"The ARE Jewish chavs in London." --Random Jewish guy on the plane.

Jan 13, 2011 05:29

In London!

Already made a few fellow American friends, including one who went to another LA private school so we know SO many of the same people. Small world. Oh, and my flat overlooks a fucking set of train tracks. It's okay, I sorta like it. It's not exactly a traditionally gorgeous view, but I like train tracks and trees and brick flats so I really have zero complaints.

ANYWAY. Loving Goldsmiths already and I haven't even started yet. I'm so happy to be here for the next five+ months. I need to get an Oyster card ASAP, as well as other basic shit I forgot (towels...A THICK COVER) and stuff I can get at a drug store here (paper towels, for example).

ANYWAY, YES. I'll be on the internet to actually chat starting tonight. I'm still really disoriented with the time because I'm 8 hours ahead AND I've slept freakish amounts already so, yus.


(And I still need to reply to comments. Fuuuuck.)

goldsmiths, london, personal, !!!, mini-picspam

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