About 100 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.

Jan 22, 2007 02:09

1) Full Name:
Katherine Josephine Wyatt

2) Male/Female:
asl?//1 16/F/TX U?/

3) Were you named after anyone?
My aunt I believe.

4) Does your name mean anything?

5) Nick Name(s):
Kati, Kati Jo, Polly Pocket, Kati Jones

6) What do you think you look like... name wise:
This is a stupid question.

7) Date Of Birth:
April 4, 1990. Gr.

8) Place of Birth and Current Location:
I was born in some tiny little place in Germany that starts with an O. I think. Now I'm in El fucking Paso.

9) Nationality:
Fuck knows. I'm French Canadian, Scottish, Irish, and English. Basically I'm just a whitey.

10) Astrology Sign:
Aries. LOL my therapist told me it was a man symbol I was like, wtf u crackpot.

11) Chinese Astrology Sign:

12) Religion:

13) Whats your favorite smell?
That's a secret.

14) Political Position?
One that doesn't exist.

15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Water. Or Dr. Pepper. Whatever.

16) Hair + Eye colour:
My hair is naturally brunette although some people say I'm blonde and I say fuck you cuz it's not. Right now it's like, a maroon with orange and purple bangs. Yay. And since I'm sick and tired of people saying their brown eyes are boring and bland, I've got the most gorgeous brown eyes you'll ever see >:O

17) Do you look like anyone famous?
Alot of people say I look like alot of dumb bitches that I have no love for.

18) What do you look like?
A little girl.

19) Any unusual talents?
Notrly. Unless you consider making myself miserable or being a nervous wreck a talent.

20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?
I'm guessing I'm straight since girls piss me off.

22) What do you do for a living?
Um. I worked at sonic once. Lol.

23) What do you do for fun?
I've come to realize little makes me happy anymore, but I try to please myself by playing guitar or listening to music.

24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?
PIXELZ lawl. I like pencils and charcoals and all that lovely garbage. Also, my guitar haha, wtfever.

25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?
Paint, sculpy, GLUE AND MACARONI.

26) Have you met your grandparents?

27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend:

28) Crush:
Um. Nothx, not now.

29) What celebrity would you date if you could?

30) Current worries?
There are too many.

31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s):

32) Favorite place to be?
In Bed.

33) Least favorite place to be?

34) Do you burn or tan?
Idk, I don't go out enough.

35) Ever break a bone?
I fucked up my toe while playing with my dog. But, my dad said there was nothing a doctor could do about a broken pinkie toe. lol.

36) What is your favorite cereal?
I love cereal D: There's Pops, And there's Cinnamon Toast Cruch, and there's Reeses Puffs, and then Golden Grams, Cinnamon Life. I could live on that shit.

37) Person you cry with:
I don't have anyone to cry with.

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters:

39) Any brothers:

40) Any pets:
Technically the three ferrets are mine, but we also have a cat and three dogs.

41) An Illness:
Dysthymia. Pre-Asthmatic symptoms and my ever apparent Allergies. I am also easily susceptible to Bronchitis apparently. And once a doctor thought I had Scoliosis but when we went to get the results it was kinda 9-11 so ppl were freaking out. And I'm Lactose-Intolerant but it's more of a curse than an illness.

42) A Pager:
No lol.

43) A Personal phone line:
Noooo ahahahahah.

44) A Cell phone:

45) A visible birthmark:
I have these really pale splotches all around my neck so I kinda look like a burn victim, and when doctors look at them they think I have some kind of skin cancer. But yeah, apparently I was born with them.

46) A Pool or hot tub:

47) A Car:
Not one that is mine.

Describe Your...

48) Personality:
I am extremely antisocial and nervous, have a hard time dealing with normal social situations, and apparently I can be extremely cold-hearted and cruel, via my mother. I probably come off as a bitch because I don't like talking or touching and I'm a slight germaphobe.

49) Driving:
I hate driving because I like to follow rules and other people don't.

50) Your clothing style:
I like jeans and a t-shirt style.

51) Room:
One of my ferrets lives in my room so it smells like ass, there are clothes strewn all about the floor, a variety of musical instruments, and a four foot inflatable t-rex.

52) What’s missing:

53) School:
I'm a failure.

54) Bed:
It's big. And apparently comfortable but I wouldn't know. The headboard is all nice and apholstered.

55) Relationship with your parent(s):
Right now, I don't really want anything to do with them and their petty, childish shit.

56) Do You believe in yourself:
Describe your do you believe in yourself. What.

57) Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really, no.

