1. Do you still talk to your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yes, although she never responds...
2. What should you be doing right now?
Facing reality
3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
Oldies, only in the car
4. What is the best thing about your day today?
I didn't die.
5. Do you enjoy Texas hold'em?
Every time I've played i've doubled the amount I started with.
6. Are you against same sex marriage?
No, there is no reason why gay couples shouldn't be forced to pay the same taxes as strait couples. ;P
7. Have you been on a date in the past week?
A "date" date, some time I don't know if i've been on one in the last 5 years.
8. Have you ever kissed someone you didnt like?
Yes, dares and games.
9. Quote an Nsync song lyric?
Not unless you paid me or offered me sex.
10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Majority are old, the few that I actully see are new.
11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
Not that I know of.
12. Do you like your parents?
No, but I enjoy time with my mother.
14. What state/country are you from?
Good old IL, USA
15. Tell us about the last conversation you had?
Veribally, explaining what "Drawn togeather" is.
16. Where do you see yourself in one month?
A new job.
17. What is your favorite smell?
The smell of standard shampoo while my chin is resting on my girl's shoulder after I've finished washing her hair in the shower.
18. Do you consider yourself a clean person?
I'm a clean person, but i need to be neater.
19. What is the time and the outside temperature at the moment?
00:39 cold
20. What are you doing today?
Working and wondering how my friends are... maybe hitting the gym
21. Have you ever gone to therapy?
When I was a kid and we used to play games.
22. Have you ever Played Spin the Bottle?
No, and you'd have to spice it up by this point in my life.
23. Have you ever Toilet Papered someone's house?
Not that I recall, I never saw the point.
24. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
All the time. Over half the girls I have dated started with a kiss long before any talk.
25. Have you ever gone camping?
At a boating house at lake carol, and a couple of times as school trips.
26. Have you ever had a crush on your brother's or sister's friend?
Thought that one or two were cute but a little young.
27. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
Not yet.
28. Have you ever drank jack daniels?
Yeah... Go jack and coke.
29. Have you ever had sex on the beach?
No, I hate sand.
30. Have you ever had a stalker?
Yes, it wasn't horrible, just annoying.
31. Have you ever been in love?
Shakespeare is an ass, loved and lost... jack ass...
32. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Yes, but not with who'd I'd like.
33. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
You haven't lived unless you have.
34. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one?
Yea, I bar tended them.
35. Have you ever been cheated on?
No, I maintain strict honesty and if it was one in which she might, it was normally an open relationship.
36. Have you ever met one of your myspace friends?
i have yet to get into myspace.
37. Have you ever felt betrayed by your "best friend"?
senior year
38. Have you ever lied to your parents?
Many Many lies of ommision.
39. Have you ever been out of the US?
yes, i love Asia
40. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
Nope, at least I don't think so.