Beautiful Day...

May 19, 2009 03:27

Yesterday (with the exception of one or two lil deals) was absolutly lovely..

I woke up around 3am (which is turning into a habit) and wanted to bake... lol.. of course that meant a trip to the grocery store...(I was out of eggs and yogart)

I made a raisin/apple monkey bread and a plain monkey bread... I ended up leaving it unglazed.. I wasn't sure what the overload would do to parents assorted tummies..

I made a freaking yummy fruit salad.. oh.. have you paired cumin with assorted fruits? Lovely.. lovely.. I use rasberry yogart as a binder and it turned out just yummy...

Justice (Stephens sister/the R's daughter)got here around 9am..

Fucking delightful visit... Lol.. we figured out that I had given her the wrong area code for the house phone.. She is so used to all her friends having different area codes that it didn't even register that it wasn't the right area code for Omaha..

The topics ranged from Steampunk to quilting to computers to metaphysics/body works. It was such a joy to watch her interact with my parents... Lol.. my dad is a bit twisted.. For some reason it delights him to play *the local yokel, johnny hayseed,never been off the farm..) It sometimes embarrasses me unto death.. lol.. (My dad was a career military man.. at one point he was head financial NCO of NATO,'s been off the farm a time or two..) It was so fasinating to see J and my dad talk body works/ metaphysics..

My opionated mom?.. oh so fiery... it was just plan FUN to wach her and J talk about assisted suicide, metal health, quilting, crafting, recovering furnature...

Grin.. Stephen sat on the futon (which is leaving today...yea!!!) grinning and absorbing the conversation.. chiming in with his thoughts and feelings when he felt like it... Getting lost occassionally.. but most of the time holding his own...

It got a bit emotional from time to time... but it felt good..healing...

J had a lunch date but made plans to kidnap Stephen later on in the day...

So.. My mom and me? More power thrifting... lol that woman... She get such delight from finding treasures.. grin.. She came up here with a list of things she needed to find... a part for her old food processer.. (dad keeps buying her new ones, but they just don't match the power and versitility of her old one) a glass measuring cup for chemicals for her pool, plates and cups and bowls to add to her ever expanding dish sets..and a new sewing machine... (the sewing maching was not part of the thrift store experience, she ended up getting a Janome Memory Craft 6600P)

Oh did she hit the jackpot this last week... She found not just the part of her food processor.. she found a complete machine, with attachments... grin.. what are the chances of finding a barely used 28 yr old food processor EXACTLY like the one you have? Lol.. I told her she's got a parts machine now... It reminded me of someone who drives a vintage car having a junker to pull parts off of... grin.. Dishes.. oy.. she found a bowl to her set that had been broken about 15 yrs ago.. She was just tickeled pink... plates,cups and salad bowls for two sets that she collects, and a couple of ones that her sister collects..

I didn't make out too bad myself... I found plates in my cut glass pattern, stoneware plates.. (cream with a very heavy cobal blue flowered pattern.. grin.. matches my solid cobal blue plates) baskets for planters.. GRIN... It was so amusing today... I brough in my haul... setting the basket I had bought for a morning glory basket down in my bedroom.. LOL.. my bad baby cat jumped in and said.. MINE.... hmmmmm.. pretty plants or happy baby cat... Happy baby cat... I totaly scored on some blown glass vases.. I love irregular bubble pattern in glass... I really cleaned up... for .75 I found the exact same TALLLLLLLL necked/skinny vase that had cost 45 bucks a few years ago... I found some irregular tossed lil bud vases... I love.. seeing what the imperfections do to the glaze.. lovely.. lol.. they were only .45 and orgn I put every one that was on the shelf in my basket.. because the were hand made and only .45.. GRIN.. I put everything back except one.. the one that I actually loved for someone..

Oy.. that woman can shop... She wore me out today... after the last store... I was just getting ready to say.. *I'm done.. I need my chair, a coffee and a cig* but she beat me too it... Grin..

After R/R I made a nice dinner... nothing fancy, but filling.. BBQ steak, salad, boston baked beans... I wish I had started some bread that morning, but I didn't.. and I've learned my lesson with trying to start bread that late in the day without a professional proofer..

Grin.. I passed out on the futon in the living room shortly after dinner... lol.. I had taken a half of a pain pill attemting to KILL a tention headache that I had all day.. it knocked me on my ass.. grin.. I'm such a freaking light weight when it comes to drugs... It was my mom's script and I outweigh her by 70 lbs...

As much as I adore Justice, and am so very glad that we reconnected with a promise of a richer relationship in the future... Anything associated with R is stressful for me.. I started having Trama nightmares when J first said she wanted to come to Stephens graduation... It finaly maxed out yesterday with a sick stomach and a pounding head... But I refuse to allow her/it/emotions to rule my life and was determined to have a good day any way... it worked.. it was one of the best days I've had in such a long time..

(I owe Tori for that bit of life lesson.. Hell, if cancer isn't going to stop her.. *maybe slow her down a bit, but not stop her* then I have absolutly no excuse for letting a lil physical ailment stop me from enjoying life)

The only really dark shadow over the last week is Angela.... I had asked her to stay at her sisters while my parents were here..(which I didn't think was a big deal.. she spends every just about every weekend there)My dad has arthrist in his back pretty bad... he doesn't sleep at night... Very small apt... very small.. I made sense to let him have the living room and give my mom the bedroom so she could sleep.. and frankly, Ang and my parents clash... So.. while Ang seemed to be ok with it.. agreed to it.. didn't act like it was a big deal.. We haven't heard from her... She blew off Stephens graduation...

She didn't come to Stephens graduation.... No call saying there was an emergency.. no answering the emails he sent.. no answering the vm on her cell...hmmmm.. In my mind that is not something that can be excused... I'm done with her.. She need to get her stuff out of my apt and just leave...

Stephen won't talk about it.. that's his way.. he goes quiet until it doesn't hurt so much.. Hell, he still won't talk about R..

Sigh... he leaves with my parents today.. then he goes from there to Justices.... He won't be back till Aug...

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with myself....
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