Jan 09, 2008 19:57
I have to do a piece based on "modern cultural art" for art
SO what is more appropriate than making an election poster during election year!
technically i'm making "propaganda", but i'm just drawing caricatures of all of the candidates instead
I guess that could be propaganda...
Anyways, I just finished my Obama drawing. Its pretty hilarious, especially since Obama is already pretty weird looking
Next is Hillary!
Why am I having more fun making fun of the candidates I support?
I like drawing. Its a nice way to take the night off from work. I was up until 2:00am doing my IRP. I did that stupid project for 12 HOURS yesterday.
So glad it is finally done
Except I have my 'evaluation of data' or Part B of my history IA due Friday that I haven't started yet.
At all.
Luckily, we asked Lib for a different due date and he said it was due Friday, but it could be due Monday. So I think we can turn in another version Monday and still get credit.
I hope
Tomorrow is going to suck...