressed femme and tags her with a program to help quash the nausea, then helps her over to lean against the wall by the sinks so he can wash her face* She's carrying.

Rattrap: .........................What?

Nighwish: *relief as the program kicks in, but then a bewildered look for Rhinox* I can't even bond, Green, let alone make sparks.

Rhinox: *scanning* Well... considering the sparklet's got a tiny body already... I'm guessing she was created while you were organic.

Rattrap: *wrinkles his nose up in confusion* What?

Rhinox: *looks at him* Don't you know how new humans are made, Rattrap?

Rattrap: No....?

Rhinox: *look changes to a long stare with mouth falling open partially. And then the big green mech is facepalming as he explains where human babies come from*

Nightwish: .... *pulls her knees up and rests her head on them*

Rattrap: *makes a series of disgusted faces as Rhinox talks, then stops because yeah, he did that, and he had enjoyed it at the time* Well, how was I s'pposed ta know?! Jus' cuz I turned human don't mean I know stuff 'bout 'em! You know how long it took me ta figger dat out as it was?

Rhinox: No. And I don't want to. *turns back to Nightwish* Help me get her someplace where she can lay down.

Nightwish: *pushes herself up and glares* I'm not broken or weak. I can get myself someplace where I can lay down.

Rattrap: ...I wouln't argue wit' her, Rhinox. In fact, I sorta say runnin' is a good idea.

Rhinox: *quietly* Getting angry or violent will only work that anti-nausea program out of your system faster.

Nightwish: *scowl, then Looks at Rattrap and folds her arms over her chest* Am I still welcome on your berth?

Rattrap: Uh, why wouln't'cha be? Jus' can't do it no more as 'umans is all. *shrugs*

Nightwish: Because you said you never wanted to be a creator. *scowlmore*

Rattrap: Yeah well... *scowls at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck* S'too late fer dat, ain't it? Gotta take what Primus t'rows at'cha, an' I don' want my kid growin' up like I did. Th' last thing th' universe needs is more bots like me.

Nightwish: *shoulders droop a bit with surprise, and then she's stumbling slightly because of the same energy drain that had her sleeping earlier*

Rhinox: *is just conveniently in the right place for her to catch his shoulder and lean on him*

Rattrap: Whaaat? I cin be responsible! Sort of. When I feel like it.

Rhinox: //Let's just get her to bed. Your daughter's got all her systems out of whack.//

Rattrap: D-Daughter?!

Nightwish: *frowns at him, wondering where that came from*

Rhinox: *moving her toward the door* Yup.

Rattrap: *is going to faint now, kthxbai*

Rhinox and Nightwish: *watch him hit the floor, try to think what to do about it, then continue on their way*

Spazz: *few moments later, poking Rattrap in the head*

Rattrap: *groans and slaps Spazz's hand away*

Spazz: Dude, way to ruin your rep. You're passed out on the bathroom floor and you're nowhere near drunk.

Rattrap: *holds up one finger, then lifts his head* I'm gonna have a daughter. *pauses, then drops his head back onto the floor, rebooting again*

Spazz: *sits on him and waits*

Rattrap: *starts up, then sits up, scowling at Spazz* I am entirely not sure I'm drunk enough fer dis.

Spazz: I don't think you're drunk at all, dude. Remember? Big Dinobot brought the last of your dead bug parts, and then the two of you were sparring. After he left the ship and walked off you announced you were going to bed.

Rattrap: My point exactly. *gently pushes her off, then gets up and heads for the kitchen*

Spazz: We have gummi turkey. One that looks like a turkey instead of just orange lumps of good smelling rubber.

Rattrap: I don' rememba' pickin' up onna dose. *scowls, crossing his arms over his chest*

Spazz: You didn't. I got a bunch of stuff delivered.

Rattrap: Oh. Well... S'it ready t'eat an' all?

Spazz: Yup! And the bones are Seekersalt flavor!

Rattrap: Cool! Last one dere is molten slag! *transforms to Ratracer mode and zips down the hall, racing to the kitchen*

Spazz: *meets him at the door with a 'drumstick' as big as her forearm*

Rattrap: .....You cheater.

Spazz: You never said no teleporting. Oh yeah. *offers the drumstick* I ordered hotwings, too. They're not here yet, but Swindle's kid said he'd see about making some up.

Rattrap: *takes the drumstick and tears into it, nodding his head in approval* Sounds great, Spazz. Extra sauce an' blue cheese fer dippin'?

Spazz: I don't think they have blue cheese tasting stuff yet. But.... *nods to some containers* Some of their sauces and gravies are really good. I bet whatever hot sauce we get will be crazy.

