Meme time!

Jul 02, 2007 11:01

Nabbed from wily_one24. Didn't include cartoon characters, muppets, puppets or robots.

Make a list of all the characters in your icons (although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetise it. Take the first two people on the list; that's your first pairing. Second two people; second pairing etc. Then write your reaction to each pairing (or a snippet of a hypothetical fic featuring each pairing).

Dr. Allison Cameron and Richard "Dick" Casablancas, Jr. (House/Veronica Mars) ~ Ha, she'd probably have sex with him if she wasn't getting any anywhere else. Then she'd feel guilty cause he's younger than her. He'd just be thrilled about banging a hot older doctor.
The Cat and Cordelia Chase (Red Dwarf/Angel) ~ Umm, they'd probably would just talk about fashion and how good they look. But eventually Cordy'd want to smack him.
Dr. Robert Chase and the Doctor (House/Doctor Who) ~ Chase could totally take a trip with the Doctor. He's totally cute enough that the Doctor would invite him along and then regret it a little when he turned out to be not all that very useful.
Josephine "Jo" Grant and Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Doctor Who) ~ Um, this wins. Someone needs to write this cause they'd be all over each other like white on rice. She always did like a military man, and he'd just think she was absolutely adorable. Ooh, this might be my new OTP.
Georgia "George" Lass and Dave Lister (Dead Like Me/Red Dwarf) ~ Uh... well, he'd dig her frog. And he's used to hanging out with dead people. She'd... probably only be there to take his soul after he suffocated in his dirty socks. Never gonna work.
Neville Longbottom and Connor MacLeod (Harry Potter/Highlander) ~ Uh, what? No.
Veronica Mars and Ando Masahashi (Veronica Mars/Heroes) ~ Ando would be Veronica's totally awesome new sidekick. He'd be super into it too. And she'd just be happy to have another man to boss around in her life.
Casey McCall and Hiro Nakamura (Sports Night/Heroes) ~ Ahh, not so much. I think it would just make for some awkward conversations. "Oh, sports, huh?" "Oh, time travel, eh?"
Princess Leia Organa and Daniel "Oz" Osbourne (Star Wars/BtVS) ~ Well, he's not really her type, but at least she wouldn't have to strain her neck so much. I can see him totally digging her, but he wouldn't fight with her enough to keep her satisfied.
Katherine "Kitty" Pryde and Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (X-Men/Highlander) ~ Yeah, seriously nothing romantic. She'd probably just get him to teach her some kickass fighting moves and tell her about his life. She'd be pretty fascinated by him.
Dan Rydell and Luke Skywalker (Sports Night/Star Wars) ~ Danny and Luke? Gosh, I don't even know. Probably a one night stand, afterwards they'd both be still trying to desperately pretend they're straight.
Sarah Jane Smith and Han Solo (Doctor Who/Star Wars) ~ They'd probably have a really good banter session while trying to save the world. And they could have a good flirt, but nothing lasting. And then she could kiss him and run back off to the TARDIS.
Lt. the Honourable George Colhurst St. Barleigh and Marc St. James (Blackadder/Ugly Betty) ~ Bwahahaha, most amazing pairing ever. Oh, gosh, George and Marc, where do I start? Marc would think he was cute in a skinny English kinda way, and be flirting with him the whole night, while George would be completely oblivious thinking they were just having a "rippingly good time". Until, of course, they fell into bed together.
Amanda Tanen and Rose Tyler (Ugly Betty/Doctor Who) ~ Um, they might spend a pleasant two minutes talking about fashion before things got ugly. Rose would hate Amanda and probably take her down a few pegs before stalking off back to the TARDIS.
Dr. Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy) ~ Is all alone. Seems to be her lot in life.

tv, comics, memes, movies

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