Nov 04, 2008 23:44
Disclaimer: Please do not hate. I have the right to express my opinion.
We'll I have been gone for a while. but I'm going to make this short.
I am dissapointed in this country.
And I really don't know where to begin, because thought I knew that Sen. McCain would not win the election. I had hope.
And I express my gratitude to the McCain/Palin team for all the hard work they have done. I don't know where I am going with
all of this because I am tired, but I need to express what I feel or I will explode. Though sometimes I agree that President Bush could have made better desisions in some situations, As an American I will gladly support him because he is my President and no one is perfect and that is one reason that I have some disgrace in this country, blaiming others when no one is perfect. I am dissapointed that Sen. McCain didn't win because he stands for the morals that I strongly believe in. As a far right wing conservative I wish this country could understand all the catastrophies that will ensure these next four years.
As for 'history being made' yes this statement is true. And though I do not have anything against Sen. Obama, I cannot see him as my president. I am not racist, I will not claim that he is a Muslim because who am I here to judge him? But I do not agree with his policies and what he stands for. As a fund. indep. baptist I cannot stand by anyone that will allow abortion. that's final people in this country can go all around there "perfect" world as tell us and demand us to "Save the Trees" or "Save the Whales" because they are part of our enviorment and blah blah blah. BUT YET...they will allow us to kill a baby. A baby that has a chance in life. A baby. A human. A soul. And that disgusts me.
Same sex marriage. I laughed because a girl in my school said "Whatttt???? Why??? Marriage is love." Yes. Marriage is love but God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Marriage is sacred and is ment to be between and Man and a Woman. That's it. I will not judge a gay person, because they will have to answer to the Lord someday.
But one of the major problems that I had with this election is Hollywood and there freaking influence and the voter fraud.
but that is another rant, and I am sick and tired of thinking.
The list can go on. but it's over and I hope that the Lord will still continue to bless us and revive this country once again.
May God Bless America.
p.s. If there are any democrats that read this post please do NOT comment (unless you have a scholary answer) becaues I really don't want to hear any of your nonsense and i do not want to have a debate or argue because of my first amendment rights I have the right to express anything I have to say.
thank you.