Jul 21, 2011 17:31
Hey, Y'all!
Ooh. Fine. Never saying that again.
Now most of you, with the definite exception of one and the possible exception of a couple more, are probably trying to remember who I am, and where, when and why you friended me.
Come on. Admit it. We all do it.
Well, the most likely answer, as it always is, is that we probably met on a party post or commented on the same picture, got giddy talking about how much we agreed on the one subject and decided to be best friends on the internet then never spoke again.
Or I read your fanfics, babbled incoherently about how awesome you were and begged you to add me. Y'know. The Usual.
The reason you most likely never saw me again is that I don't post. I write, but never really get it finished, get distracted by other shiny things...
Again. Pretty ordinary.
Because today, my pretties, I bought a Paid LJ after four years on Livejournal and Seven in fandoms in general.
You may know me from such fandoms as: Doctor Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars UK, Supernatural, Fake News Fandom (AKA Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert), Classic Stargate SG-1, X-files, Boston Legal, Firefly, Eureka, Star Trek TOS and Reboot, and more!
So since I am going to college in Portland soon, leaving behind most of my worldly possessions except my laptop and my copy of Good Omens, I figured I should start strengthening my online friendships.
So Today I'm going to tell a bunch of strangers on the internet about myself.
Hi. I'm an 18 year old college student/writer/history nerd who is going to try to be on, blog, post, comment and write a whole heck of a lot more than she has for the past few years.
So. To the twenty or so people I honestly can't remember (apologies); I'm RF93.
Who are you? Where do I know you? Would you like a cookie? What kind? Can we be friends?
paid lj is awesome,
useless trivia,
real life,