Dec 24, 2011 08:24's a chilly morning, with cold nipping at my fingers and toes(my nose is too small to feel weather effects besides rain) so i made coffee. my dreams last night left me feeling like a lost child in the wrong house. I can't remember them but I know they were focused on things from my childhood like dr. seuss, snacking on cubed cheese, and learning silly words in other languages(mantequila, which i still can't spell, was my first spanish word to learn). i suppose for the morning before the morning of great anticipation(christmas) it's pretty normal. it's kind of nice, too, the closeness of the memories floating all around me as i go about my morning routine-pee, pet cats, make coffee/tea, take meds, make breakfast, turn on computer. eating my breakfast isn't doing anything to dispel the ghost dreams either, because i made banana bread for the first time yesterday and it was something my mother and i used to do together. i was always in charge of mashing bananas because she has a serious gag reflex towards their texture and the lovely sounds they make when being mashed. mine has chocolate chips in it, but the memory's the same. i'm not looking forward to my day today, so maybe i'll just wallow in this feeling for a while before braving the great outdoors and the most terrifying animal of all; humanity.