Rattrap: Not ta sound like a total geek, but.. Dat's pretty ultra gear. *smirks, taking another bite out of his drumstick* Hey, think we should bring our ladies a plate a' food?

Spazz: *looks up from getting into the turkey stuffing and the cranberry sauce* Our ladies?

Rattrap: *snerks* Yeah, mother hen Rhinox an' my darlin' baby maker.

Spazz: Dork. *flips a bit of stuffing at him, then looks at it thoughtfully. Goes to get some gummi fries, dumps stuffing all over that, and then drowns the whole mess in white gravy*

Rattrap: *snatches the stuffing out of the air with his mouth, then spies what Spazz is doing and laughs* Mmmm, poutine!

Spazz: Newfoundland poutine, with stuffing instead of cheese. *grin, and then open a canister to free the smell of energon pickles*

Rattrap: *snerks and snatches a fry off the plate. He twirls it through the gravy, scooping up as much goo as he can, then stuffs it into his mouth*

Spazz: *chuckles* That's for 'Wish. Oh and I ate all the bone that was sticking out of your drumstick. It was good.

Rattrap: *sticks his tongue out at Spazz* We cin share germs. I already got 'er knocked up, din't I?

Spazz: *munches a pickle spear and leans on the counter as she contemplates all the good fuel they have* What germs? We're bots, dude.

Rattrap: My point exactly. *steals more of the poutine, then sets his drumstick on it, picks up the plate and swaggers out to the hall* Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a femme an' a baby ta feed.

Spazz: You better bring her a pickle.

Rattrap: Ehn? Why?

Spazz: A lotta pregnant humans like pickles.

Rattrap: *looks at her, baffled, but shrugs and holds the plate out* Whateva' you say, Spazz. You know more 'n me.

Spazz: *pokes the big pickle spear into the gravy, and then quickly grabs the other gummi drumstick for Rhinox, along with a bowl of salad chips*

Rattrap: We good here, den?

Spazz: *eating the end off the bone on Rhinox's drumstick as she grabs a couple more pickle spears and nods*

Rattrap: *snickers and rolls his eyes, his tail swishing back and forth as he takes the plate to he and Nightwish's quarters. He sings to himself as he walks, the tune soft and light*

Spazz: *walking along beside him* You don't sound too worried anymore.

Rattrap: Well, lotsa 'umans give birth an' don' die, right? Figger, now dat I know it ain't gonna kill 'er, I ain't gotta worry.

Spazz: You were freaking about the daughter part. *looks at him as they reach the door, then peeks through to check for Dinobaby. Chuckles as she sees him sleeping in his cradle with Small Cheetor and Blankie as Yorick lays nearby with its own small blanket*

Rattrap: Yeah well... Nothin' I cin do 'bout dat neitha', is dere?

Spazz: So it's okay that I used footage of how you reacted on the announcements? :D

Rattrap: *glares at her* No. *swings into the room* Room service!

Spazz: *checks to see how Boxcutter and Optimus are reacting to the databursts she just sent them*

Boxcutter: *is totally laughing his aft off. Hard*

Optimus: *Facepalming fit to concuss himself, torn between laughter and dismay as he calls on 'dear Primus' to 'preserve us all'*

Spazz: *follows Rattrap and looks at Nightwish, who is laying on the couch and wolfing the offering. Pickles first* Boxcutter's laughing.

Rhinox: *looks sharply at the little green femme*

Rattrap: 'Course he is. *snorts and tears a bite out of his drumstick* Th' slagger's warned me 'bout dis sorta thing since day one.

Spazz: And I think Optimus is gonna wind up knocking himself out if he doesn't stop slapping himself in the face. *offers Rhinox salad chips and dressing*

Rhinox: *gives it the hairy eyeball* Where's the bread?

Spazz: *'ports some blitzbread slices into her hand and razzes him*

Rattrap: *rolls his eyes* Yeah, go on. Jus' tell EV'RYONE we know. You buzz dat ol' fossilbrain yet, or do I gotta do it?

Spazz: I never had a chance to get back into his head after he got squishy. *goes to eat a pickle spear and then winces as she realizes that Nightwish is watching her and wanting her pickles*

Rattrap: *snorts and finishes off his drumstick, tossing the center bone at Spazz* Here, lay off th' pickles a bit, an' eat dis instead.

Spazz: *catches it, and then hands over her pickles* You never even tasted it. *not that he'll have a chance now with how fast she's crunching it up*

Rattrap: I don' care. Dere's more back inna kitchen, ain't dere? *rolls his eyes and rests his head on Nightwish's belly, crooning softly to it* I got a baby in dere!

