Sep 04, 2006 17:46
Well, back from Dragon*Con. Overall it was a pretty good time this year; fewer panels but the ones I went to were fantastic. Got to meet the Mythbusters crew, which was great for me. Got another fully signed Cruxshadows CD, got to sit and chat with Ego Likeness, and got to drink a shot with Voltaire.
There were some memorable moments this year; that's for sure.
Danced until the lights came on three nights running; I didn't go to sleep for Sunday "night" until the drive home this morning. I never realized just how enjoyable it is to lose yourself in the work of a good DJ or two. DJs Spider and Weasel, you guys rock.
Sux we had to leave so early...
Edge, you are very sweet. And you are HOT.
You know it's a Voltaire show for the record books when he drops his pants during the Data song.
Made some new friends & ran into some old ones.
Made it onto the Cruxshadows stage again. Yay.
And the winner this year is: Pirates, at 147.
Ninjas only clocked 26, even with the entire cast of Mortal Kombat showing up.
Corsets on men: 11
Jayne Hats: 19. Light this year.
Women dressed as Wonder Woman: 4
Men dressed as Wonder Woman: 1. And he was the best of the lot.
How many Leia's can fit on a Jabba? 23, because after that hotel security declares it a fire hazard and shoos everyone out.
Seeing a three way lightsaber duel between the Borg leader, Master Chief, and random pirate #135: Priceless
All in all a very good year. I am glad I was able to go, so thanks to my friends for making it possible for me.