once again a resounding "owww" from me.

Jun 13, 2011 18:16

I spent the weekend at my aunt's without internet, kicking off the long, slow and awkward process of saying goodbye to the people here before I leave for Manchester. Before I went offline I wanted to tell y'all to not break the internet, play safe, yadda yadda yadda.

Instead I proceeded to break myself over the weekend. Yesterday I repeatedly bashed my head in. With my forehead I ran into a street sign - and the pointy end at that - and later that same day I crashed against a doorframe made of stone from below from which I actually received a tiny wound right on top of my head. I didn't tell anyone at first because hey, I'd already run into that street sign, but once I found blood on my hand when I was feeling up the bump... Well.

On top of that I've now got a cold as well. Hooray, what with having to juggle two jobs this week plus uni! I think I'll just watch some Queer as Folk (US version) to educate myself. Still LOL'ing over the fact that someone from my GLBT class tried to tell me the show hadn't been intended for adult audiences... Even without having ever watched it I knew better. Unrelatedly, I am also LOL'ing over the fact that in HBP, when Harry voices his belief that Severus Is Up To Something Death-Eatery and Remus jumps to Severus's defence, Remus's words are framed with a Christmas love song. What. The. Fuck. Shippity-ship-ship! :D
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