Leveling The Top Off Top Me Off

Nov 24, 2009 11:22

Somewhere out there is a ghost of a good mood. That little sliver of information is from Owl City.

I'm actually doing alright. I just haven't been very cheerful about it. So now I'm back and I'm hoping to reignite the spark that was my "writing career" on LiveJournal. You know what they say about LiveJournal being the haven of emo kids whining about how sucky their lives are? Well there is a significant quantum of truth in that. Alright. Not that we would ever admit to being thrown into the same gamut as them.

Things Spiritual
Alright. First things first. How has God been speaking to me these days? I've been learning about His attributes for the past few days. It's been readily convicting and at the same time supportive. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Of course these are just a smidgen of the infinite number of attributes we can find in God. He's an infinite God, and there's no way a mere human can possibly comprehend the infinite number of things He is. So we try as much as we can to understand it as much as we can, and it's been enriching.

The thing that, right now has struck me, and has been most helpful for me I think, is the attribute of Omnipresence. God is everywhere. All the time. There's no place he isn't and he doesn't have to "go" anywhere because where there is there He is also. Why is this so significant to me? There are a good number of reasons. First one being, I'm completely accountable to God himself. Everything I do I'm doing in his presence in His face.

Knowing this has caused me in the past weeks to really take stock of what I do and what I say. I know I'm not perfect and I do slip up some times but just the fact that you know He's always there is enough to make you think twice before doing anything. Imagine, whenever we sin it's like we walk up to the throne of Grace and commit that sin right there in front of Him. That's terrible!

Hand in hand with this realization is the comfort that He's always there to give us a way out. Knowing that God is always present means I don't need to worry about a means of escape from when I'm falling into trouble. He's holding me up. I just need to commit to it. I'd want to be able to honor Him in everything, and Him being there is a grand encouragement. It's like when you're taking a test and the teacher us looming over you. You won't ever get a chance to cheat. Which is actually a good thing (despite what we might think sometimes).

Finally, and most intimately, He's always there to provide comfort. I haven't been taking advantage of this fact. I know people are important, it's not like I'm writing people off or anything like that. Anyone who really knows me knows that I have a serious love for the people I consider significant in my life. But those relationships aren't devoid of heartache and disappointment. We're human, that's just what we do. God on the other hand, will always be there as a comfort. A great unending comfort. I don't even need to "run" to Him in any physical sense because He's already there. I'm only now really seeing the practical application of this truth, and I only wish to avail of it's vast benefits.

Man Is A Social Animal
No lone wolves. I have to admit to a recent frustration. This is the situation, it's sensitive so forgive me for speaking in flip flops. I just want it to be clear that I'm not pissed at anyone or anything like that. I've been quite reclusive this week but it's not because I'm mad at anyone or anything.

You know I've become incrementally comfortable with the concept of social/emotional solitude and all that. No I'm not an emotionless robot or anything like that, I would still love the company of others in regular intervals. I just don't feel as terrible as I used to when I find those relationships absent.

Anyway, I've been indirectly preoccupied with certain "situations", and I told myself that if an "event" were to occur that would replace my preoccupation with the "situation" then that must be a sign for me to reassign my attentions from the "situation" and instead place them on the "event". Following so far? I sure hope not, because if anyone ever unravels the mystery of which I speak I will be undone. Anyway.

An "event" took place. It happened with much impact and for a moment the "situation" faded into the background. In keeping with my previous statement, I found that I should maybe engage in a pursuit towards the "event" seeing as how this might be the thing that finally releases me from my absorption in the "situation". I was quite excited.

Then I found something. Being consistent with my general lack of fortune for matters of this sort, someone reached the site of the "event" first and happily cordoned it off. And in the same way that I would hate for someone to step over a perimeter that i set up, I would never wish to trespass on someone's designated "field of operations". I find myself treading the outskirts, waiting for a glimpse of the "event". Maybe a chance to come into close proximity with it.

I won't go on anymore about how the person who beat me to the "event" seems to have been intercepting me in everything for the past 6 years. We'll leave that under the concept of everything being "Fair in Love and War". We're all just trying to do what we think it best for us. He got to the site of the "event" first. Good for him. My desire to murder something is subdued by the fact that I would never want anything like that done to me. I would never hope to do it t anyone.

So I return to a state of equilibrium, perturbed that my "situation" will in no way advance, while distraught at the thought of missing the "event". My initial analysis lend me to think that this is once again a verification of the perennial solitary existence I hypothesize myself to be caught in.

Hey come on. It's only been a month. It's still too early to tell. There may yet be a chance for development. I think my "situation" will find this very pleasing to hear.

So that's me and my frustration! it's not anyone's fault or something like that. I'm not seething with burning hate! Just introspective.

I'll see you guys soon yeah!? We're cooking tonight!

Ta for now.

frustration, choices of love and life, god is awesome

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