Sep 07, 2005 21:26

Oh my freakin' gosh...last night and the night before were two of the greatest, most HILARIOUS nights of my life. Charisse and I spent Monday night staring at Gates hotties til two in the morning...SHIRTLESS COWBOY!! Hahahahahahaha. How frikkin' funny. Seriously, it is better than TV. Acting casual is pretty much the best tactic as far as watching Gates boys goes. All we need is our cranberry juice jug and water bottle, and we're set.

"Sufficeth to say, I am in love with every single one of the guys we saw tonight. Besides maybe Otter Pop."

Hahahahahaa. Hilarious. And let me tell you...putting our number on our window was probably the best decision we've EVER made. Seriously, we've gotten at LEAST one call from guys every day for the past week. Sigh. I love my life.

And then last night...hahaha. Talk about random and hilarious. I ran into Jason (not Jason as in my brother, but Jason from my ward) last night around 8 or 9 and hung out with him for a while. Warning: never chuck a bottle of cranberry juice down the stairwell in the lobby. It WILL spill all over the floor. Hahaha. And that freakin' JERK blamed it on me...jerk. But it's ok, because I'm a jerk too. Basically, we're jerks together. Then I went home to do homework around 11:00, and 4 of our Gates boys were over. Two of them (the twerps) freakin' stole my cone. Ugh. Then they took it over to their dorm and I had to go get Jason and have him get it from them. However, our plan didn't work...they locked their door. After threatening them by telling them Jason would beat them up...he does, after all, play baseball...they finally gave it back. Mission accomplished. Hahaha. Then Jason and I hung out and talked in the parking lot until 12:30. Man, we're such jerks together. Oh yeah, and best place for NCMO = the piano room. HAHAHAHA. Then I realized that it was frikkin' 12:30, and I had 30 pgs. to read, a Gregorian Chant to write and print out for the entire class, and a writing assignment all due tomorrow. Woops. Tee hee. I got it all done though. Swish. Hooray for all-nighters and naps.

Oh yeah, and P.S. I suck at bassoon. It's official. It seems like every time we have phil rehearsal, I come out feeling depressed and inferior. Boooo. Haha. Seriously, yikes. But it'll get better...and luckily we don't have rehearsal again til Monday, so I have time to get a buttload of practice in before then. I already made some good progress tonight. Heh, my roomies all thought I was out with the KCH's, but no, I was actually being studious and practicing. Go figure.

Allright, time to work on sight singing, because I suck. Do re mi...blah blah blah. Woo.
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