58) Consider yourself a good listener:
I consider myself good at faking being a good listener, but I have the attention span of a three year old after an espresso.

59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?
I've forgotten them all.

60) Get Along with your parents:
Not right now.

61) Save your e-mail conversations:
I don't even use my e-mail.

62) Pray:
Sometimes I like to pretend I believe in god so I can talk to myself. So, yes, if you consider that praying.

63) Believe in reincarnation:
It's a possibility.

64) Brush your teeth twice a day?

65) Like to talk on the phone:
I used to. Not anymore.

66) Like to eat?

67) Like to exercise?
No. Haha, you're just trying to make me feel like a fatass.

68) Like to watch sports?
Only live sports. I can't stand watching sports on TV. I love baseball though. Yay springtraining <3

69) Sing in the car?
I used to until my mom told me I was horrible.

70) What is a dream that you have all the time?
A pin drops on a finger tip. The girl in the white gown walks down a path, I can't see her face. And then gears, cogs turning. I wake up crying, in a hot sweat every time. It's been a while, but it's my only reoccuring dream, and I've had it since I was 6.

71) Dream in color:

72) Do you have nightmares?:
Nothing that I actually consider a nightmare.

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal:
I like sleeping with my sister's dog, but I can't let her in my room because of the ferret.

What is...

74) Right next to you:
Four foot inflatable T-Rex.

75) On your favorite coffee cup?
I don't have a coffee cup.

76) On your mouse pad:
It's a PetsMart Charities mousepad. There's a dog and a cat, and it says, "Just a buck, Change their luck"

77) Your favorite flavor of gum?
Big Red.

78) Your brand of deodorant?
Right now. I'm trying Degree.

79) Your dream honeymoon spot:
I've never really thought about it.

80) Your dream husband/wife:
I don't really ever wanna get married.

81) Hiding in your closet?
Honey, my deaf, balding ferret that has adrenal disease. She's a fucking lunatic and she steals my bras and my change purse.

82) Under your bed: 
Five bras, a green monkey, and a blue suction cup ball, all courtesy of Honey.

83) The name of one of your closest/best friends?
Katie O. Hands down.

84) Your bad time of the day:
The time while I'm awake.

85) Your worst fear(s):
Being alone. Um. Tornados.

86) The weather like:

87) Your favorite time of year?
I like winter because it gives me an excuse to stay inside and feel sorry for myself cuz I'm emo like that.

88) Your favorite holiday?

89) A material weakness?
Material, you mean, something tangible that isn't alive and I'm guessing you mean something man made... I like guitars. And cars.

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like:
I don't like weird foods... but, I like to eat popcorn chicken in marinara, alot of people think that's weird. As for drink, Probably Sprite with Grape from Sonic.

91) At the top of your "to-do list"?
Sort your fucking life out.

92) The hardest thing about growing up:

93) A pet peeve?
Bad teeth. Also, I really hate annoying girls, those ones that can't shut the fuck up, or the ones that have to flirt with every living man creature. Or people who have to be the center of attention.

94) Your scariest moment:
Well. I was attacked by a dog when I was six. That was pretty scary. And when I saw my maimed, gaping hip in the reflection of the cop's aviators, that was pretty damn scary. Or when the doctor said I was going to die. Or when my mom kept screaming at me not to fall asleep. Then there was this one time last year when we were driving to Phoenix for spring training and we drove through a blizzard, on a shitty ass backroad, in an RV at night. That was kinda scary.

95) Your attitude about love?
Love is almost inobtainable in my eyes, and I honestly don't think I'll ever be in love. It can be almost instantanious, or it can take a while to develop, but when it happens, it IS forever. If they cheat on you, if they fuck you over, if they hurt you, you will STILL love them. If it never works out, you will always think about what would have happened if you had taken that chance. You will always remember them, even when you're married to some fuckass who owns costco you've got two kids. It is for. Fucking. Ever. When you are in love, you know it. You don't need a binding contract to tell you that you are in love. You don't even need to say it. Your love will last even after both of you are ash, even after humanity is wiped out. The worst thing about it is, the person you love, might just not love you back. It's fucked up. The whole idea really just scares the shit out of me.

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?
umumum. Probably. Nothing. But. I blush alot when I talk to someone I like, so I always fuck myself over?

97) The worst feeling in the world:

98) The best feeling in the world:
Being so completely at ease that you could die at that moment and you would be happy.

99) Who sent this to you?

100) 6 people you tag:
I don't care. Idk if I have that many friends who actually read my lj. Hell, idk if I actually have that many friends.
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