Title: A kick and a punch
Pairing: RyoShige
Genre: Angst
A/N: for seulrin-unnie (
otoke1315 )
“Why did you lie to me?” A raging Nishikido Ryo shouted at his lover as he throws punch after punch into his abdomen.
Shige, beaten into a pulp could only sigh heavily into the floorboards before succumbing to unconsciousness. Ryo merely looks at him then proceeds into his normal routine before going to sleep in the bedroom.
Sometime into the night, when Ryo is still asleep, Shige stands up slowly before leaving their shared apartment to commute to Koyama’s house to get help.
Once help was on hand, Shige finally succumbs into oblivion, where he’s not being beaten and where he and Ryo is living happily.
It wasn’t always kicks and punches in their relationship, they used to be happy. It all started when Shige started going out with different people, almost always outside, when Ryo is working with Kanjani and always busy with dramas. Ryo thought that Shige was cheating on him and his outing with one of his college friends pulled the trigger in Ryo’s much-depleted patience.
When Shige arrived home, he was immediately pounced on Ryo before he was pummelled to the floor by the force of the older man’s punch. When he was flat on his back, Ryo straddled him and took his chin into his right hand.
“You’re mine, remember that well.”
Prompt: Baby
Pairing: KoyaShige
“Shige, she’s precious,” Koyama cooed when he sees the bundle in his lover’s arms move.
“Kei, thank you,” Shige looks at Koyama straight in the eyes before catching the man’s lips into his.
When Koyama is fast asleep, because labour tired him out, Shige sits by the window cradling their baby girl in his arms, completely whipped.
Koyama Keiichiro and Kato Shigeaki’s has her father wrapped around her little fingers merely hours after coming into the world.
Prompt: Food
Pairing: ShigeMassu
When it comes to food, Massu is the expert. When it comes to cooking, Shige is the one to ask. They make a perfect couple, says everyone.
One cooks, one eats. But Shige thinks their relationship isn’t really fun and games because feeding Massu is no joke both for his pocket but also for his arms, cutting fish all the time.
Prompt: Rain
Prompt by:
yuuki_7 Pairing: TegoShige
Tegoshi pulls Shige into the rain, effectively making them wet in a matter of seconds. Shige hates the rain but Tegoshi loves the rain. They’re opposites. Tegoshi is completely self-centered, Shige is always self-conscious. Tegoshi is girly, Shige is very manly. But they do have something in common: they love each other.
So Shige learns to succumb to Tegoshi’s wants. He cooks for the younger man, he always fixes his hair and does his make-up, and he learns to love the rain. Tegoshi learns how to lessen his whines when he knows that Shige is in a bad mood, he cooks when Shige is getting stressed out, and he pulls Shige into the rain when he knows that his lover is going to start yelling at him for being selfish.