Dec 23, 2011 13:29

So as some of you know I recently realized that I very very very likely have ADD, which has been undetected by myself, my family, and educators for YEARS.  I mean, I sort of get it, because I can understand why it can go pretty undetected for someone like me who wasn't really fulfilling a bullshit stereotype of what ADD looks like, even though all the signs were pretty much THERE.  My therapist rec'd some placed to get a complete diagnosis but just about everywhere from UCLA to private practices are fucking booked until March, but we're still trying.  I'd rather do it now before going back to DC because I know I'm going to fucking sit on my ass and not do shit about it (not because I don't want a diagnosis, but because I just have a shit time getting around to doing things I need to do :\).

Anyway I got bored and was looking at this list of indicators and was just crossing off what doesn't apply to me and bolded what did.

Also, I'd really appreciate it if y'all don't just leave a comment saying, "OMG EVERYBODY GOES THROUGH THIS LOL I PROCRASTINATE ALL THE TIME ^_^" because uh, yeah, all of these are things people, especially students, can relate to.  But for me and people who have similar problems, it can be fucking debilitating in the worst way and it is constant.  This is more than just "lol on tumblr instead of doing my work" or "lol waited til the last minute to do my paper."  This extends to even the most BASIC of tasks for me, and when it is coupled with anxiety issues and perfectionism and slacking off, it ends up screwing me over in the worst way and I always end up playing catch up in more ways than one.  It's not really about intelligence or smarts or anything, it's about the fact that I often have to work twice as hard to get shit done because my brain just isn't always there and even when I know it NEEDS to be there, it causes anxiety and stress to a paralyzing degree.  So yeah, just keep that in mind.


"Adult Indicators 
Symptoms and problems are often unique and may vary in type, number and intensity from person to person. ADD is complex and no two individuals are exactly alike. 
Some indicators that can be suggestive of ADD:"
  • Easily distracted; forgetful; daydreaming
  • Procrastination; inability to complete things
  • Disorganization; messiness; clutter
  • Difficulty with making decisions
  • Behavioral or verbal impulsiveness
  • Difficulty with expressing thoughts in speech or in writing
  • Significant periods of depression; low self-esteem
  • A sense of failure; not living up to one's potential
  • A sense of being different, unconventional
  • A sense of internal restlessness; constantly active
  • Difficulty with falling asleep or waking up alert
  • Very sensitive to being told to do something, teasing, criticism, rejection or anger
  • A sense that your mind is always active; thoughts jumping from one topic to the next
  • Easily bored; intense need for excitement
  • Difficulty with following rules
  • Very impatient; low frustration tolerance
  • Emotionally sensitive; easily upset, depressed, hurt or angered
  • Difficulty with personal or work relationships
  • Frequently late or rushed
  • Difficulty in estimating how much time something will take
  • Impulsive spending and money management problems
  • Personal or family history of substance abuse, depression or anxiety
  • Difficulty with reading comprehension or retention
  • Frequently changing jobs, interests or activities
  • Frequently losing or misplacing things
  • Perfectionistic tendencies
  • Strong need to control or have things your way


personal, add

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