Spazz: Turkeys only have two legs.

Rhinox: *amused at his friend as he looks up from bowing his head over his sandwich*

Rattrap: An' a wishbone! *sticks his tongue out at her, then returns his attention to petting and nuzzling Nightwish's babybump*

Rhinox: *munching sandwich* Do you want to see a holo of her?

Nightwish: *indifferent to both holos and Rattrap. Has pickles, and food*

Rattrap: You cin do dat? *looks up at Rhinox with wide eyes*

Rhinox: *takes his scanner off his hip, calls up an image, and turns the screen toward Rattrap*

holo: *a very tiny, incredibly frail little Transformer. Her small spark can be seen shining through the wall of her chest as she floats peacefully in a fluid-filled space inside Nightwish's abdomen*

Rattrap: *yoinks the scanner, settling it down on Nightwish's belly, about where he thinks the baby is* Now ain't dat jus' somethin'...

Rhinox: *quietly* You could hold her in one hand right now.

Rattrap: Slag, dat's it? *shakes his head, mystified by the image* Primus, wit' me fer a dad, guess dat ain't no surprise.

Rhinox: She's growing. That isn't her finished size. And I mean you could hold her inside your hand, with the fingers closed over her.

Rattrap: *looks down at his hand, closing it into a fist* Primus...

Rhinox: *quietly* Because of how fragile she is I'm going to have to ask Nightwish to stay away from fights and any kind of strenuous activity.

Rattrap: Well, we'll jus' have t'stay outta trouble an' all dat, den. Nothin' to it. Erm... Rhinox? Should she be a transformer or 'uman fer dis?

Rhinox: *looks into the curious optics of the big femme, who is calm and drowsy now as she listens to him* I don't think it matters. She's got the equivalent of the human organs that an unborn baby uses to get nourishment from their mother, and I suspect they'd translate like everything else if you decided to change for some reason.

Rattrap: Oh, good. Mmkay. *nods and rests his head on Nightwish's belly once more, fighting back a yawn. Now he's feeling sleepy*

Nightwish: *sets her empty and licked clean plate down and then shifts to sit up* We should go back to bed. Get Dinobot? *yes, she actually asked*

Rattrap: Nawww, he's in his shell. Let 'im sleep.

Nightwish: *scowls, but then pauses and considers before shrugging and getting to her feet*

Rattrap: *as he slides off* Hey! Aw c'mon! S'jus' Dinobrat! He's fine in his shell...

Nightwish: *stoops and snags the rat-bot by the arm, then lifts him up and cuddles him absently as she nods to Rhinox and Spazz and heads for the berthroom*

Rattrap: *mumblegrumbles, but snuggles anyway* Yer lucky I'm sleepy, or I'd put up a fight. *yawns, as if to prove a point*

Nightwish: Whatever. *settles on the berth and frowns at the unfamiliar sleepy feelings, then hugs Rattrap close and wraps them both in her wings as she shifts to sleep mode*

Rattrap: *grunts, settling down and running his recharge subroutines* Still mad at'chu fer tryin' t'hide dis from me, yanno.

Nightwish: *brows lift* I didn't know she was in there.

Rattrap: You was hidin' yer sickness. Close enough.

Nightwish: I didn't think it was important. *and she hadn't been able to think straight with all the unfamiliar stuff going on in her systems* And Dinobot was afraid it would remind you of when he died.

Spazz: *databursts the big news about Rattrap and Nightwish's little surprise to WakeJumper*

Wake: ... *thuds as he falls off of his workbench in shock*

Spazz: *shares this with Rattrap*

Rattrap: He died cuz he's an idiot who din't ASK FER HELP. *snarls, but it's cut off by a yawn before he snickers at the databurst*

Nightwish: *takes a moment to remember to engage her vocalizer* What's funny, Slaarg?

Rattrap: Spazz scared Wake.

Nightwish: *interested* What did she do to him this time?

Rattrap: *yawns and snuggles* Told 'im 'bout my kid.

Nightwish: *silent for several clicks, then, quietly* Our kid.

Rattrap: Mmmhmm, dat too.

Nightwish: *Hugs him and sleeps, her sparksong sounding slower than usual and a bit muted*

Rattrap: *curls up a bit more as he falls asleep, beginning to snore softly*

Rhinox: *nods as he sees they've both settled down peacefully, then makes sure Dinobaby is tucked comfortably into his afghan before picking Spazz up onto his shoulder and heading back to bed*

((Co-written with slaggin_preds and wakejumper))


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