May 19, 2005 03:24
Hey everybody. I'm back. If you've been out of the loop, I've successfully completed my first two semetsters at UNK. I'm a music education major, even though most of the time I find education classes to be tedious and music classes to be depressing. I have a love/hate relationship with Kearney; my teachers are great people and talking with them outside of class is uplifting because they have such wordly perspectives. To contrast, many of the students seem thoughtless, shallow, and blissfully ignorant. There are a few exceptions, and these people, although I don't share or understand their ideaologies, could prove to be life long friends. The campus and country are beautiful, especially at sunset, although as near as I can tell, most of the students never bother to notice. Well, love it or hate it, I'm stuck there at least until my junior year.
Today I started at Homer's. So far I pretty much love it. The cash register and computer system are REALLY outdated, but still seem new and scary to me, since the only other place I've worked at had a register from the 30s. The computer codes are hard for me to remember, and are even harder when there is a customer standing there. They don't have any kind of training program, so I'm pretty much stuck learning as I go. I really hope I don't screw things up the next time I go in.
I'm also sort of being employed by Kastrick's Project Omaha. He's paying me, Zach, and Tristan an undisclosed amount to produce a sort of cartoon history of Omaha. Zach and I have made quite a bit of progress in the last week or so, but it's a pretty ambitious project. Going back to South has been bitter-sweet for me. The Project Omaha room, and Kastrick for that matter, are even more beat than I remember. The administration at South, which was reorganized my senior year, is really fucking things up. They funnel all the "problem students" down to Kastrick, thinking that he can "save" them or something, but really all they're doing his turning his work of the last seven years into a baby sitting service. It pains me to see how dejected he seems some days. The administration has also made life at South intolerable for my band teacher and friend Mr. Miller, who announced last week that he will be transferring to Nathan Hale for the remainder of his career. Watching these things happen is discouraging for me because I can see myself eventually in thier shoes.
Tonight I saw the final Star Wars movie with Conrad and Darrin. It was alright, I guess. I really had no expectations going in to it. I think maybe character development was kind of light, but there were a lot of sweet fight scenes. I suppose you can't have both. Some parts were horribly cheesy; I couldn't help but laugh at the Vaderstein scene (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it), which is sad because I think Lucas intended it to be the emotional climax of the film.
After the movie I really wasn't tired, so I drove around aimlessly listening to John Lee Hooker, and then Blue October. History For Sale is one of the best albums I've ever heard. Even after hearing it hundreds of times, there are still parts that stir me up inside. On my aimless drive I went past Allie Verch's house. The lights in the basement were on, and there was a breif moment when I considered tapping on the window to see if she was still up, but in the end I chickened out. Oh well.
Today Kastrick was speculating as to whether or not culture has peaked, and is now in a steady decline. For awhile I thought maybe that it had, but listening to the Blue October album changed my mind, and now as I sit here and listen to Sigur Ros, my faith in new(er) music has been reaffirmed. I think maybe I'll burn these albums for Kastrick, and maybe his faith in mankind will be reaffirmed.
I'm going to leave you with a line from Blue October's "Chameleon Boy" that seems especially signifcant on this night:
"i try to think of all the people i looked up to
or growing up who would i be?
now the twisted part
where'd all my idols end up?
they all passed away
passed away"
Thanks for reading, and god bless.