So I found this thing google has where you can search videos. Its pretty sweet and I've been searching all kinds of random things. I think the best Search so far was BMX because I got a ton of video of guys crashing their bikes but also doing sweet tricks...
So here are the top Four videos of guys riding bikes:
"Old Manic Vid" Guys Jumping into water and over dirt mounds Okinawa, Japan Bmx Compilation Broken BMX Movie Intro I think my favorite parts are when the guys get so angry at their bikes that they throw them away in disgust lol. The last one is mainly guys getting broke and the second to last one is mainly guys doing really cool tricks on bikes...
If you search for Harry Potter there are some cool things... like a random dance thing where they're like acting out Harry Potter through dance lmao and theres like a West Side Story dance/fight scene between the Gryffindors and Slytherins (I can only guess thats who they are lmao)
So if you have about half an hour to kill and you really like watching guys skateboard I also found this really sweet movie that has nice music thats not like RAHI'MHEAVYMETALRAH!!! lol and I think its really cool...
First Love I think probably the best one I found however was when I searched for random... there's a ton of really funny random videos but this one has got to be the BEST! lol
You tha Man! So yeah... Google is my own personal Savior now... I shall worship it with cult like ceremonies and sacrifices of... umm... something that is not alive lol