Nov 18, 2006 12:51
[ ] I have walked into a glass/screen door.
[ ] I have tripped on my shoelace and fallen on my face.
[x] I have choked on my own spit.
[ ] I've seen the Matrix a bunch of times and still don't get it.
[ ] I type only with my pointer fingers. (HOW DID YOU KNOW!?)
[x] I have accidentally caught something on fire.
[ ] I've told a cop to freck off and gotten screwed for it.
[x] I attempted to sip out of a straw but it accidentally went into my nose, rather than my mouth.
[x] Sometimes when I think of something funny, I laugh out loud and people look at me weird.
[x] I've caught myself drooling.
[ ] I've accidentally caused an explosion.
[ ] If someone says the word "fart", I can’t help but laugh.
[ ] I've turned into a "do not enter" one way road plenty of times.
[x]Sometimes I just stop thinking and zone out...
[ ] It is POSSIBLE to lick your elbow.
[ ] I just tried to lick my elbow.
[ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from me.
[ ] People often tell me to use my "inside voice".
[x] Gum has fallen out of my mouth while talking.
[ ] I've used my fingers to do simple math.
[ ] I've jumped off a moving vehicle.
[ ] I ate a bug for $5 or less.
[x] I'm taking this test when I should be doing something more important.
[ ] I repost chain letters because I'm scared of what they threaten will happen if I don’t.
[ ] I've done something really stupid while I was drunk.
[ ] I've ran around naked when I was drunk.
[ ] I've ran into a golf cart tire when I was drunk.
[x] I’ve searched all over the place for something, and then realized it was in my hand the whole time.
[ ] I accidentally break a lot of things.
[ ] My friends know not to use big words around me.
[x] My friends like me because I’m fun to laugh at.
[x] I move my head to the side when I’m confused.
[x] Sometimes I start telling a story and suddenly forget what I'm talking about.
[x] I've fallen out of my chair before.
[ ] When I'm laying in bed, I sometimes stare at the ceiling and try to find pictures and words in the texture.
Total score [13]
Once you get your answer multiply by three and repost as "I'm ___% retarded."
I'm 39% retarded. Yay.