Dec 15, 2006 23:09
The year is almost over so look back and think.
this year: 2006
[ P E O P L E ]
best friends: Katie Oppenheim...
lost any friends: I'm beginning to wonder if it was all a facade.
[ P L A C E S ]
went out of the country: No.
moved: No.
new school: No.
how many times on an airplane: N/A
[ Y O U ]
have you changed?: I change every day.
new look: Probably not.
most depressed time this year: The entire year has been depressing.
[L O V E ]
did you fall in love: Probably not.
did you get heartbroken: I'm always heartbroken.
who was your summer love: KATIE :O SCANDALOUS
[ S E A S O N S ]
favorite Season: Spring or Fall.
least favorite season: Christmas lol.
good birthday: I don't even remember it.
any snow this year: I think it snowed once but I didn't even see it.
highest temperature: 108
[ F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S ]
snuck out: Yes.
kept your resolution: Idk.
got arrested: No.
drank alcohol: Yes.
kissed a guy?: No
kissed a girl?: No
had a crush: Um, no comment.
lost a family member: Yes.
got bad grades: No.
got a myspace: NEVER *HISS*
kept a secret: I'll never tell.
told a secret: The walls have ears.
done something you totally regret: Always.
changed your view on things: Definately.
In 2006 I...
[] broke a promise
[X]made a new best friend
[] fell in love
[] fell out of love
[x] lied
[] went behind my parents back
[x] cried over a broken heart
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hid a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[] got arrested
[] kissed in the rain
[] slept under the stars
[] kept your new years resolution
[x] forgot your new years resolution
[] met someone who changed my life
[x] met one of your idols
[x] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[] left the country
[] almost died
[x] given up something important to you
[x] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[] tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it
[] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[] met great people
[x] snuck out of the house
[x] stayed up til sunrise
[] pigged out over the summer
[] met someone from LiveJournal/MySpace in person
[x]cried over the silliest thing
[] partied more than 5 times
[] was never home on weekends
[] got into a car accident
[x] had friends who were drifting away from me
[x] had someone close to me die
[] had a high cell phone bill
[] wasted most of my money on food
[] had a fist fight
[] went to the beach
[x] saw a celebrity
[x] got sick
[] liked more than 5 people at the same time
[] became closer to a lot of my friends
take the 1st line from each month's first post, and see what your year looks like.
-Holy smokes, batman!
-HAHAHAWTF my mom's a bitch.
-For the first time I sort of feel like... Maybe I matter and it doesn't matter what anyone else says, or how much they think they know me.
-My tongue is tied to dreaming with you.
-What the mother fucking hell.
-Some people find it odd that I am completely satisfied not knowing, but the thing is, I do know. I know, that we can never know, and thus I am satisfied.
-wtf icon.
-... well, I'm doing a bit better, just trucking along. I'll just keep taking life as it comes and I won't do anything about it even when I wish to death I would.
-Ah life, for you I am grateful, but alas, I hate not knowing why.
-I would give it all up for one good day.
-I'm 39% retarded. Yay.
-Ok. My boobs are not that big so stfu.
My journal is really depressing.