
Oct 08, 2005 18:51

Hey there, it's been a while. I hate when I have to say that. It means I have been neglecting the livejournal. : / Anyway, since my last update I've had some monumental advances, but I haven't put anything about them because I'm so damn busy. Senior year is supposed to be easy - not so far. I'm constantly working and constantly have something due, and when I'm not, I'm either working or preoccupied by love. It's not a bad thing, but thats how it is. SATs were today....my last time taking them, EVER. And I didn't get a perfect score, because I know I got one math one wrong for sure :( On the bright side, I got a "hard level" vocab question right because I knew what cosmopolitan meant. (or at least I threw around in my mind what it could mean because of the magazine title.) Anyway, it means like "worldly"..I thought it either meant that, or like, city-like, chic. (pardon the likes) But i eventually decided on it, and yeah. This was one of the hardest SATs I have taken yet, so I'm cautiously anticipating my scores. (I've taken SATs 5 times now)[and yes, I can do that....the first two were with gifted in 7th and 8th grade, and didnt count. I think I got a 990 in 7th grade] My essay blew, YES!

Anyway I hope everyone else is having a more relaxing year thusfar than myself, but I suppose thats what I signed up for when I ran for president, so I'll deal. Also, any comments, concerns, ways I can make YOUR lives better through the school, let me know.
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