Title: Time Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Pairing: NishiKato
Rating: PG for kissing
Summary: The rekindling takes longer than the falling-in-love.
Disclaimer: I can’t own people.
Author’s Notes: Unbeta-ed. I couldn’t think of a good title. And this is a product of boredom so I am sorry for the fail. I fail at coming up with titles too.
It’s been years, ages since they last met. The younger, now a famous lawyer-slash-photographer and the older, still in the entertainment industry, met again at a hole-in-the-wall place. It’s a peaceful place, albeit the drunk businessmen. The younger one was there to unwind after a long day of work. And the older one is there almost every week. It’s a haven for him, he’s familiar with the people who frequents the place. So it came as a surprise when he saw his former bandmate, lover, and the list goes on.
“Shige” A slightly older Nishikido Ryo called Kato Shigeaki.
The proclaimed-prodigy looked up and immediately, his reaction turned from annoyed to recognition. Why wouldn’t he? Former bandmates, friends, and then lovers.
“Ryo, it’s been a long time. How are you?” The lawyer greeted with a pleasant smile with nothing of their past written on his face.
Since their first encounter after years of being separated, the two met up almost every week at the same hole-in-the-wall place. It’s become a haven for both of them. It’s also become a rekindling kind of place for them.
Kato Shigeaki is a famous lawyer and photographer. He passed the bar exams on his first try and paved his way to the top of the elite lawyers.
With fame comes money and power.
It’s unfortunate, Shige thinks, that he sees more people drowning in money everyday, that it destroys their lives. He swore to himself never to be like them.
That doesn’t make him stop partying. At first, he’s always all over the tabloids.
Former Johnny’s Idol Kato Shigeaki Seen Clubbing at a High-End Club in Shibuya
This went on for months until the media realized that this is a normal thing for the once-reserved idol. Johnny’s was a thing of the past, at least his past, for Shigeaki.
Time heals all wounds.
It’s a phrase Shige once believed. Now, he doesn’t. Because after all these years, he still loves Nishikido Ryo.
Nishikido Ryo continued being a member of Kanjani8 even after NEWS disbanded. Being an idol is the only thing he knows how to do, he says to himself.
Being an idol, being exposed to scandals and the media, he can’t help but see the tabloid photos of his former lover. At first, he was so affected, but then it became weekly news that the pain faded into his subconscious.
Time made both anxious to settle down. It’s been a dream to have a family. But every time they imagine a family, they imagine each other.
A reunion-of-sorts happened a year after they met again. Only they have been in contact. Everyone was happy, everyone noticed their familiarity with each other even after years of having no contact. Everyone asked them questions. Everyone went home unanswered.
Because the ones in question does not know the answer themselves.
A year turned to two and by then all of them a reacquainted again.
The reunion of hearts happened exactly on the third year of their meeting again.
It’s a cold night, one colder than usual and the cold night found 2 persons huddled under a blanket, the aftershocks of their recent activity making them catch their breath. Nothing’s changed, the older one was the first one to talk.
“Shige, I love you. I have always loved you. I never really got over you.” A confession is uttered, the beating of their hearts are faster than normal.
“I love you too. For a long time now, never forgot you after all these years.” Another one came and that made the older one lean in for another kiss, more leisurely, more lovingly than before.