Apr 28, 2010 12:28
This is how I feel. Running on a treadmill in a ditch trying to clasp my blind fold tighter to my face.
Does that make sense? Is that how most university students feel? or.... all you ex- university students has the worst come to pass. the blindfold blew away and now your shamefully aware that you've been in one spot this whole time nothing really gain, dignity lost, though every one was doing it so why not. like a costly exposing right of passage now your left as an 'equal' in a world completely new.
I'm going to be in retail for the rest of my life. I know it. Its my worst fear (that and bugs up the bum) . I'm sitting in Valhalla annoyance growing as people wrinkle and crease the plastic wrapping around cards and pressing the gas book's buttons allowing the farts to ring out through the store compromising the music. Money at least its money.
I'm starting to produce stuff. I'm in two courses this summer.
1. is print making for painters where I'm conspiring with Nate to use the facilities to print some sell able things like wrapping paper and some cards. I also am thinking about investing in a button maker between a couple people, kind of easy money in the long run.
2. Is water colour class which I mostly just want to get myself up to date for thesis.... which I have to have 3 research papers ready for the first week of school which gravitate around 3 different thesis ideas... which the assure me will all be rejected. COOL.
I like doing what I do, but I see no point to it, no profit in it, and no real future for it.