"I'm a lady~"

Feb 28, 2011 23:59

Hello, flist! *hugs*

SO, I haven't been posting too much this month despite checking LJ/my flist every day. I'm still trying to look for a better way to download my photos to my mac because this canon camera software just ain't cutting it. If you have any suggestions help me out!

Without a bunch of my pics it's going to be hard to make it seem like things are interesting XD But yeah, I'm still LOVING London even though I'm hardly doing something exciting everyday. The school system and structure here is so different, I srsly haven't opened a word document until the other day. IDK how they stand all the free time; it's lovely but it's driving me crazy!

In other news:

+ As you all know this past month was Black History Month in the states and it's always a good time for reflection (though this should really be happening all year). radiovolume has a GREAT collab of BHMM related posts at ontd_political, ranging from srs bsns to fun so click here to check them out!

Also in honor of BHM, I found this great photo on tumblr (I have one now btw, which is mostly just SPAM SPAM SPAM

Like a fuckin boss.

+ Oh! I hung out with ratherlemony last week and it was lovely :3

+ I really think I should do another vlog post...I haven't done one in MONTHS.

+ Oscars happened. Yep. That's about all I have to say XD It was pretty predictable and I'm happy about some of the winners but this is what it can really be summed up to:

+ AH! Almost forgot, I'm going to Greece for a week in April. Athens to be specific. Have any of you been there before? My flatmates convinced me to go because that is not one of the places I'd generally go out of my way to go to but now I'm excited.

+ And a random picture to end the post:


Will talk to you lovelies soon :D

camera, london, travel, random, personal, !!!, oscars, tumblr, black people, flist

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