a meme

Sep 27, 2005 15:56

Fandom Meme // i only have 3 fandoms

1. The first character you first fell in love with:
2. The character you never expected to love as much as you do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that you don't:
4. The character you love that everyone else hates:
5. The character you used to love but don't any longer:
6. The character 'ship everyone else loves that you don't:
7. The character 'ship you love that everyone else hates:


1. Hermione Granger.
2. Draco Malfoy <3 <3 <3 <3
3. Sirius Black // sorry, i just don't like him.
4. Ron Weasley // only some people hate him though.
5. Dumbledore // he used to be all-wise for the first 3 books and then i wasn't quite the believe anymore.
6. Sirius/Remus // not that i'm a homophobe, but i'm not a big slash fan
7. Ginny/Draco // most brilliant 'ship ever. so wonderful in all aspects. i wish she'd end up with him.


1. Pippin and Merry
2. Gimli <3
3. Aragorn // yeah, all-knowlede-ish king and whatnot, but try getting a personality
4. none
5. Arwen // i used to think she was cool
6. Aragorn/Arwen // duh
7. i don't know if anyone hates this ship but Merry/Eowyn


1. Charlie
2. Sawyer // i thought he was obnoxious
3. Kate // ehhhhhhh
4. Jin <3
5. Sayid
6. Jack/Kate // she wants Sawyer, stupid!
7. Boone/Shannon // they evened each other

x Fran
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