My father, Richard Hannemann, will be in Albuquerque for a series of performances from July 16 through July 25. The following is his general pubic performance schedule.
7/17, 9:00pm, Harlow's on the Hill, 3523 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque. Small charge at the door.
7/18, 5:30pm, Hastings 1201 Juan Tabo NE
7/21, 8:30 Osaka, 3501 Zafarino Dr, Santa Fe: Dinner: guitar solos, mostly my compositions with additional pieces (Malaguena, St. Louis Blues, Bach's Prelude in Cm, etc) suitable for fine dining. The second set will be the After Dinner set of songs.
7/23, 3pm, Hastings 6051 Winterhaven NW
7/24, 7:30 pm, concert at Outpost Performance Space, 210 Yale SE, tkts $15 at the door or online at his website, (tkts on-line available 7/6). This will be all original music in two sets.