it's the most wonderful time of the year!

Oct 20, 2015 10:46

Dear Yulegoat:

It’s hard to believe that it’s Yuletide time again!  This is my third time around, and I really love everything about this fic exchange.  If you’ve been matched to me, I’m sure you’re a delightful person by definition. Don’t worry about pleasing me--I’m very easy to please.  If you write me a fic that explores complex feelings and gives me glimpses into characters beyond what we’re presented with canonically, I’ll be a very happy person.  Don’t stress over this assignment--follow your muse, wherever it may lead!  You won’t find a lot about me by stalking--my use of Tumblr is sporadic, and I only use LJ to post my annual Dear Yulegoat letter.    You can read my fics on AO3--you’ll see that they’re mostly about Alicia/Kalinda from The Good Wife, which will always remain the fem slash pairing of my heart, even as canon exploded them into nothingness.

What I love: stories about the complex dynamics of friendship and love, good writing. realistic dialogue, powerful mixtures of emotion and humor, clever uses of meta, angst.

What I hate: PWP, out-of-character characters, stories that include childbirth, anything about babies, anything in which an animal dies.

Here are some more specific details about my asks.

The Americans
I think Henry is a fascinating and hilarious character--I love the way he’s always skulking around, and how little attention his parents pay to him compared to all the drama that has been centered around Paige.  I’d love to read a Henry-centric story.  You could do something from his perspective regarding the events of last season, or you could do a future!fic in which he reflects on his weird childhood.  However you do it, more Henry will make me very happy.

Carry On
I *love* the whole Simon Snow idea--it appeals to my love of meta, and my interest in fandom as a phenomenon.  Here’s a fandom that started out as scraps of fic in a novel about a fanfic writer. Those scraps grew into the Simon Snow series fandom, and then (miracle of miracles!) Rainbow Rowell actually wrote a real Simon Snow novel, something that’s really fanfic turned into canon.  Nothing like that has ever happened before, and I really dig it.  I’m particularly interested in the Agatha and Penelope’s relationship, because I enjoy good female friendships and I think both characters are well developed and interesting.  It’s fine with me if you include any other characters you like (Ebb from Carry On would be a fascinating addition), but I’d like this fic to focus on Penny and Agatha rather than on Simon and Baz.

I think there are two kinds of Felicity fans out there--the ones who thought that the final six episodes of season four were the stupidest things ever, and the kind who thought that they were brilliant meta-commentaries on the show as a whole, and hilarious in their own right.  I’m in Camp B--I loved those episodes, which of course proved much more prophetic about what J. J. Abrams was going to turn into than anyone ever realized at the time.  All this is by way of saying that I’d love any story that gave me an update on how Ben and Felicity are doing in the ten years since the show ended, and if you can manage to weave in Meghan, witchcraft, and time travel, I’ll be your slave for life.

So that’s it!  I’m very happy to make your acquaintance, and I hope you enjoy writing as much as I’ll enjoy reading what you give me.  Happy holidays!


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