Some stuff

Aug 05, 2011 04:24

 I had some stuff, but it's gone now.. maybe. I was thinking, that people can be empowered equally by both love and hatred.
This is the problem and the duality of man. but is it an inherent problem? Should it be? Is it off the path of Heaven?

I had another idea, that we are in Heaven already, this is our chance at perfection, this life. This time, now, here, to live in Heaven, to live like Kings, to live in peace, to live in happiness. The chances of life are rare, the chances of my consciousnesses to exist are completely unlikely, but here. I was given the gift of life, ouhhhh. and yes, I take it for granted--most of the time. One must learn to not take it for granted. One must learn not to be the victim of life, but the victor. One must learn to overcome hardship. One must learn to compensate and to compromise, but not to the point of not being true to yourself, one must compensate to others when one knows it is right, when one knows it will make things easier. something has to give at some point. If there is no amnesty amongst men, then man cannot thrive. We have to forgive. WE FUCKING HAVE TO. Even though it is hard. It's really fucking hard. But all this is temporary. Our one shot at true greatness and the world is going to the fucking dogs. Forgiveness is the first step towards love. People can be guided to light. People can be helped. Some things run too deep and for too long, those things make scars, in our social structure, that we have to move around or perish.

All these things are truly attainable, but of course not at all times. the nature of the Universe is chaotic, of course, a roll of the dice. You can never expect one thing from the next, ever. So here again, the problem. Nothing is certain, nothing is impossible, except certainty. We are built upon a calamity, but it's okay, because it's operable. The temples of our minds react to the world around us and the world reacts to our minds, our mere perception of it. Reality and perception reflect off of each other in the most beautiful way to create the "known". "Supposed known"  SO what is it that brings us to these shores? Is it God? Is it fate? Is it chaos? There is no real answer. Never will we know the true nature of our reality. But that statement is giving up. But do micro-organisms know the true nature of their reality? I believe everything communicates, just in different ways, and for operable organisms, that communication does exist, might just be a different level of consciousness we cannot even begin to understand. Sentience is relative, along with EVERYTHING else. It's all goddamn relative, so what to do about this situation of our relative position in the functioning dynamic of the "Universe" but try to understand it. We are a product of the cosmos attempting to understand itself- Carl Sagan. Hope I got that right..

The problem with the wholeistic view of man. 
We are in separate parts at all times and hampered by emotional and physical burdens at all times. So how is it we can just be in the now? Meditation, the pure mind? The pure nothingness? Is this wholeness? Or emptiness?

When are you completely and utterly "you"? Very few moments in the span of a lifetime. Perhaps Jim Morrison was completely "himself" performing/singing/showing his genitals. But still, he was under pressure, he was most likely under the influence of many drugs. Exhausted from partying the night before, perhaps thinking of an archaic moment from his childhood in that exact moment before being ushered off of stage. So when is it, that we are in our purest form as individuals? When we create? When we express ourselves to our fullest potential? In that exact moment, that exact holy moment of being just completely yourself. No stipulations, no distractions, no insecurities, no dissociation, or disillusionment. When are "we" really "we"? In what grand precise and perfect time? One could argue that all these distractions to our psyches at all times are a part of us, so in any given moment, that we just are us, no matter what the circumstances. That sounds good, but what about the purest form of the human consciousness? That's what I want to see, in everyone, at least once. That moment when a man or woman is existing in their most potent and purest form possible, the "them" they always wanted to be, the inner view of themselves being the best, the better, the greatest. I want to see a new class of human emerge, full of love, greatness, compassion, forgiveness, and horror if need be.   
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