MnC 'verse. Solarice city. Day after

Jun 28, 2009 18:04

Chromia's holoform: *soft snore where she's sprawled on her face on the carpet*

Marco: *winces at a bright light* No.... no, mom, it's a Saturday.....

Chromia: *frowns without opening her eyes. Scans the area... warm body? Snuggle*

Marco: *blinks as he's snuggled by something and slowly opens his eyes, blining at the woman clinging to him* .....uh.......

Chromia: Hmmm? *snuzzle*

Marco: Uh... hello? Miss?

Chromia: Shhhhhhhhh.

Marco: ...... *closes his eyes* I'm gonna be sick.....

Chromia: *sits him up without opening her eyes* Bathroom's that way.

Marco: *doesn't know how she's that strong, but doesn't question her, getting up and bolting for the bathroom, barely making it in time.*

Chromia: *waits a bit, and then peels herself off the floor and wanders... mostly sideways... into the bathroom to wet a cloth and wash his face*

Marco: Ugh.... what happened last night, exactly?

Chromia: *sits on bathtub and squints one eye* Drinkin'... maybe some dancin'. We talked. You ate some kinda wings or somethin'.

Marco: Ugh..... *falls over* Jake's gonna kill me.

Chromia: Who's Jake? *wets another cloth and washes her own face, sighing with pleasure*

Marco: Leader. He's all up our butts about not doing anything fun so we can be ready missions at the drop of a hat... *sighs and rests against the toilet bowl, closing his eyes.*

Chromia: Missions? *gets to feet and tries to urge him up, too* C'mon. That ain't a good spot... tub's better.

Marco: Uh.... *has spoken too much* Yeah. Dungeons and Dragons thing.

Chromia: *gives him a look, then tries to get him up again* DnD... sure.

Marco: *grins weakly and shrinks into the tub* I must've gotten so hammered.... Where are we?

Chromia: *blinks and pauses to do a sensor sweep, then turns and goes to look out a window* ...Slag. Not Earth.

Marco: *sits straight up* What now?

Chromia: I see humans out there... but there's lotsa folks I've never seen before, too. Don't look like a nexus, though.

Marco: *races to the window* What the #$%$?!?!

view: *a busy street that could be anywhere on Earth... except for the people, the vehicles, and the two small suns up in the slightly purplish sky*

Marco: .... no. No. Nononono, this... has to be a dream. Has GOT to be a dream. I'm still drunk! That's it! And drugged! Did you drug me, lady? Was it in the buffalo wings?!

Chromia: *gives him a long look* Why the slag would I wanna do that? Yer not that pretty.

Marco: I know I am! Who are you working for?! I'm NOT talking, you can't make me!

Chromia: *eyebrow. Other eyebrow* Think you need more sleep, kid.

Marco: Oh #$^& no. I'm getting out of here.

Chromia: Don't ferget your pants... *freezes and looks toward the door as she senses something coming down the hallway in a stealthy manner*

Marco: *scrambles around, grabbing his pants and hopping into them as he makes for the door*

Chromia: *hiss* Wait! Those're fraggin' Draconians out there!

Marco: *freezes* Draconians? What's that?

Chromia: *holds up a hand and makes a tiny holo of a hideous lizard guy with wings, and a 'Men in Black' outfit*

Marco: *yelps* How did you do that?!

Chromia: Husshh! *pokes at her watch as she stalks toward the door* Holoprojector. Check the other doors, see if we gotta back way.

Marco: *blinks, then gulps and goes to do as he's told.*

Draconian: *pounds on the door* Open in the name of the law!

Chromia: Yeah right... like somebody'd put you slaggers in charge 'o enforcement....

Marco: Nothing! We gonna fight?

Chromia: *looks at him, her expression showing hesitation. Then, as the door buckles and cracks under a massive blow, she darts over, grabs him.... ...And jumps right through the tenth floor window*


Chromia: *shielding him from the glass as best she can, and then taking the impact of the fall with a grunt before she pixilates and fades out*

Marco: *falls right on his hind and and then bolts up, staring* What the.... lady? Hey, lady!

gorgeous silver motorbike: *roars around the corner and skids to a stop next to him*

Chromia's voice: Git the helmet on and let's go!

Marco: ..... *does as he's told and hangs on for dear life*

bike: *takes off, the front tire leaving the ground as laser fire burns holes in the pavement around them*

Marco: *closes his eyes tightly* It'salladreamit'salladreamit'salladream.....

bike: Open yer slaggin' eyes or the real cops'll pull us over!

Marco: Says the possessed motorcycle!

bike: Posessed my shiny aft. Ain't you ever seen a non-human before? *screams around a corner, and hits a straightaway, on which she zips through traffic with superhuman skill*

Marco: .....5th amendment. And none of them pixilated and pushed their consciousnee into a vehicle!

bike: The holoform was consciousness pushin'. This's me. Chromia.

Marco: ....what are you? Like, AI?

Chromia: I'm a Transformer.

Marco: the bad 80's cartoon?

Chromia: No. Like the planet Cybertron. *whips around a corner, nearly flat to the pavement*

Marco: I'm gonna hurl. And die. On a fictional character. This SUCKS.

Chromia: *one more gut-defying turn, and then Marco is momentarily airborn before strong arms grab him and pull him into the darkness of a narrow alley* Shhhh.

Marco: *hurls, then groans, but attempts to be quiet and not stare at the giant robot holding him like a rat*

Chromia: *holds him close and rubs his back as she sees that his intestinal distress has passed. From inside her chest comes a warm and calming thrum*

Marco: ....they gone yet?

Chromia: *hand goes from his back to his mouth*

Marco: *rolls his eyes but is willing to dangle silently a little more.*

Chromia: *still as a statue for several moments more, and then sidesteps the urp and gently sets him on his feet after making sure he's got shoes on* Slag... wonder what that was all about. I've never ben here before, so I cain't have a record.

Marco: Maybe they just don't like robots who jump through their windows?

Chromia: *points out* I only jumped after they were chasin' me. Besides... those were Dracs. *transforms back to bike and puts her holoform on the seat, then pats the seat behind it* Lets git outta here.

Marco:.... right. *slowly gets on and holds on* How are we gonna get back to earth? Jake's gonna kick my arse if I miss anything.

Chromia: *he'll get a glimps of a sad expression as she turns to face forward* Wish I knew, buddy. *driving slowly and quietly down the alley, under hanging laundry and past stinky trash cans*

Marco: Well... do you know where we are, at the least?

Chromia: Nope.

Marco: Alright....

Chromia: We gotta find someplace ta lay low 'n.... *pauses as the Draconians drop down in front of her*

Marco: Or not. Can't you just shoot them with your lasers or something?!

Chromia: ...Not a killer...

Draconians: *open fire, endangering the human*

Chromia: *transfoms, shoots, then grabs Marco and goes right up a fire escape*

Marco: *yelps, then holds on* A'ight.... put me down somewhere! I can't take this anymore!

Chromia: *gets him up onto the roof and sets him down... then falls to one knee, her hand going to her side*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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