Title: Muzic Pairing: Zikyung Rating: G Summary: Kyung loses a bet. Note: This is in the same universe as 'Chain Reaction', so if you haven't read it...go stalk my page ;D I'll make a master list soon! It's short but enjoy~
OF COURSE I WANTED AND.. I TOTALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! Oh gosh, when i was watching that episode, i remember that i thought that was kind of wierd...i mean "muZic"(my english is not that good, but i was sure that music is spelled with S and not with Z) what a coincidence, right?... Awww little Kyung has to learn how to lie better...
.. BBC's are very intuitive.. xDDDD
anyway i loved it! thanks for share! :DDDDD love love ♥♥♥
Oh gosh, when i was watching that episode, i remember that i thought that was kind of wierd...i mean "muZic"(my english is not that good, but i was sure that music is spelled with S and not with Z) what a coincidence, right?...
Awww little Kyung has to learn how to lie better...
.. BBC's are very intuitive.. xDDDD
anyway i loved it!
thanks for share! :DDDDD love love ♥♥♥
I know right?! I was like 'OHOHO. You know what starts with Z? ZICO.' :') best. episode. ever.
Thank -you-, I always love your gif comments ;w; ♥
(you and me right now)
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