HA i cant believe that you guys thought that i was insane! no way and i am gonna look for it on the drivers website thingy!! so i can prove to you that i am not wrong!!
according to the dmv:
Triangle: Yield
Slow down and give vehicles crossing your path the right-ofway.
If the way is clear, you may move forward slowly without
stopping. Yield signs are usually placed where auxiliary roads
lead into major roads.
this is the photo found next to it in the DMV hand book! and it matches the description and picture that i found of the red yield sign!!!
idk maybe you saw this and thought it was a yield sign...but this sign also proves that fact that i was right may i introduce you to the yield ahead sign ladies and gentelmen! you see it is red and white!!!! wow i was friken right!!!
so thats the end of my ranting on the yield sign i was right! ha hahahaha but yea! i am here in computers bored out of my mind b/c i finished all of the projects we had to do and i am waiting for simon to give us our final! god! school is soooo gay! in all of my classes we are doing nothing--wait thats not how it is said......we arent doing anything in any of my classes! thats better! but yea school is gay! i cant wait for my b-day only four days away!?!?!?!?! how exciting!!! i cant wait!!!! it really isnt that momentous b/c i cant get my license or anything like that but i like my b-day what can i say! all i want is ballons! lots of ballons i want to be a ballon whore i want like 50 million ballons!!!! thats it! w/e i am gonna go find sumthing to do see you guys later