I have a massive headache and am going to bed.

Oct 03, 2007 23:58

But quickly first cause I haven't talked at all about fall television so far:


Pushing Daisies is so completely made of win and I'm in love (once again) with Lee Pace like woah. I love him so much. I might have to be nostalgic and watch me some Wonderfalls.

I've been watching Private Practice, but I'm kinda not feeling it. I don't know what the hell Shonda is doing with Addison's character, but oh my god, send her back to Seattle Grace and then I won't have to watch this anymore. Seriously. Tim Daly is dead boring on this show, I liked the first actress they had to play Naomi better, but even so the character has just gotten whiny. I'm not sure what's going on with the hospital chief, but how the hell did she get to be chief? She's so young and hot. Chris Lowell is getting lame screentime and I could care less about Taye Diggs' character, even though I love him to pieces. The only person who's been 100% awesome so far is Cooper. And I like Violet when she and Cooper are together. I don't get the deal with her being hung up over her ex, and I don't care. I just like her and Cooper being BFFs and needing to get it on. That and Addison are the only reasons I'm holding out... till next week, anyway. *sigh*

If you want to see what other shows I'm watching this season, I updated my profile. Everything else has been pretty good so far. Some honourable awesome mentions, though: Chuck, Heroes, House. Also the premieres of Ugly Betty and Grey's kinda won at life. (Although I called VAGUE SPOILERS the Hilda thing. And on Alexis waking up, but not that.) Oh and Lexie's cool, but bad timing with that sister surprise. Jeez. And Meredith's still whiny, but yay on George and Izzie. I don't care what you say, I ship them cause they're cute and BFFs. Also it was cool cause I'd watched the pilot the week before, so it was fun to see them all rattling off Bailey's speech.

And I kinda liked Moonlight. Campy, but fun. Plus the boy is cute and Sophia Myles wins. And it's funny to see Logan Echolls as old guy vampire. Although, he bit that chick in the forearm, which hurt my vampire-sensibilities. Also, in the beginning the main guy injects himself like heroin, but then no one does that the whole episode and it's just stupid and doesn't make sense. I hope they scrapped that idea.

Oh and my picks for House: 13, 6/9 and Cameron. Or maybe Chase. Or maybe the Stormin' Mormon.

Oh also, I'm seriously in love with Chuck and am kinda housing a crush on Takezo Kensei.

And I haven't watched Top Chef yet, but Casey needs to win.

Seriously, originally I was just going to say my two cents about Private Practice.

Oh! And Robin Hood this weekend! Yay!

tv, tv: ugly betty, tv: moonlight, tv: private practice, tv: heroes, tv: top chef, tv: chuck, tv: pushing daisies, tv: house, tv: grey's anatomy

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