Dec 03, 2006 22:59
my mouth tastes minty...just brushed my teeth
today was boring as heck i worked on my project even though im 101% im getting an F
and bianca kept talking about how she went to the movies with eduardo it was making me feel akward because i had the craziest dream about them...
uhhh mmmm what else...
i dont wanna go to school tommorow i have p.e
p.e sucks
sometimes i wish i had my own band and lived on the road just so i could quit school
after seeing and meeting bands afer bands i've realized its the life i want
every morning i hate waking up just knowing im going to school even if i do get time hanging out with my friends
its not like i can do that anyways
every day i say to myself i'll give myself a break today and just get back on track tommorow but if i just keep doing that day after day i highly doubt it i'll make it through highschool
god i hate school with a passion
who ever evented school must have hated me
i mean seriously if i dont go there to learn what am i actually doing there?
i have no boyfriend
i have no crush
i have no friends...just kidding bianca
school just suck period.
and if i made spelling errors fuck that its not my fault learning is boring
even though i think i
i envy every bad out there...assholes