Sep 05, 2007 20:14
Firts day as a High School Senior!
thought i'd give a brief summary of my schedule
CE. Britta and Ian are in my class as well as Ray which makes me happy. I also got my mentor today! :] so I'm set for that.
Advanced Chem w/ Bittenger. kinda worried cause i haven't taken chem for a year. but ya the class will be cool.
English AP... freaks me out a lil but has the potential to be really interesting and I got Ray in the class to keep me sane
Spanish 4, well there are 2 or 3 of us than the third year class. so that will be fun to see how it goes
Calculus... hahaha great class, sat w/ alex, MaCauley and Chrissy.. going to be a good class though lol
Government, Ayers is awesome so i will enjoy it, cept i'm not looking forward to the ten-hours of campaigning
thats just a summary. ya just needed something to d o :P