(no subject)

Nov 14, 2009 01:17

We lost one of our babies today...

Mr. Diago Luigo, faithful patroller of the neighborhood, grand killer of anything that didn't move fast enough.. (If he didn't kill it, then he tried to have his way with it.. (Causing a rift between himself and his brother that was never mended.))had a massive heart attack today on the way to the vets...He was diagnosed with heart issues four months ago.. It was a terminal prognosis... The vet was suprised that he had lived four and a half years.. Apparently the life expectancy is around two years...

The last couple days he has been breathing hard.. He was still eating, still doing his. I want to go outside!!!!!!! dance.. but even when he was laying still, you could see how hard it was for him to breath..

I knew he was winding down.. You could see it in him... He has spent a lot of time the last week out on the patio in one of my captain chairs.. All day long sleeping in the sun... Thank you universe for this beautiful harvest fall.. It was perfect for him... He would start to go do his *patrol* and then just sit down and feel the air and the sun... Last night, we were sitting out on the patio and he was sitting on the grass smelling the air... Just being perfectly still with his nose up... Then he did a lil half jump and a lil pounce on some leaves and he cantered into the house...

Last night he came and got into bed with Michele.. It's not something that he has ever done.. He was the kind of cat that wanted to be at the foot of the bed, or under it... But last night, he got into bed with her and cuddled up for the longest time.. I didn't know it at the time, but she whispered to him that it was ok for him to go if he wanted to.. She told him that she loved him and he was a good boy...

This morning she told him that she loved him and said goodbye..

Both Michele and the vet wanted him to get into the clinic asap, so I left work early and took him in... The 10 min car ride was too much for him... He had a massive infarction about three min from the clinic.. They grabbed him and took him into the back, but he didn't respond and slipped away... I keep thinking.. I should have went and got Michele's car.. it smelled like her.. I should have cleaned out the cat carrier so it didn't smell like my cats...

But truth be told.. I know that it is better that it was over so fast.. His lungs were filling up.. That's why he couldn't breath... A quick death over a lingering one...

The vet was amazed at his condition.. The fact that he had lived so long with his heart walls as thick as they were.. That he was still active and eating..

Mr. Diego Luigo.. you were a pain in my ass.. Bossy, Demanding, leaving disembowel rabbits for your mother to clean up... Trying to prove that you didn't need no stinking balls to prove your cat hood.. (I saw you looking at my bag!!!) you had fishhooks because you wouldn't let anyone touch your killing claws... Your lil monkey tux face... you did look like a lil monkey.. You didn't know the meaning of the word.. NO.. Come here!@!!.. get down... Leave her alone!!! You would cross a busy street staring down cars as you sauntered across at your leisure... Giving your mother a heart attack... Neither rain, nor sleet, nor busy streets would keep you from your self appointed patrol...

You had the sweetest purr, and the way that you DEMANDED to be held and petted... You were the wild child that I couldn't help but love.. You had that same feeling of freedom about you that your mother carries..

You went out on your own terms... You didn't want to be in that carrier.. you didn't want to go to the vet.. you picked the time...

You, big boy.. will be missed so very much... But the way that I think about it.. You have your balls back and an unlimited supply of rabbits to hunt...

I think our sadness is a fair trade...
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