Day2: Motivation

Aug 10, 2010 13:55

I think I'm going to do two posts a day, to keep myself on track. I like the two posts I did Yesterday, it helped.

This morning, I had my 400 cal breakfast (two luna bars) and some coffee.

I spent an hour on the bike again: 470 calories, but I did the arm thing too, so I'm sure it's about 500-550 calories. It's exhilarating just feeling kinda sexy and dancing a bit on the bicycle...yeah, I'm weird.

So, while there, I was thinking about my motivation.

Well, honestly, I want to be sexy again. I saw my cottage cheese ass in the mirror and was absolutely repulsed. Ugh. I don't know how my husband does thinks I'm even remotely attractive. UGH.

On the other hand, it was the grade mishap. With my school. I filed it on June 11th. They said it would take 45 business days. Well, it's still on my mind, and it still feels like yesterday, even though it's almost to deadline for them.

That got me to thinking. "HOLY CRAP. Imagine where I'd be right now if I'd have started this on that day?? I'd be halfway done! I'd be at around 50lbs or so, or sizes, smaller. WOAH. Really? And the timing just sank in. Then, it was like "Hmmm....there's 30days until My birthday, and then 30 more until halloween....and It all rolls around so fast, that I was like "Wow. I won't even know what hit me..." So, it just kinda sank in, that I'll look back, like I do on submitting that grade report, and tell myself "Wow, that wasn't so long ago...."

So, I did it. I'm not making sure it HAS to be 100lbs in 100days, but at the same time, I'm going to push it, and do all I can. No slacking.

Right now, I'm leaving the weekends a bit open. Not as much a big deal if I don't bike, but I'm still going to try to make it an every day thing. For right now, it's weekdays. And I'll still try to keep my calorie counts down too.

I'm thinking it will be easier to just do it every day...but then again, having the weekends as a sort of 'free time' sounds nice.

And yet, as I type this, I think to myself "But I don't want to sabotage a week for a weekend...."

So I guess I have my motivation there too. LOL.

I just hope I keep this feeling every day. :D :D :D

Day 2 is going strong. I've already done the biking for today, so I've still got:

3 400 calorie meals (lunch, Dinner, snack.)
4 bottles of water.
thyroid, cayenne at lunch
fishoil, vitamin at dinner
30min of Wii.

Instead of two posts, I think I'll just update one at the end of the day too.

I've felt more energized today than I have in a while. I had tunasteaks and sugar snap peas for dinner (not sure of the calorie count, but probably not over 400) and a cup of eggbeaters, a can of rotel, two slices of bread, and two weight watchers sliced up string cheeses for lunch (total of 370 calories.)

I've drank FIVE bottles of water today. and taken all my vitamins.

I only did about 20 minutes of Wii, but increased my activity level by a collective 10 minutes of dancing in my kitchen, and 30minutes dancing in my car. :D


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