Photos, art, politics, lolz, James Potter has an Archie car?, and other stuff

Feb 24, 2008 15:23

Posting now because I'll be reading my ass off for the rest of the day. So ahoy randomness:

1) My post yesterday must have jinxed something because guess what, Nader is fucking running. I know I have a couple Nader supporters on my flist so I won't rant about the man for now but...yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled about it. but hopefully Obama'll get the nom and people'll back him all the way through because...No McCain plz D:

2) Went to get my hair done today with mom. A bunch of men were talking about Obama while they were waiting/getting their hair cut. It was a very strong moment to me personally to hear these guys so enthusiastic about Obama and this one guy leaving and saying, "Pray for Obama" and people going, "Yes sir!" and "God bless him" and "It's our time" and stuff. These people are so ready to see a black man in the White House.

But you know what pisses me off? That they took down some security at Obama's recent Texas events because it was taking too long to get everybody in and they looked like a nice crowd. FUCK. THAT. That better not be a mother fucking set up from the Secret Service because that's just fucking STUPID. Barack needs a HELL of a better security team if simple matters of security are getting pushed aside. Jesus. I'm fucking woried that some crazy neo-nazi is going to fucking shoot the man D:

3) Coldstones took forever today (my dad got antsy waiting for me too). This young woman was getting two big cartons, 3 little kids and a dad were getting ice cream too, and then it was me. And only one lady was working. But she was nice and this Coldstones is a lot closer to my house :)

4) Mike Huckabee on SNL last night brought on the lulz.

5) I found a little...rubberish/paperish flower thing on the bottom of my shoe. it's like something kids would play with. I don't know what to think's still on my shoe.

6) I'm not even in Death Note fandom but... omfg lolz. So much crack.

7) I've been looking at a bunch of wedding proposal videos on youtube. It's pretty fun and makes you feel wistful and girly...unless it's a rejection video.

8) I sort of feel like James has this car for some reason...just because: Archie car?


10) He's so deliciously sorta flamboyant ♥

image Click to view

11) Photo TIME!

+ Self-portrait from earlier in the school year in charcoal. I don't think I've posted it yet:

+ Picture of me at El Cholo a couple weeks ago after seeing The Color Purple musical:

+ And because it was cute:

I'm so excited for tomorrow's episode.

12) I might be on a bit of a hiatus next week...we'll see :S

Okay, enough for now. I've got to read some D.H. Lawrence now :S

ETA: There is this really cool news report on CNN right about MLK's white driver who was 18 at the time when he drove around MLK and his kids and MLK's fun and family man side. It's really amazing that it was only about 40 years ago that all this stuff was going on in this country.

work work work, !!!, food, dad, art, mlk, news, lolz, mom, picture, video, obama, random, omgz teh blackness, personal, lj-cuts are opressive, 2008 election

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